The New York Times

November 26, 1995: Magazine feature on the Atlanta Olympic torch relay

January 28, 1996: Magazine feature on Atlanta’s search for an Olympic song

April 7, 1996: Magazine factoid list on roller coasters

July 21, 1996: Magazine Q&A with New York Yankee’s official scorer

October 6, 1996: Magazine Q&A with female pro baseball player Laura Espinoza-Watson

November 18, 1996: Magazine feature about a night on campus at FSU, Party School of the Year

February 16, 1997: Magazine profile of people trying out to be professional wrestlers

July 20, 1997: Magazine Q&A with Bible-themed amusement park developer

July 27, 1997: Magazine feature on the opening of a leech museum in South Carolina

August 3, 1997: Magazine factoid list on annual Mathfest

September 8, 1997: Magazine Q&A with the Rev. Jim Bakker

November 2, 1997: Magazine Q&A with Venus Envy author

January 18, 1998: Magazine feature on Bible class in Florida public schools

April 26, 1998: Magazine factoid list on baseball brawls

May 2, 1999: Book review of Charles Bukowski, by Howard Sounces

August 15, 1999: Book review of Hunting Down Amanda, by Andrew Klavan

September 5, 1999: Book review of I Love Fast Car,s by Craig McDean

September 5, 1999: Arts and Leisure feature on the world’s longest-running radio drama

October 3, 1999: Book review of Rockne of Notre Dam,e by Ray Robinson

November 21, 1999: Book review of It Ain’t No Sin to be Glad You’re Alive, by Eric Alterman

July 2, 2000: Book review of Tales from the Dodger Dugout, by Carl Erskine

July 16, 2000: Week in Review feature on amateur online book critics

April 9, 2000: Book review of Mrs. Million, by Pete Hautman

August 27, 2000: Book review of Hot Springs, by Stephen Hunter

January 21, 2001: Book review of Drowning in Hot Water, by Patrick T. Murphy

February 11, 2001: Book review of Hollywood vs. Hard Core, by Jon Lewis

March 11, 2001: Week in Review feature on mistakes in closed captioning

June 24, 2001: Book review of Warriors of God, by James Reston Jr.

August 19, 2001: Week in Review feature on Major Leaguers with only one home run

March 24, 2002: Week in Review feature on the life of sports mascots

March 24, 2002: Book review of Gold in the Water, by P. H. Mullen

April 28, 2002: Arts and Leisure feature on the Weather Channel’s “Storm Stories”

July 7, 2002: Book review of At Sea in the City, by William Kornblum

August 11, 2002: Week in Review feature on solo no votes in Congress

September 8, 2002: Book review of So Others Might Live, by Terry Golway

September 29, 2002: Week in Review feature on college football fight songs

November 17, 2002: Book review of Cape May Courthouse, by Lawrence Schiller

February 16, 2003: Arts and Leisure profile of NASCAR radio announcer Eli Gold

March 2, 2003: Book review of Hold the Enlightenment, by Tim Cahill

March 16, 2003: Book review of The Frozen-Water Trade, by Gavin Weightman

March 30, 2003: Book review of Death on the Black Sea, by Douglas Frantz

and Catherine Collins

August 10, 2003: Week in Review feature on international constitutions

November 2, 2003: Book review of Edison and the Electric Chair, by Mark Essig

December 21, 2003: Book review of Heart Full of Lies, by Ann Rule

January 4, 2004: Book review of Mr. Apology, by Alec Wilkinson

February 1, 2004: Book review of Rothstein, by David Pietrusza

February 8, 2004: Travel feature on the historic all black towns of Oklahoma

Playboy magazine

January 2000: Feature on the history of little people in Hollywood films

February 2000: Q&A with the Rev. Jesse Jackson

May 2000: Review of Joyce Carol Oates’ Blonde

October 2000: Feature on the lack of funding for indigent death penalty cases

April 2001: Feature on sex manuals

October 2001: Feature on international public executions

April 2002: Feature on state run death row web sites

June 2002: Feature on off-road skateboarding

June 2003: Feature on sex and world religions

April 2004: Feature on who could be the first non-white-male U.S. President

August 2005: Feature on the history of conjugal visitation in the American penal system

August 2006: Q&A with Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka

The Chicago Tribune

August 11, 1998: Op Ed on racism in Chicago

October 25, 1998: Op Ed on social issues playing out on the 151 bus route

July 5, 1999: Feature on the secret lives of rock club sound men

March 31, 2000: Feature on musicians who act in films

March 11, 2001: Perspective page interview with Bill Kovach

June 22, 2001: Feature on songwriters who write fiction

July 15, 2001: Q&A with author of Reel Knockouts

September 30, 2001: Q&A with Global warming expert Bob Reiss

November 18, 2001: Q&A with author of Language and the Internet

February 17, 2002: Q&A with Ralph Nader

July 14, 2002: Feature on the stories behind band names

September 8, 2002: Q&A with daredevil Philippe Petit

November 5, 2002: Q&A with Bare author Elisabeth Eaves

November 17, 2002: Feature profiling Chicago’s best indie music labels

January 12, 2003: Critique of the Rolling Stones’ solo records

May 25, 2003: Feature on actors who have played God in the movies

June 29, 2003: Feature on strange national anthems

August 3, 2003: Feature on Jesse Jackson Jr.’s proposed Constitutional amendments

October 12, 2003: Q&A with author of How To Play Air Guitar

December 21, 2003: Feature on films about amnesia

April 14, 2004: Feature on foods made specifically for the slotted toaster

May 30, 2004: Feature on the films of Tom Waits

September 19, 2004: Feature on films that prominently feature the telephone in their plot

January 13, 2006: Op Ed on moving Christmas to MLK Day

July 14, 2010: Op Ed about getting mugged on the Mag Mile

October 10, 2010: Op Ed on anti-spitting ordinances

December 30, 2010: Op Ed on inadvertent spitting

January 12, 2012: Op Ed on advertising on PBS

January 26, 2012: Op Ed about selling the naming rights to my first born son

March 29, 2012: Op Ed on the extreme variability in consumer prices

July 19, 2012: Op Ed on Chicago bicycle law enforcement

January 9, 2013: Op Ed examining EPA fuel estimates

January 30, 2013: Op Ed on Boy Scouts' policy on homosexuality

August 21, 2013: Op Ed on the lack of public toilets in Chicago

December 29, 2013: Op Ed on buying health insurance on the new exchanges

The Village Voice

August 11, 1990: First person feature about swimming around Manhattan

August 13, 1991: First person feature about golfing on Governor’s Island

January 7, 1992: Profile of female drag racer Danielle DePorter

October 13, 1992: Profile of female pro hockey player Manon Rheaume

November 10, 1992: Feature on Manhattan driving range

January 26, 1993: Feature on national coon hound championships

August 13, 1993: Profile of female billiards champ Jeanette Lee

January 4, 1994: Profile of “Amazing Games” TV program

June 7, 1994: First-person feature on the impact of David Lynch’s Eraserhead

August 16, 1994: Feature on the uniform numbers of the New York Yankees

December 6, 1994: Feature on hunting radioactive deer in Oak Ridge Tennessee (written with Rodger Brown)

February 7, 1995: In-person coverage of Super Bowl

April 8, 1995: Profile of elite older athletes

December 12, 1995: Q&A with Dark Carnival author David Skal

June, 1996: Voice Literary Supplement review of Working Stiffs

May 20. 1997: Interview with Spike Lee, author of Best Seat in the House

July 22, 1997: Feature on the films of Fred Thompson

July 29, 1997: Feature on New York baseball players acting in films

August 19, 1997: Profile of New York Yankees’ official scorer Red Foley

September 23 1997: Profile on the athletic talents of the ESPN anchors

October 7, 1997: Feature and review of When Boxing Was a Jewish Sport

October 21, 1997: Feature on the Women’s World Bass Fishing Championships

January 13, 1998: Feature on ultra-marathon runners

March 3, 1998: Feature on national quadriplegic deer hunting championships

February 16, 1999: Review and feature on book about great black jockeys

July 21, 1998: Book review of Aesthetics of the Japanese Lunchbox

July 28, 1998: Feature on sex tapes for dummies

August 3, 1999: First-person feature on shagging fly balls behind Wrigley Field

November 16, 1999: First-person feature about flying around Giants stadium in an aerial advertiser

March 7, 2000: Interview with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, author of A Season on the Reservation

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

November 3, 1991: People in the Arts profile of “Live at WREK” host Joe Whitaker

November 29, 1991: Profile of infamous rock club/strip club The Clermont Lounge

December 8, 1991: People in the Arts profile on critic James Taylor

January 19, 1992: People in the Arts profile of photographer Phillip Mosier

March 22, 1992: People in the Arts profile of radio DJ Don Kennedy

April 26, 1992: Profile on the arts careers of the children of folk artist Howard Finster

May 3, 1992: People in the Arts profile of musician Herb Avery

May 10, 1992: Review and feature on the film, "To Render a Life: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and the Documentary Vision"

June 28, 1992: True South essay on summer bugs

August 23, 1992: People in the Arts profile of T-shirt artist George Davidson

December 27, 1992: “Bands' funky art is in the right place,” arts feature on band flier art

October 30, 1994: “Roots Radio,” feature on Atlanta radio shows devoted to local acts

February 26, 1995: True South essay, “Georgia's only ski slope whips Atlanta first-timer"

June 16, 1996: Book review of, STEALING HOME: An Intimate Family Portrait

by the Daughter of Jackie Robinson, by Sharon Robinson

August 11, 1996: Book review of KINSKI UNCUT: The Autobiography of Klaus Kinski, by Klaus Kinski

October 6, 1996: Book review of JAMES STEWART: A Biography, by Donald Dewey

October 27, 1996: Book review of MAD AS HELL: How Sports Got Away From the Fans

---and How We Get It Back, by Mike Lupica

December 8, 1996: Book review of KNOWING HEPBURN AND OTHER CURIOUS EXPERIENCES, by James Prideaux

December 15, 1996: Book review of THE LIFE OF NELSON A. ROCKEFELLER, by Cary Reich

January 26, 1997: Book review of DUCHAMP: A BIOGRAPHY, by Calvin Tomkins

February 9, 1997: Op Ed, “You Are not Tiger Woods"

March 16, 1997: Book review of MONSTER: Living off the Big Screen, by John Gregory Dunne

March 30, 1997: Book review of CARY GRANT: A Class Apart, by Graham McCann

June 1, 1997, Book review of CHARLIE CHAPLIN AND HIS TIMES, by Kenneth S. Lynn

June 8 1997: Book review of Best Seat in the House, by Spike Lee with Ralph Wiley

July 6, 1997: Book reviews of BOGART, by A.M. Sperber and Eric Lax, and BOGART: A Life in Hollywood, by Jeffrey Meyers

September 28, 1997: Book review of Jackie Robinson: A Biography, by Arnold Rampersad

November 9, 1997: Feature story, “Turn a phrase, turn a profit: You can make a killing on a cleverly crafted slogan"

April 20, 1998: Op Ed, “Coffee servers' perks are undeserved"

May 25, 1998: Op Ed, “Take Me Out to the Web Site"

June 14, 1998: Book review of Gary Cooper: An American Hero, by Jeffrey Meyers

October 25, 1998: Book review of Edison: A Life of Invention, by Paul Israel

December 6, 1998: Book review of Cole Porter: A Biography, by William McBrien

January 31, 1999: Book review of Playing for Keeps: Michael Jordan and the World He Made, by David Halberstam

April 25, 1999: Book review of Walt Whitman: The Song of Himself, by Jerome Loving

June 13, 1999: Book review of Byron: Child of Passion, Fool of Fame, by Benita Eisler

July 11, 1999: Book review of Muscletown USA: Bob Hoffman and the Manly Culture of York Barbell, by John D. Fair

October 17, 1999: Book review of The Lighthouse Stevensons, by Bella Bathurst

December 5, 1999: Book review of John Glenn: A Memoir, by John Glenn with Nick Taylor

February 6, 2000: Book review of The Cap: The Price of a Life, by Roman Frister

March 5, 2000: Book review of Rudyard Kipling: A Life, by Harry Ricketts

May 21, 2000: Book review of In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex, by Nathaniel Philbrick

June 4, 2000: Book review of The Snakebite Survivors' Club, by Jeremy Seal

July 9, 2000: Book review of Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America With Einstein's Brain, by Michael Paterniti

September 10, 2000: Book review of Robert Kennedy: His Life, by Evan Thomas

November 5, 2000: Book review of Ghost Light, by Frank Rich

December 10, 2000: Book review of Angelhead: My Brother's Descent Into Madness, by Greg Bottoms

January 14, 2001: Book review of An Hour Before Daylight: Memories of a Rural Boyhood, by Jimmy Carter

February 18, 2001: Book review of Bing Crosby: A Pocketful of Dreams, by Gary Giddins

March 25, 2001: Book review of Tip O'Neill and the Democratic Century, by John A. Farrell

May 13, 2001: Book review of John Adams, by David McCullough

July 15, 2001: Book review of Word Freak: Heartbreak, Triumph, Genius and Obsession in the World of Competitive Scrabble, by Stefan Fatsis

September 9, 2001: Book review of The Concise Book of Lying, by Evelin Sullivan

November 4, 2001: Book review of Will the Circle Be Unbroken? Reflections on Death, Rebirth and Hunger for a Faith, by Studs Terkel

January 13, 2002: Book review of Crashing the Party: How to Tell the Truth and Still Run for President, by Ralph Nader

March 31, 2002: Book review of Poker Nation: A High-Stakes, Low-Life Adventure Into the Heart of a Gambling Country, by Andy Bellin

June 2, 2002: Book review of Art Lover: A Biography of Peggy Guggenheim, by Anton Gill

June 9, 2002: Book review of The Hip Hop Generation: Young Blacks and the Crisis in African-American Culture, by Bakari Kitwana

August 10, 2002: Feature story on the largest crosses in the USA

October 6, 2002: Book review of Emma's War, by Deborah Scroggins

December 8, 2002: Book review of Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World, by Margaret MacMillan

February 23, 2003: Book review of The Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson

March 16, 2003: Book review of Fraud of the Century, by Roy Morris Jr.

April 20, 2003: Book review Good Morning, Mr. Zip Zip Zip: Movies, Memory, and World War II, by Richard Schickel

December 7, 2003: Book review of The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club, by C. David Heymann

January 4, 2004: Book review of City Room, by Arthur Gelb

January 18, 2004: Book review of Our Fathers: The Secret Life of the Catholic Church in an Age of Scandal, by David France

January 25, 2004: Book review of Natalie Wood: A Life, by Gavin Lambert

May 9, 2004: Book review of Candyfreak: A Journey Through the Chocolate Underbelly of America, by Steve Almond

June 6, 2004: Book review of This Man's Army: A Soldier's Story From the Front Lines of the War on Terrorism, by Andrew Exum

June 27, 2004: Book review of Shadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Discovered Hitler's Lost Sub, by Robert Kurson

July 25, 2004: Book review of Luther: The Life and Longing of Luther Vandross, by Craig Seymour

October 31, 2004: Book review of Bloodsworth: The True Story of the First Death Row Inmate Exonerated by DNA, by Tim Junkin

November 7, 2004: Book review of Fried Chicken: An American Story, by John T. Edge

November 21, 2004: Book review of The Man Called Cash: The Life, Love, and Faith of an American Legend, by Steve Turner

December 12, 2004:Book review of The Grand Slam: Bobby Jones, America, and the Story of Golf, by Mark Frost

May 22, 2005: Book review of 1776, by David McCullough

May 29, 2005: Book review The Boys of Pointe du Hoc: Ronald Reagan, D-Day, and the U.S. Army 2nd Ranger Battalion, by Douglas Brinkley

June 12, 2005: Book review of The Sky's the Limit: Passion and Property in Manhattan, by Steven Gaines

July 31, 2005: Book review of Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima, by Stephen Walker

September 11, 2005: Book review of The Tender Bar, by J.R. Moehringer

September 18, 2005: Book review of Imperial Grunts: The American Military on the Ground, by Robert D. Kaplan

November 20, 2005: Book review of A People's History of the Civil War, By David Williams

March 5, 2006: Book review of Sound and Fury: Two Powerful Lives, One Fateful Friendship, by Dave Kindred

March 19, 2006: Book review of In Search of Willie Morris, by Larry L. King

April 30, 2006: Book review of A Death in Belmont, by Sebastian Junger

May 14, 2006: Book review of An Ordinary Man, by Paul Rusesabagina with Tom Zoellner

October 22, 2006: Book review of Thunderstruck, by Erik Larson

January 14, 2007: Book review of From Midnight to Dawn: The Last Tracks of the Underground Railroad, by Jacqueline L. Tobin with Hettie Jones

January 28, 2007: Book review of Triumph: The Untold Story of Jesse Owens and Hitler's Olympics, by Jeremy Schaap

May 6, 2007: Book review of Tales From Q School: Inside Golf's Fifth Major, by John Feinstein