Allow Only Joy

Allow Only Joy

a selection

of poems

by John Ellison Davies


Poems in this selection have appeared previously in The Australian, The Age, Adelaide Review, Newcastle Herald, Southerly, Fremantle Arts Review, Overland, Northern Perspective, Mattoid, the Canberra Times, Phoenix Review, Fine Line, the Sydney Morning Herald, and Webber's Magazine.

Individual poems have been broadcast on 2RRR-FM and ABC Radio National.

Knock Knock was first performed by Mr Dick Hughes at Woollahra Library, Sydney, on Tuesday 18 February 1992. Knock Knock, Moonlight Sonata, and Flowers, Perfume, Glasnost were broadcast on ABC Radio National's programme Poetica on Saturday 21 March 1998.



Woman, Child, Man


Mountain Poem

2 a.m.

The Embrace

Must it Be So


A Question


Critical Mass

Paper Cuts




Dick Hughes at the Shakespeare Hotel

Flowers, Perfume, Glasnost

These Things She Knows

Moonlight Sonata


Duet 1

Duet 2


Poor Jill

15 Wisdom Street

The Sphinx at Your Door



Knock Knock


what becomes of them

the red napkin, the soup

her nervous nail polish

tapping the marble table

her insulted mouth

closing on lasagna and salad

the chilled dew of chablis

on her peach coloured lips

her sceptical shoulders

when she speaks

and her skin

shimmering resentment

when he speaks

what becomes of them

when the table is cleared

and she leaves to invent

a life without miracles


another journey begins

the swollen breast blue-veined

hungrily seeks the hungry mouth

and the child is beautiful

of course, impossible to believe

that what we have made

is not beautiful

the young couple are different

people now, they can fold

the world in a basket

in the child's cry

they hear an older voice

telling them how different they are

each surprised childish

breath reminds them

tyres glide, the road

tightens home, curious

new eyes mirror

a neon-lit kiss

in ecstasy

we breed our own judges


tell me the story

again, please

while we have time


the waiting

this poison

these useless wings

and why we dream

of a dizzy

perfumed ceremony

we have never seen


we question the morning

where to begin and morning's

crazy face questions us

with a light grin

through cracked

wooden shutters, a sceptical

pattern on the wall

we tease with shadows

shall we

answer first

shall we

introduce ourselves

to the clouds

the early clouds that graze

at our door and sulk

for lost moonlit pasture?

2 a.m.

silence thickens, wine

still hums in the blood

and coffee is a scalding

blessing, muddy, intense

as a new thought forming

is all forgiven?

it seems possible

at this empty musical hour

when words mean more

and carry further

when whipped by promises

we tend to the horizontal

mouths open for passion

ears made for confession

and our whispers linger

like thin wild notes

on a violin upstairs

never quite forgotten


“you have to love them"

I tell her "It's your only


she is puzzled

at first, then memory

blooms as it will

when a storm has passed

recognition rainbows

in her hazel eyes

there is a clue

of eagerness on the map

her indelicate history

delicately etched

sweats like glass

in the palm she offers


gently enough

to shatter worlds


it must be so

as the gathering storm


holds its breath

each raindrop mirrors

earth, ocean, mountains



and begins

its fall

this is the law

there are

no exceptions

allow only joy


this rain falls

on our dry spectacle

like a soft accusation

sweeping the city grey

in this rain

illusions rust through

false obligations tarnish

unrealistic hopes lie sodden

irrelevant as a newspaper

pulped in the sighing gutter

this rain teaches:

enough heaviness, truth

does not weigh so much

what matters?

two small tattoos

on my lover's breasts

and the taste

of her drowsy beauty


I have heard you

swayed in the lilt

of your voice

like an anemone

filtering its life

from the tilt

of afternoon tides


from side to side

from sense to sense

of all our possibilities

do I know you?

yes or no

either answer might be

a betrayal

a drowning


an awkward drawer

jammed, pushed

scrapes like thunder

a bump

and sudden silence

could mean murder

a woman speaks

her intention obscure

through plaster and floor

she whistles, I speculate

on the shape of her mouth

life is so interesting

when you don't know

your neighbours


slack morning limps in

our narrow street, a faint

hope bellows from the squat

brick church, people sit

a medley of coughs and bumps

the priest hesitates

(there is already

one loud letter

on the Bishop's quiet desk)

but refreshed by an early

baptism his tide rises

he is joined to the rock

and his wrecked children

as sea is married to sky

his bliss is a holocaust, frantic

as a hungry gull's cry

he preaches:

forgive us Lord

for we know exactly

what we are doing

at the back of the church

a pen allergic to paradox

is scratching


tick tock

ticky tock

seconds pound

thin skin

hours weigh

blood's heavy

gravity, I cling

to a page

with a pen

and paper cuts

what time is it

in Soweto?

what time is it

in Prague?

ticky tock

gravity is harder

in some places

than others, always

and everywhere

paper cuts


he was not a bad man

only a poor painter


like our sons

and polite

to our daughters

tough as a goat

or a saint he climbed

our hills in the hot hours

while we slept

and later

when he drank with us

he talked so well

he made our sunsets longer

we thought he understood

but why

did he paint it that way

the great painting

you can see

in the great museum

why did he paint

our fields ablaze

and the lovers' arms

legs, bent, tense

as sunlight between vines?


to one

half asleep

it seemed the bells

rang first

heavy tongued

as his own

stuttering prayers

but then

the statue moved

and he knew

statues do not move

not even holy ones

and he knew

there would be a death


if you would shepherd her

where the world holds hands

read in her touch

a finger-tip code

ask what can you be

that only you can be to her

what can you say

that only you can say to her

remember, no king

makes a wave indecisive

no watchmaker bullies an hour

no wave or hour delays

desire's grained time-table


the magician enters

through engraved doors you see

and doors you cannot see, larger

than the sum of his disguises

chevalier, citizen, chief

engineer of the last train,

master of memory and curiosity,

piano man

his left hand

knows what his right

hand is doing

striking, under a blue moon,

keys to selves we see and selves

we cannot see, girls

who don't lie (not much),

mean firemen, wining boys,

beer-drinking women

improvising certainties



which way to hop

I hop

and collide

with you


let's step outside


take a laughing

step sideways, turn

and play

a more interesting



"even friendship is a way

of passing the time..."

she knows

her cappuccino, stirred, suggests

dimensions of self-pity

too precise for tears

she knows

how small she is

how great her needs

knowing, she rages

calm as a gambler

losing everything, spun

on the last turn

of the wheel, knowing

it is the end

calm as an angel

who made a mistake

shut out forever

from the elite of love


wake up

last night there was something

I wanted to tell you

but you were diving

too far down in dreams

when I shook you

your body a limp marker

showing where you had been

and where you would return

telling me not to follow

incomplete, I tried to write

to discover

among the broken words

in my clumsy quarry

a likeness of your dream

a submerged language

you might answer

at five

a black moth fluttered

under the lamp, its desperate wings

stained my pages

wake up

there is something

I want to ask you


we lost our nerve

over the fettuccine, our vegetables

are limp, the casserole dry

our jaws ache

no need to explain

in our polite kitchen

gourmet Time itself lies

raw, marinating

no need to explain

today's expressionless frenzy

or tomorrow's salmon-pink lure


there is no escaping

this disgrace, we are

a passenger's numb

dream in a train

on another track

we are the light at sea

and the points of doubt

within the light

the silhouettes on deck

walking, waking

into a future

we did not make


the last page

of the last chapter

of honesty's rule book

says smash the gate's

shy lock, dance

through fear's nettles

into the final garden

if we weep there -

most people are

at their best in tears –

we can be

a surprised face

at each other's window

forever tapping

surprising ourselves


in his imagination

the women he has loved

meet for coffee, somewhere inexpensive

they have not read

the same books, not enjoyed

the same paintings, music, films

they are tall, small,

bold, evasive, slender,

rounded, dark, fair, unalike

in style and colour of dress,

shoes, handbags, eyes

and yet together

they are as harmonious

as coral, and not once

do they talk about him


"I did it again

didn't I?" she asks

her loyal pot-plants

offer trembling buds, mute fruit

from sympathetic stems

she finishes

last night's whisky

neat, as if the answer

could be round

as the taste of whisky


as the moon

glimpsed over

a lover's shoulder

perhaps he

perhaps she


are such awkward shapes

she dances

to the applause

of symmetrical leaves


the woman next door

is not talking to her husband

she rakes a garden argument

punishes leaves, brawls with flowers

frustrated by the strength of weeds

kneels on a stone and swears

inside the house

her husband smokes

and reads the paper, turns

each urgent page amazed

that he is not news

he wonders who writes

true histories of pain, of hate

newsprint stains

his fingers like guilt


at this pebbled frontier

steps a lame man

singing heads I win

tails I win

free of the leaping herd's

nostalgia for the precipice


in the dusty interval

between the bubble sun

and bubble moon

(those liars)

all that is outside

him torrents in him

but he sings

I am a porous man

heads I win

tails I win


she is an oracle

the tenderness

and lust of centuries

scream through her

history's tiny feet

kick with her pulse

at this fierce moment

she is a goddess


in the pain of creation



the stretchmarks


as the chasm widens

throw over a rope

and hold tight as if

our life depends on it

(our life does) keep

the icy distance

small and bridgeable

what kind of rope?

how do we fasten it?

do we hammer the pins

into our bones?

you see

sooner or later

every metaphor

pierces flesh


it is I

the well-mannered poet

in my coat

of many colours

and red shoes

prematurely grey

one-eyed lord

of blind furry words

master of mirrors

the nervous heart's

early warning


(I know

when you've been

bad or good)

story teller


trust me


I'm talking to you