John W. Robison


I list my teaching experience below. For sample syllabi, click here.

Indiana University, Bloomington (Bloomington, IN)

Full Instructor (course design, full teaching responsibilities)

  • PHL 140 Ethics, Sec. 1 (Spring 2020)
  • PHL 140 Ethics, Sec. 2 (Spring 2020)
  • LAMP 302 Ethics and Responsible Management (Spring 2020)
  • PHL 499 Honors Thesis: Ethics Without Free Will (Spring 2020)
  • PHL 140 Ethics, Sec. 1 (Fall 2019)
  • PHL 140 Ethics, Sec. 2 (Fall 2019)
  • PHL 393 Biomedical Ethics (Fall 2019)
  • PHL 498 Honors Thesis Preparation: Ethics Without Free Will (Fall 2019)

Smith College (Northampton, MA)

Full Instructor (course design, full teaching responsibilities)

  • PHL 222 Ethics (Spring 2019)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst (Amherst, MA)

Full Instructor (course design, full teaching responsibilities)

  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Winter 2018/2019, online)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Fall 2018)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Summer 2018, online)
  • PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2017)
  • PHL 170 Problems in Social Thought (Spring 2017)
  • PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2016)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Spring 2016)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Fall 2015)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Fall 2014)
  • PHL 164 Medical Ethics (Spring 2014)

Teaching Assistant (grading, discussion sections)

  • PHL 321 History of Modern Philosophy (Spring 2018)
  • PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2015)
  • PHL 100 Introduction to Philosophy (Fall 2013)

Loomis Chaffee School (Windsor, CT)

Teacher (Academic Year)

  • Introduction to Logic (Spring 2012)
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2012)
  • Philosophy of Death (Spring 2012)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Spring 2012)
  • Jazz Band (Spring 2012)
  • Introduction to Ethics (Winter 2011/2012)
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Winter 2011/2012 Section 1)
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Winter 2011/2012 Section 2)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Winter 2011/2012)
  • Jazz Band (Winter 2011/2012)
  • Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2011)
  • Introduction to Logic (Fall 2011)
  • Moral Development: Applied Ethics (Fall 2011)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Fall 2011)
  • Jazz Band (Fall 2011)
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Spring 2011)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Spring 2011)
  • Introduction to Philosophy (Winter 2010/2011)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Winter 2010/2011)
  • Theory of Knowledge (Fall 2010)
  • Jazz Improvisation (Fall 2010)

Teacher (Summer Program)

  • Ethics and Moral Argument (Summer 2016 Section 1)
  • Ethics and Moral Argument (Summer 2016 Section 2)
  • Ethics and Moral Argument (Summer 2015)
  • Public Speaking (Summer 2015)
  • Reason and Argument (Summer 2014)
  • Public Speaking (Summer 2014)