Published Papers
HBCU Enrollment and Longer-Term Outcomes (with Ashley Edwards, Justin Ortagus, and Andria Smythe). Conditionally accepted at American Economic Journal: Economic Policy.
Assessing Atlanta's Place-Based College Scholarship (with Carycruz Bueno and Lindsay Page). Conditionally accepted at AERA Open.
Using Existing School Messaging Platforms to Inform Parents About Their Child's Attendance (with Tareena Musaddiq and Alexa Prettyman). Accepted by Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness.
Do STEM Students Vote? (with D'Wayne Bell, Jing Feng, and John Holbein). American Educational Research Journal, 2024, 61(1): 48-73.
Labor Market Signaling and the Value of College: Evidence From Resumes and the Truth (with Daniel Kreisman and Bondi Arifin). Journal of Human Resources, 2023, 58(6): 1820-1849.
Best and Brightest? The Impact of Student Visa Restrictiveness on Who Attends College in the U.S. (with Mingyu Chen and Jessica Howell). Labour Economics, 2023, 84.
Applicants to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (with Ashley Edwards, Justin Ortagus, and Andria Smythe). AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2023, 113: 440-45.
Distinctively Black Names and Educational Outcomes (with Daniel Kreisman), Journal of Political Economy, April 2023, 231(4).
Returns to Different Postsecondary Investments: Institution Type, Academic Program, and Credentials (with Michael Lovenheim). Handbook of Economics of Education, 2023, Vol. 6: 187-318.
Hungry for Success? SNAP Timing, High-Stakes Exam Performance, and College Attendance (with Timothy Bond, Jillian Carr, and Analissa Packham). American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2022, 14(4): 51-79.
The Impact of College Outreach on High Schoolers' College Choices - Results From Over 1,000 'Experiments' (with Jessica Howell and Michael Hurwitz), Education, Finance, & Policy, 2022, 17(1): 105-128.
O Brother, Where Start Thou?: Sibling Spillovers on College and Major Choice in Four Countries (with lots of people). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2021, 136(3): 1831-1886.
[US Only] O Brother, Where Start Thou?: Sibling Spillovers in College Enrollment (with Joshua Goodman, Michael Hurwitz, and Christine Mulhern)
College Credit on the Table? Advanced Placement Course and Exam Taking (with Ishtiaque Fazlul and Todd Jones), Economics of Education Review, 2021, 84:102-155.
College Entrance Exam-Taking Strategies in Georgia (with Michael Bloem and Weixiang Pan). Southern Economic Journal, 2021, 88(2): 587-627.
The Impact of Prior Learning Assessments on College Completion and Financial Outcomes (with Angela Boatman, Michael Hurwitz, and Jason Lee), 2020, Journal of Human Resources, 55(4): 1161-1193.
Sibling Effects on High School Exam Taking and Performance (with Oded Gurantz and Michael Hurwitz), 2020, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 178: 534-549.
Take Two! SAT Retaking and College Enrollment Gaps (with Joshua Goodman and Oded Gurantz), American Economic Journal - Economic Policy, 2020, 12(2): 115-158.
Heat and Learning (with Joshua Goodman, Michael Hurwitz, and Jisung Park), American Economic Journal - Economic Policy, 2020, 12(2): 306-339.
The Impact of Highly Publicized Campus Scandals on College Outcomes (with Patrick Rooney), Contemporary Economic Policy, 2019, 37(3): 492-508.
Shifting College Majors in Response to Advanced Placement Exam Scores (with Christopher Avery, Michael Hurwitz and Oded Gurantz), Journal of Human Resources, Fall 2018, 53(4): 918-956.
The Sequential College Application Process, Education Finance and Policy, Fall 2018, 13(4): 545-575.
Updating Human Capital Decisions: Evidence From SAT Score Shocks and College Applications (with Timothy Bond, George Bulman, and Xiaoxiao Li), Journal of Labor Economics, July 2018, 36(3): 807-839.
Every Little Bit Counts: The Impact of High Speed Internet on the Transition to College, Review of Economics and Statistics (with Lisa Dettling and Sarena Goodman), May 2018, 100(2): 260-273.
Student Responsiveness to Earnings Data in the College Scorecard (with Michael Hurwitz), Economic Inquiry, April 2018, 56(2): 1220-1243.
Competition Among Colleges for Students Across the Nation (with Matea Pender and Jessica Howell),Southern Economic Journal, January 2018, 84(3): 849-878.
Access to Four-Year Public Colleges and Degree Completion (with Joshua Goodman and Michael Hurwitz), Journal of Labor Economics, July 2017, 35(3): 829-867.
College Enrollment and Completion Among Nationally Recognized High-Achieving Hispanic Students (with Oded Gurantz and Michael Hurwitz), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Winter 2017, 36(1): 126-153.
Giving College Credit Where it is Due: Advanced Placement Exam Scores and College Outcomes (with Michael Hurwitz and Christopher Avery), Journal of Labor Economics, January 2017, 35(1): 67-147.
A New Measure of College Quality to Study the Effects of College Sector and Peers on Degree Attainment (with Kevin Stange), Education Finance and Policy, Fall 2016, 11(4): 369-403.
The Effect of State Policy on College Choice and Match (with Joshua Goodman and Michael Hurwitz), in Matching Students to Opportunity, Edited by Kelly, A. J. Howell, and C. Sattin-Bajaj, 2016, Harvard Education Press: Cambridge.
The Relationship Between Siblings' College Choices: Evidence From One Million SAT-Taking Families, (with Joshua Goodman, Michael Hurwitz, and Julia Fox), Economics of Education Review, October 2015, 48: 75-85.
Strategic Disclosure: The Case of Business School Rankings,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (with Michael Luca), April 2015, 112: 17-25.
Screening Mechanisms and Student Responses in the College Market, Economics of Education Review (with Michael Hurwitz and Jessica Howell), February 2015, 44:17-28.
Student Age and the Collegiate Pathway, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (with Michael Hurwitz and Jessica Howell), Winter 2015, 34(1): 59-84.
The Maine Question: How is Four-Year College Enrollment Affected by Mandatory College Entrance Exams?, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, (with Michael Hurwitz, Jessica Howell, and Sunny Niu) March 2015, 37(1): 138-159.
The Effect of College Applications on Enrollment, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Contributions, December 2013, 14(1): 151-188.
Ova and Out: Using Twins to Estimate the Educational Returns to Attending a Selective College, Economics of Education Review, October 2013, 36: 166-180.
Peers, Pressure, and Performance at the National Spelling Bee, Journal of Human Resources, Spring 2013, 48(2): 265-285.
Salience in Quality Disclosure: Evidence from the U.S. News College Rankings, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy (with Michael Luca), Spring 2013, 22(1): 58-77.
The Full Extent of Academic Undermatch, Economics of Education Review (with Matea Pender and Jessica Howell), February 2013, 32: 247-261.
Working Papers
The Economic Impact of Access to Public Four-Year Colleges (with Joshua Goodman and Michael Hurwitz). Revision requested by Journal of Human Resources.
Firms and Worker Health (with Alexander Ahammer and Analisa Packham).
Which Colleges Increase Voting Rates (with D'Wayne Bell, John Holbein, and Sam Imlay).
Assessing How Atlanta's Place-Based Scholarship Improves College Outcomes (with Carycruz Bueno, Za Eng Mawi, and Lindsay Page).
The Impact of Facebook Advertisements: Evidence from Field Experiments," (with Christopher Avery, Ben Castleman, Michael Luca, and Lindsay Page). Revision requested by Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
Other Publications (Intended for a non-technical audience and practitioners interested in education policy)
The Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the Educational and Economic Outcomes of Black Students (March 2024))
Understanding College Choice: The HBCU Context (February 2024).
College is Net Positive for Black Students in Florida (November 2023).
The Importance of HBCUs for Florida (November 2023).
Opportunities to Improve the Pipeline of Students Into and Through Advanced Placement (July 2023).
Postsecondary Outcomes of Georgia's Adult Education Students (February 2023).
Placement Tests, Initial Enrollments, and Student Outcomes in the Technical College System of Georgia (with Michael Bloem and David Ribar). Georgia Policy Labs Policy Brief and Technical Report. July 2021.
Participation in Student Search Service is Associated with Higher College Enrollment and Completion (with Jessica Howell, Michael Hurwitz, and Zachary Mabel). April 2021.
Taking Advanced Placement Courses but Not the Exam (with Ishtiaque Fazlul and Todd Jones). Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education. August 2020.
School Messaging Platforms and Student Attendance (with Tareena Musaddiq and Alexa Prettyman). Metro Atlanta Policy Lab for Education. July 2020.
Does Enrolling in Public Four-Year College Pay Off for Georgia Students? (with Joshua Goodman and Michael Hurwitz). Georgia Policy Labs. May 2020.
A Review of the Causes and Consequences of Students' Postsecondary Choices (with Matea Pender, Jessica Howell, and Michael Hurwitz). Literature Brief. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. October 2012.
College Choice: Informing Students' Trade-offs Between Institutional Price and College Completion (with Matea Pender, Jessica Howell, and Michael Hurwitz). Policy Brief. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. October 2012.
The Role of High Schools in Students' Postsecondary Choices (with Matea Pender, Jessica Howell, and Michael Hurwitz). Research Brief. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. October 2012.
Getting Into College: Postsecondary Academic Undermatch (with Matea Pender, Jessica Howell, and Michael Hurwitz). College Keys Compact. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. May 2012.
Can Applying to More College Increase Enrollment Rates? Research Brief. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. October 2011.
Getting Into College: A Cross-Cohort Examination of College Preparations by Lower-SES Students (with Jessica Howell). College Keys Compact. The College Board - Advocacy & Policy Center. October 2011.