“Classical Realism is not “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once,” Analyse & Kritik 46:1 (2024).


Classical Realism and the Challenge of Global Economic Governance,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 40:2 (2024).


“Classical Realism in World Politics,” Analyse & Kritik 45:2 (2023), pp. 349-62.


“Economic Foundations of Strategy: Beyond Smith, Hamilton and List,” (with Eric Helleiner), in Brands (ed.) The New Makers of Modern Strategy (Princeton, 2023), pp. 241-65.

"Keynes and the Elusive Middle Way," in Katzenstein and Kirshner (eds.) The Downfall of the American Order: Liberalism's End? (Cornell University Press, 2022), pp. 16-34.

“Introduction,” (with Peter Katzenstein), in Katzenstein and Kirshner (eds.) The Downfall of the American Order? pp. 1-15

"Gone But Not Forgotten: Trump's Long Shadow and the End of American Credibility," Foreign Affairs 100:2 (March/April 2021). 

"Realist Foreign Policy: Can We Talk?" White Paper, Program for the Study of Realist Foreign Policy, Mershon Center, The Ohio State University, May 2020. 

"Peter Yates: On Location in the New Hollywood," in Palmer, Pomerance, and Lennard (eds.) The Other Hollywood Renaissance (Edinburgh Univ Press, 2020). 

"'Jason's No Businessman . . . I Think He's an Artist': BBS And the New Hollywood Dream," in Kirshner & Lewis (eds.) When the Movies Mattered (Cornell 2019). 

"Offensive Realism, Thucydides Traps, and the Tragedy of Unforced Errors: Classical Realism and U.S. - China Relations," China International Strategy Review 1:1 (2019), pp.  51-63

“Handle Him with Care: The Importance of Getting Thucydides Right,” Security Studies 28:1 (2019), pp. 1-24. 

"A Man’s Got to Know His Limitations': The Cop Films from Nixon through Reagan," in Friedman and Desser (eds.) Tough Ain't Enough: New Perspectives on the Films of Clint Eastwood (Rutgers, 2018)

Dollar Diminution and New Macroeconomic Constraints on American Power,” in Suri and Valentino (eds.), Sustainable Security: Rethinking American National Security Strategy (2016).

“Keynes’s Early Beliefs and Why They Still Matter,” Challenge 58:5 (October 2015).

"The Economic Sins of Modern IR Theory and the Classical Realist Alternative". World Politics 67:1 (January 2015)

"International Relations Then and Now: Why the Great Recession was not the Great Depression". History of Economic Ideas 2014:3.

"Gilpin Approaches War and Change: A Classical Realist in Structural Drag," in G. John Ikenberry (ed.), Power, Order and Change in World Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2014).

"The Politics of China’s International Monetary Relations," in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Great Wall of Money (2014) (with Eric Helleiner).

"Regional Hegemony and an Emerging RMB Zone," in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.) The Great Wall of Money (2014).

"Bringing them all Back Home? Dollar Diminution and U.S. Power". Washington Quarterly 36:3 (Summer 2013), 27-45.

"The Cult of Energy Security and Great Power Rivalry Across the Pacific," in Goldstein and Mansfield (eds.) The Nexus of Economics, Security, and International Relations in East Asia (Stanford U. Press, 2012) (with Danielle Cohen), 144-76.

"The Tragedy of Offensive Realism: Classical Realism and the Rise of China". European Journal of International Relations, 18:1 (2012).

"Sovereign Wealth Funds and National Security: The Dog That Will Refuse To Bark". Geopolitics, 14:2 (2009).

"Keynes, Legacies, and Inquiry". Theory and Society, 38:4 (2009).

"The Future of the Dollar: Whither the Key Currency?", and "Summing up and Looking Ahead: The Future of the Future of the Dollar", in Helleiner and Kirshner (eds.), The Future of the Dollar (2009).

"After the (Relative) Fall: Dollar Diminution and the Consequences for American Power", in The Future of the Dollar.

"Realist Political Economy: Traditional Themes and Contemporary Challenges" (Chapter 2) in Blyth, Mark, ed. Routledge Handbook of International Political Economy: IPE As a Global Conversation (2009).

"Globalization, American Power, and International Security". Political Science Quarterly (Fall 2008), 363-89.

"The Consequences of China's Economic Rise for Sino-U.S. Relations: Rivalry, Political Conflict, and (Not) War", in Robert Ross and Zhu Feng (eds.) The Rise of China: Theory and Practice (2008).

"Dollar Primacy and American Power: What's At Stake?" Review of International Political Economy, 15:3 (August 2008), 418-38.

"The Changing Calculus of Conflict?" Security Studies, 16:4 (October-December 2007).

"Currency and Coercion in the Twenty-First Century" in David Andrews (ed.) International Monetary Power (2006).

"Globalization and National Security" (Chapter 1) in Kirshner, Jonathan, ed. Globalization and National Security (2006).

"Globalization, Power, and Prospect" (Chapter 11) in Globalization and National Security (2006).

"Money is Politics". Review of International Political Economy, 10:4 (November 2003), 645-60.

"States, Markets and Great Power Relations in the Pacific: Some Realist Expectations" in John Ikenberry and Michael Mastanduno (eds.) International Relations Theory and the Asia-Pacific (2003).

"The Inescapable Politics of Money", and "Explaining Choices about Money: Disentangling Power, Ideas and Conflict", in Kirshner (ed.) Monetary Orders: Ambiguous Economics, Ubiquitous Politics (2003).

"Economic sanctions: The state of the art". Security Studies 11(4) (Summer 2002), 160-79.

"The Political Economy of Low Inflation". Journal of Economic Surveys, 15:1 (February 2001), 41-70.

"Subverting the Cold War in the 1960s: Dr. Strangelove, The Manchurian Candidate, and Planet of the Apes". Film and History, 31:2 (2001).

"Rationalist Explanations for War?" Security Studies, 10:1 (Autumn 2000), 143-50.

"The Study of Money", World Politics, 52:3 (April 2000), 407-36.

"Strategy, economic relations and the definition of national interests" (with Rawi Abdelal). Security Studies 9:1 (Autumn 1999), 119-56.

"Keynes, Capital Mobility, and the Crisis of Embedded Liberalism". Review of International Political Economy, 6:3 (Autumn 1999), 313-337.

"The Political Economy of Realism", in Ethan Kapstein and Michael Mastanduno, eds. Unipolar Politics: Realism and State Strategies After the Cold War (1999).

"Political Economy in Security Studies After the Cold War". Review of International Political Economy, 5:1 (Spring 1998), 64-91.

"Disinflation, Structural Change, and Distribution". Review of Radical Political Economics, 30:1 (March 1998), 53-89.

"The Microfoundations of Economic Sanctions". Security Studies, 6:3 (Spring 1997), 32-64.