
Access and rigor characterize the courses I have designed for delivery primarily to adult learners via fully online and hybrid formats. These courses blend literary studies, media studies, African American studies, women’s studies, and other disciplines to provide students with challenging educational experiences that are relevant to their lived experiences. I incorporate critical cultural theory and my research interests in self-definition and identity into these offerings, and I'm adept at guiding diverse student populations through discussions of difference and commonality.

Courses designed and/or taught include: Africana Speculative Fiction, Mixed Race Women's Memoirs, Fiction to Film: African American Women Writers, African American Literature Survey, Literary Analysis & Argumentation, Reflective Practice Seminar, Octavia E. Butler Seminar, Women's Ways of Knowing: Feminist Research Methods

In addition to college level courses taught for Antioch University and other local colleges, I have been teaching digital storytelling and narrative journalism at both the college level and in community-based projects. Rather than "giving voice" to others, I strive to ensure that people have the tools and skills to amplify their voices through projects that are driven by the needs and desires of the communities in which they reside.