Current Research


California’s ‘sandwich generation’ is spending more time with their parents and less with their grandkids after paid family leave law took effect - Featured in Fortune, Yahoo News, The Conversation

“How Obamacare changed the love lives of young adults” - Featured in HuffPost, Salon, Raw Story, The Conversation

“Get a life—or get fat” - Featured in The Economist Free Exchange blog

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Effects of California’s Paid Family Leave Law on Caregiving by Older Adults, with Marcus Dillender, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 36(4): 490-507 (2024)

Trends in Use of High-Cost Antihyperglycemic Drugs among US Adults with Type 2 Diabetes, with Phuc Le, Thanh C. Bui, William H. Herman, Anita D. Misra-Hebert, and Michael B. Rothberg, Journal of General Internal Medicine, 38: 49-56  (2023)

Infertility Insurance Mandates and Maternal Mortality, Fertility and Sterility Dialog: Consider This (2020) 

The Effect of ACA State Medicaid Expansions on Medical Out-of-Pocket Expenditures, Medical Care Research and Review, 77(1): 19-33 (2020) 

Planning Parenthood: The Affordable Care Act Young Adult Provision and Pathways to Fertility, Journal of Population Economics, 31(4): 1097-1123 (2018) 

New Estimates of Offer and Take-up of Employer-Sponsored Insurance, with Brett O’Hara, Medical Care Research and Review, 74(5): 595-612 (2017)

Risking Life and Limb: Estimating a Measure of Medical Care Economic Risk and Considering its Implications, with Brett O’Hara and Darcy Steeg Morris, Health Economics, 26(4): 469-485 (2017)

Assisted Reproductive Technology and Women’s Timing of Marriage and Childbearing, Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 38(1): 100-117 (2017)

Saying, I Don’t”: The Effect of the Affordable Care Act Young Adult Provision on Marriage, Journal of Human Resources, 51(4): 933-960 (2016)

The Connection between Working Hours and Body Mass Index in the U.S.: A Time Use Analysis, Review of Economics of the Household, 14(1): 131-154 (2016)

The Financial Burden of Medical Spending: Estimates and Implications for Evaluating the Impact of ACA Reforms, with Brett O’Hara, Medical Care Research and Review, 72(2): 187-199 (2015)

Turning Back the Ticking Clock: The Effect of Increased Affordability of Assisted Reproductive Technology on Women’s Marriage Timing, Journal of Population Economics, 27(2): 603-633 (2014)

Working Papers 

Comparing Survey and Administrative Measures of Self-Employment Income: New Implications from the Health and Retirement Study

Understanding Non-Traditional Work Arrangements in the United States” with Andrew Joung

“Self-Employment at Older Ages: Differences in Roles, Characteristics, and Wellbeing”

“Heterogeneity in Self-Employment and the Transition to Retirement among Older Adults in the United States”

“Finding Needles in Haystacks: Multiple-Imputation Record Linkage Using Machine Learning” with John M. Abowd, Margaret C. Levenstein, Kristin McCue, Dhiren Patki, Trivellore Raghunathan, Ann M. Rodgers, Matthew D. Shapiro, Nada Wasi, and Dawn Zinsser

“Examining the Relationship between Pollen and Suicide in the United States” with Shooshan Danagoulian

“How is Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Changing in Response to an Aging Workforce?” with Owen Davis and Alice Zawacki

Work in Progress

The Effects of Recessions on Non-Traditional Work Arrangements” with Andrew Joung and Sajiv Shah

“Heat Advisories and Adaptation to Extreme Heat Events” with Rosie Mueller and Amani Rashid