Krohmann Photo Album
See also at the Dorhauer Odyssey site:
Painting of the Krohmann Family by "Pfeiffer 1873. Supplied by Bernhard Krauthausen
L to R > Mary Ann, Madeline (Lena), Elisabeth (Lissy), Eva, Johann jr, Eva Christina Maria, Johann
Margaretha Enora (Elizabeth) Krohmann
1867-1868. Buried at Claence Town NSW
Daughter of Johann & Eva Krohmann
Michael ackermann & Spouse Anna Maria Krohmann, sister of Johann Krohmann. 1828-1904
The Krohmann Hill End Goldfields
L to R Anthony John Dorhauer & Russell Albert James Dorhauer
Panorama view of the Krohmann Cottage Hill End NSW
Johann Krohmann. 1830-1878
Eva Krohmann nee Heinz.
1845-1873. Spouse of Johann Krohmann
Painting of the Krohmann wine shop located near the cottage
Krohmann's gold mine Hill End NSW
Krohmann Siblings includes Eva Christina
Eva Christina Diekob, nee Krohmann 1869-1954
Daughter of Johann & Eva Krohmann. married Herman Adolf Diekob
One of 12 paintings of the Stations of the Cross which hang in St. Remigius catholic church in Osthofen Germany
Images of Johann and his children can be seen kneeling, and images of his late wife Eva and young son can be seen in the painting depicted as angels.
Details can be found on the following site: