

feel free to contact me at jonathantbauer at for pdfs

Bauer JT, L Koziol and JD Bever. In Press. Ecology of Floristic Quality Analysis: testing for correlations between coefficients of conservatism, species traits, and mycorrhizal responsiveness. AoB Plants

Bach, EM, G Narvaez-Rivera, K Murray, JT Bauer, and KS Hofmockel. In Press. The dynamic life of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal symbionts. Ecology

Flory, SF, JT Bauer, RP Phillips, and K Clay. 2017. Effects of a non-native grass decline with succession. Journal of Ecology 105: 1475–1484

Whitaker, BW, JT Bauer, K Clay, and JD Bever. 2017. Negative plant-phyllosphere feedbacks in native Asteraceae hosts – a novel extension of the plant-soil feedback framework. Ecology Letters 20:1064-1073

Bauer JT, AJ Miller, N Blumenthal, JK Ferguson, and HL Reynolds. 2017. Microbial legacy effects vs. plant-soil feedbacks: Effects on plant community composition and productivity. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1028:1039

Brudvig, LA, RS Barak, JT Bauer, TT Caughlin, DC Laughlin, L Larios, JW Matthews, KL Stuble, NE Turley, and CR Zirbel. 2017. Interpreting variation to advance predictive restoration science. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1018-1027

Bauer, JT and HL Reynolds. 2016. Restoring native understory to a woodland invaded by Euonymus fortunei: multiple factors affect success. Restoration Ecology 24:45-52

Bauer, JT, KLM Mack, and JD Bever. 2015. Plant-soil feedbacks as drivers of succession: Evidence from remnant and restored tallgrass prairies. Ecosphere 6:158

Lankau, RA, JT Bauer, MR Anderson and RC Anderson. 2014. Long-term legacies and partial recovery of mycorrhizal communities after invasive plant removal. Biological Invasions 16:1979-1990

Shannon, SM, JT Bauer, WE Anderson, HL Reynolds. 2014. Invasive shrubs reduce arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in Eastern deciduous forest mesocosms. Plant Ecology 382:317-328

Flory, SL and JT Bauer. 2014. Experimental evidence for indirect facilitation among invasive plants. Journal of Ecology 102:12-18

Bauer, JT, NM Kleczewski, JD Bever, K Clay and HL Reynolds. 2012. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and the productivity and structure of prairie grassland communities. Oecologia. 170:1089-1098

Bauer, JT, SM Shannon, RE Stoops, and HL Reynolds. 2012. Context dependency of the allelopathic effects of Lonicera maackii on seed germination. Plant Ecology. 213:1907–1916

Bauer, JT 2012. Invasive species: Back-seat drivers of ecosystem change? Biological Invasions. 7:1295-1304

Kleczewski, NM, JT Bauer, K Clay, J Bever and HL Reynolds. 2012. A survey of endophytic fungi of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and their putative roles in plant growth. Fungal Ecology.5:521-529

Herold, J, MR Anderson, JT Bauer, V Borowicz and RC Anderson. 2011. Comparison of the effect of early and late removal of second-year garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on first-year plants and deciduous forest spring and summer dominant herbaceous groundlayer species in central Illinois, USA. Ecological Restoration. 29:225-233

Bauer, JT, and SL Flory. 2011. Decline in a native species (Senna hebecarpa, Caesalpiniaceae) resulting from an experimental invasion of Microstegium vimineum (Poaceae). American Midland Naturalist. 165:1 105-115

Anderson, RC, MR Anderson, JT Bauer, M Slater, J Herold, P Baumhardt, VA Borowicz. 2010. Effect of Removal of Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata Brassicaceae) on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculum Potential in Forest Soils. The Open Ecology Journal. 3:41-47

Bauer JT, RC Anderson and MR Anderson. 2010. Competitive interactions among first-year and second-year plants of the invasive biennial garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and native ground layer vegetation. Restoration Ecology. 18:5 720-728

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