Econ 100B-01 : Intermediate Macroeconomics

Course Information

Winter 2014: MWF 2 - 3.10 pm Baskin Auditorium 101


Instructor Information

Johanna Francis

Office hours: Wed 4 - 6pm (and by appointment)

Office: E-2 Room 469


Jones, Charles 2011. Macroeconomics. 2nd edition. W.W. Norton & Company Press.

Plus articles from the Economist and other readings [available either here or on eCommons]

Course Announcements and Notes back to top

  • Mon Feb 24, discuss ch 12: Phillips curve and "MP" curve
  • Problem set 4 due Wed Feb 26
  • Midterm 2: Friday, Feb 28, covers ch 7-12
  • Practice midterm posted (Feb 21)
  • Midterm 1: Friday Jan 31, covers ch. 1-5
  • Practice midterm posted
  • Friday: discuss Economist article
  • Friday: more Solow growth (chapter 5)
  • Wednesday: discussed ways to get production model to "fit" the data on per capita real GDP better
  • Note in the data section of PS #1, use Nov 2013 inflation not Dec 2013 (which hasn't been released yet)
  • Remember Problem set #1 is due on Friday, Jan 17
  • First quiz, Wed, Jan 22 (note the change of date!) covers chapters 1-4
  • Monday: discussed predictions of our simple model (ch 4)
  • Friday: we finished ch 3 and started ch 4 up to the section on the stock market; slides are posted on eCommons under "resources"
  • Friday: Problem set #1 assigned--available on eCommons under "resources", Due Jan 17 (Friday)
  • First week: read Jones Ch 1 for background; first week we discuss Ch 2, 3
  • Download problem sets and readings from eCommons page
  • First class Jan 6

Important Dates back to top

Midterm I is Jan 31 Friday (IN CLASS)

Midterm II is Feb 28 Friday (changed date!) (IN CLASS)

Final is Friday, Mar 21, 4-7PM

Tutorial sections back to top

Tutorial schedule: (this link has the schedule for instructors & TA's office hours & tutorial sessions)

TA office hours and emails

MSI support is available

MSI support person: Karl Rubio

MSI sessions:

MSI (Karl Rubio) OLC Tues 4pm - 5:15pm

MSI (Karl Rubio) OLC Thus 10am - 11:15am

MSI (Karl Rubio) Porter 241 Thurs 2pm - 3:15pm

*E-2 is Engineering-2