
Hugo (Science Fiction Achievement Award)

    • Best novel, THE FOREVER WAR (1976) and FOREVER PEACE (1998)

    • Best novella, "The Hemingway Hoax" (1991)

    • Best short story, "Tricentennial" (1977) and "None So Blind" (1995)

Nebula Awards

    • Best novel, THE FOREVER WAR (1976) and FOREVER PEACE (1998)

    • FOREVER PEACE also won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award, given by academics and critics. It's the first time a novel has won a "triple crown" like that since Pohl's GATEWAY, 22 years ago.

    • Best novel, CAMOUFLAGE (2006)

    • Best novella, "The Hemingway Hoax" (1990)

    • Best short story, "Graves" (1993)

SFWA Grand Master 2011

World Fantasy Award

    • Best short story, "Graves" (1993)


    • James Tiptree Award for CAMOUFLAGE (2005)

    • Rhyslings (science fiction poetry award) for "Saul's Death," "18 Years Old, October 11th." and "January Fires"

    • Galaxy Award for MINDBRIDGE

    • Ditmar (Australian "best novel") for THE FOREVER WAR.