
Google Scholar Profile

Published Papers 

Can Wealth Buy Health? A Model of Pecuniary and Non-Pecuniary Investments in Health”, Journal of European Economic Association, 22(3) (2024), 1097-1138, joint with Panos Margaris.

R(a)ising Employment of Older Individuals”, Journal of Economics of Aging 23 (2022) (part of special issue on The Economics of Longevity).

Shocks, Institutions, and Secular Changes in Employment of Older Individuals”, NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2021, joint with Richard Rogerson. 

It Sucks to Be Single! Marital Status and Intra-Generational Redistribution of Social Security”, Economic Journal 131(633) (2021), 327-371, joint with Max Groneck. (VOX column)

Having It All? Employment, Earnings and Children”, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 123(1) (2021), 353-381, joint with Tobias Laun.

Health, Longevity and Retirement Reform”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 103 (2019), 123-157, joint with Tobias Laun, Simen Markussen and Trond Vigtel.

Household Time Use Among Older Couples: Evidence and Implications for Labor Supply Parameters”, Quarterly Journal of Economics 134(2) (2019), 1079-1120, joint with Richard Rogerson.

Social Insurance and Retirement: A Cross-Country Perspective”, Review of Economic Dynamics 22 (2016), 72-92, joint with Tobias Laun. 

Retirement, Home Production and Labor Supply Elasticities”, Journal of Monetary Economics 78 (2016), 23-34, joint with Richard Rogerson. 

A Life Cycle Model of Health and Retirement: The Case of Swedish Pension Reform”, Journal of Public Economics 127 (2015), 127-136, joint with Tobias Laun. 

Social Security and Cross-Country Differences in Hours: A General Equilibrium Analysis”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 37 (2013), 2466-2482. 

Nonconvexities, Retirement and the Elasticity of Labor Supply ”, American Economic Review 103(4) (2013), 1445-1462, joint with Richard Rogerson. 

“Aggregate Labor Supply”, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Quarterly Review, 35 (2012), 2-16, joint with Edward C. Prescott. 

Human Capital Accumulation and the Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution: How Large is the Bias?”, Review of Economic Dynamics 14 (2011), 577-591. 

Micro and Macro Elasticities in a Life Cycle Model with Taxes”, Journal of Economic Theory, 144 (2009), 2277-2292, joint with Richard Rogerson. 

 “Employment, Hours per Worker and Taxes: A Life Cycle Analysis”,  Annals of Economics and Statistics, 95/96, July/December (2009), 105-120, joint with Richard Rogerson.

 Lifetime Aggregate Labor Supply with Endogenous Workweek Length”, Review of Economic Dynamics 12 (2009), 23-36, joint with Edward C. Prescott and Richard Rogerson. 

 “The Modern Theory of Aggregate Labor Supply and the Consequence of Taxes”, joint with Edward C. Prescott, in Cutting Taxes to Increase Prosperity, edited by Hannes H. Gissurarson and Tryggvi Thor Herbertsson, Reykjavik: Bokafelagid, 2007.

Work in Progress

“First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage? Marriage, Labor Supply and Poverty”, joint with Max Groneck

Together We Tip the Scale:  The Spatial Concentration of Obesity, joint with Panos Margaris

“Social Security and Life Cycle Variation in the Cost of Job Loss”, joint with Frank Leenders