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55. Mohtasebi S, Ahn S, Rosa B, Moyes K, Kuzmina TA, Gilleard JS, Poissant J (2025) First record of Hsiungia pekingensis (Nematoda: Strongylidae) in North America: Morphological and molecular identification of a rare equine strongyle. Journal of Helminthology. accepted.

54. Stothart M, Greuel RJ,  Edwards A, Emmrich PMF, McLoughlin P, Poissant J (2025) Little evidence that beach pea (Lathyrus japonicus) toxins cause gait abnormalies in Sable Island feral horse (Equus ferus caballus). The Canadian Field-Naturalist. accepted.

53. Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2025) Quantitative genetics in natural populations. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology 2nd Edition.  Elsevier. accepted.

52. Ahn S, Redman E, Gavriliuc S, Bellaw J, Gilleard J, McLoughlin P, Poissant J (2025) Mixed strongyle parasite infections vary across host age and space in a population of feral horses. Parasitology. accepted.

51. Stothart M, Lavergne S, McCaw S, Singh H, de Vega W, Amato K, Poissant J, Boonstra R (2025) Population dynamics and the microbiome in a wild boreal mammal: The snowshoe hare cycle and impacts of diet, season, and predation risk. Molecular Ecology. 34:e17629.

50. Bull KE, Hodgkinson J, Allen K, Poissant J, Peachey LE (2025) Quantitative DNA metabarcoding reveals species composition of a macrocyclic lactone and pyrantel resistant cyathostomin population in the UK. International Journal for Parasitology: Drugs and Drug Resistance. 27:100576.

49. Hughes MM, Bourbon C, Milanesi P, Veitch JSM, Deakin S, Schwantje H, Thacker C, Pelletier A, Polfus J, Neuhaus P, Ruckstuhl KE, Poissant J, Musiani M (2025) Integrating movement behaviours for intra-specific conservation: The caribou case. Biological Conservation. 302:110933.


48. Vaasjo E, Stothart MR, Black S, Poissant J, Whiteside D (2024) The impact of management on the fecal microbiome of endangered greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in a zoo-based conservation program. Conservation Physiology. 12:coae052.

47. Stothart MR, McLoughlin PD, Medill SA, Greuel RJ, Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2024) Methanogenic patterns in the gut microbiome are associated with survival in a population of feral horses. Nature Communications. 15:6012.

46. Domshy KA, Whitehead AE, Poissant J, Goldsmith DA, Legge C, Knight CG, Zachar EK , Loch SS, Davies JL (2024) A retrospective study of the prevalence of cranial mesenteric arteritis caused by Strongylus vulgaris in equine postmortems in Alberta, Canada (2010-2022). Canadian Veterinary Journal. 65:587-593.

45. Colpitts J, McLoughlin PD, Poissant J (2024) Inbreeding depression in Sable Island feral horses  is mediated by intrinsic and extrinsic variables. Conservation Genetics. 25:1-15.


44. Cavedon M, Neufeld L, Finnegan L, Hervieux D, Michalak A, Pelletier A, Polfus J, Schwantje H, Skinner G, Steenweg R, Thacker C, Poissant J, Musiani M (2023) Genomics of founders for conservation breeding: The Jasper caribou case. Conservation Genetics. 24:855-867.

43. Stothart MR, McLoughlin PD, Poissant J (2023) Shallow shotgun sequencing of the microbiome recapitulates 16S amplicon results and provides functional insights. Molecular Ecology Resources. 23:549-564. 


42. Cavedon M, Poissant J, vonHoldt B, Michalak A, Hegel T, Heppenheimer E, Hervieux D, Neufeld L, Polfus JL, Schwantje H, Steenweg R, Musiani M (2022) Population structure of threatened caribou in western Canada infered from genome-wide SNP data. Conservation Genetics. 23:1089-1103.

41. Nielsen MK, Steuer AE, Anderson HP, Gavriliuc S, Carpenter AB, Redman EM, Gilleard JS, Reinemeyer CR, Poissant J (2022) Shortened egg reappearance periods of equine cyathostomins following ivermectin or moxidectin treatment: Morphologic and molecular investigation of efficacy and species composition. International Journal for Parasitology. 52:787-798.

40. Colpitts J, McLoughlin PD, Poissant J (2022) Runs of homozygosity in Sable Island feral horses reveal the genomic consequences of inbreeding and divergence from domestic breeds. BMC Genomics. 23:501.

39. Gavriliuc S, Reza S, Jeong C, Getachew F, McLoughlin PD, Poissant J (2022) Targeted genome-wide SNP genotyping in feral horses using non-invasive fecal swabs. Conservation Genetics Resources. 14:203-213.


38. Gavriliuc S, Stothart MR, Henry A, Poissant J (2021) Long-term storage of feces at -80°C versus -20°C is negligible for 16S rRNA amplicon profiling of the equine bacterial microbiome. PeerJ. 9:e10837.

37. Poissant J, Gavriliuc S, Bellaw J, Redman EM, Avramenko RW, Robinson D, Workentine ML, Shury TK, Jenkins EJ, McLoughlin PD, Nielsen MK, Gilleard JS (2021) A repeatable and quantitative DNA metabarcoding assay to characterize mixed strongyle infections in horses. International Journal for Parasitology. 51:183-192.

36. Stothart MR, Gruel R, Gavriliuc ST, Henry A, Wilson AJ, McLoughlin PD, Poissant J (2021) Bacterial dispersal and drift drive microbiome diversity patterns within a population of feral hindgut fermenters. Molecular Ecology. 30:555-571.


35. Regan CE, Medill S, Poissant J, McLoughlin PD (2020) Causes and consequences of an unusually male-biased adult sex ratio in an unmanaged feral horse population. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89:2909-2921.

34. Workentine ML, Chen R, Zhu S, Gavriliuc S, Shaw N, de Rijke J, Redman EM, Avramenko RW, Wit J, Poissant J, Gilleard JS (2020) A database for ITS2 sequences from nematodes. BMC Genetics. 21:74.

33. Jenkins EJ, Backwell AL, Bellaw J, Colpitts J, Liboiron A, McRuer D, Medill S, Parker S, Shury T, Smith M, Tschritter C, Wagner B, Poissant J, McLoughlin PD (2020) Not playing by the rules: Unusual patterns in the epidemiology of parasites in a natural population of feral horses (Equus caballus) on Sable Island, Canada. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 11:183-190.


32. Regan CE, Tuke L, Colpitts J, McLoughlin PD, Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2019) Evolutionary quantitative genetics of juvenile body size in a population of feral horses reveals sexually antagonistic selection. Evolutionary Ecology. 33:567-584.

31. Bosse M, Spurgin LG, Laine VN, Cole EF, Firth JA, Gienapp P, Gosler AG, McMahon K, Poissant J, Verhagen I, Groenen AM, van Oers K, Sheldon BC, Visser ME, Slate J (2019) Response to Perrier and Charmantier: On the importance of time scales when studying adaptive evolution. Evolution Letters. 3:248-253.

30. Gold S, Regan CE, McLoughlin PD, Gilleard JS, Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2019) Quantitative genetics of gastrointestinal strongyle burden and associated body condition in feral horses. International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife. 9:104-111.

29. Portanier E, Garel M, Devillard S, Maillard D, Poissant J, Galan M, Benabed S, Poirel M-T, Duhayer J, Itty C, Bourgoin G (2019) Both candidate gene and neutral genetic diversity correlate with parasite resistance in female Mediterranean mouflon. BMC Ecology. 19:12.


28. Bosse M, Spurgin LG, Laine VN, Cole EF, Firth JA, Gienapp P, Gosler AG, McMahon K, Poissant J, Verhagen I, Groenen AM, van Oers K, Sheldon BC, Visser ME, Slate J (2017) Recent natural selection causes adaptive evolution of an avian polygenic trait. Science. 358:365-368.

27. Cabrera D, Andres D, McLoughlin PD, Debeffe L, Medill SA, Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2017) Island tameness and the repeatability of flight initiation distance in a large herbivore. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 95:771-778.

26. Debeffe L, Poissant J, McLoughlin PD (2017) Individual quality and age but not environmental or social conditions modulate costs of reproduction in a capital breeder. Ecology and Evolution. 7:5580-5591.

25. Hogg J, Dunn S, Poissant J, Pelletier F, Byers J (2017) Capital vs. income-dependent optimal birth date in two North American ungulates. Ecosphere. 8:e01766.

24. Timonin ME, Poissant J, McLoughlin PD, Hedlin CE, Rubin JE (2017) A survey of the antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli isolated from Sable Island horses. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 63:246-261.


23. Poissant J, Morrissey MB, Gosler AG, Slate J, Sheldon BC (2016) Multivariate selection and intersexual genetic constraints in a wild bird population. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29:2022-2035.

22. Debeffe L, McLoughlin PD, Medill SA, Stewart K, Andres D, Shury T, Wagner B, Jenkins E, Gilleard JS, Poissant J (2016) Negative covariance between parasite load and body condition in a population of feral horses. Parasitology 143:983-997. 

21. Wilson AJ, Poissant J (2016) Quantitative genetics in natural populations. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. Academic Press, Oxford. pp. 361-371. 


20. Santure A, Poissant J, De Cauwer I, van Oers K, Robinson M, Quinn J, Groenen M, Visser M, Sheldon B, Slate J (2015) Replicated analysis of the genetic architecture of quantitative traits in two wild great tit populations. Molecular Ecology 24:6148-6162.

19. Miller JM*, Poissant J*, Malenfant R, Hogg JT, Coltman DW (2015) Temporal dynamics of linkage disequilibrium in two populations of bighorn sheep. Ecology and Evolution 5:3401-3412. *Joint first authors.


18. Edward DA, Poissant J, Wilson AJ, Chapman T (2014) Sexual conflict and interacting phenotypes: a quantitative genetic analysis of fecundity and copula duration in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 68:1651-1660.

17. Miller JM, Malenfant RM, David P, Davies CS, Poissant J, Hogg GT, Festa-Bianchet M, Coltman DW (2014) Estimating genome-wide heterozygosity: effects of demographic history and marker type. Heredity 112:240-247.


16. Santure AW, De Cauwer I, Robinson MR, Poissant J, Sheldon BC, Slate J (2013) Genomic dissection of variation in clutch size and egg mass in a wild great tit (Parus major) population. Molecular Ecology 22:3949-3962.

Featured in Molecular Ecology News and Views: Edwards SV (2013) Next-generation QTL mapping: crowdsourcing SNPs, without pedigrees. Molecular Ecology 22:3885-3887.

15. Poissant J, Réale D, Martin JGA, Festa-Bianchet M, Coltman DW (2013) A quantitative trait locus analysis of personality in wild bighorn sheep. Ecology and Evolution 3:474-481.


14. Miller JM, Poissant J, Hogg JT, Coltman DW (2012) Genomic consequences of genetic rescue in an insular population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Molecular Ecology 21:1583-1596.

        Featured in Molecular Ecology News and Views: Gompert Z (2012) Population genomics as a new tool for wildlife management. Molecular Ecology 21:1542-1544.

13. Poissant J, Davis CS, Malenfant R, Hogg JT, Coltman DW (2012) QTL mapping for sexually dimorphic fitness-related traits in wild bighorn sheep. Heredity 108:256-263.

Featured in Heredity’s September 2011 podcast:


12. Shafer ABA, Poissant J, Côté SD, Coltman DW (2011) Does reduced heterozygosity influence dispersal? A test using a spatially structured alpine ungulate. Biology Letters 7:433-435.

11. Poissant J, Davis CS (2011) Isolation and characterization of ten polar bear (Ursus maritimus) microsatellite loci and cross-amplification in other Ursidae.Conservation Genetics Resources 3:637-639.

10. Miller JM, Poissant J, Kijas JW, the International Sheep Genomics Consortium, Coltman DW (2011) A genome-wide set of SNPs detects population substructure and long range linkage disequilibrium in wild sheep. Molecular Ecology Resources 11:314-322.


9. Poissant J, Hogg JT, Davis CS, Miller JM, Maddox J, Coltman DW (2010). Genetic linkage map of a wild genome: genomic structure, recombination and sexual dimorphism in bighorn sheep. BMC Genomics 11: 524.

8. Poissant J, Wilson AJ, Coltman DW (2010) Sex-specific genetic variance and the evolution of sexual-dimorphism: a systematic review of cross-sex genetic correlations. Evolution 64:97-107.


7. Poissant J, Shafer ABA, Davis CS, Mainguy J, Hogg JT, Côté SD, Coltman DW (2009) Genome-wide cross-amplification of domestic sheep microsatellites in bighorn sheep and mountain goats. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:1121-1126.

6. Poissant J, Coltman DW (2009) The ontogeny of cross-sex genetic correlations: an analysis of patterns. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:2558-2562.

5. Réale D, Martin J, Coltman DW, Poissant J, Festa-Bianchet M (2009) Male personality, life-history strategies and reproductive success in a promiscuous mammal. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:1599-1607.


4. Poissant J, Wilson AJ, Festa-Bianchet M, Hogg JT, Coltman DW (2008) Quantitative genetics and sex-specific selection on sexually dimorphic traits in bighorn sheep. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275:623-628.


3. Moghadam HK, Poissant J, Fotherby H, Haidle L, Ferguson MM, Danzmann RG (2007) Quantitative trait loci for body weight, condition factor and age at sexual maturation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): comparative analysis with rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Molecular Genetics and Genomics 277:647-661.


2. Bourbonnais-Spear N, Poissant J, Cal V, Arnason TJ (2006) Culturally important plants from Southern Belize: Domestication by Q’eqchi’ Maya healers and conservation. Ambio 35:138-140.


1. Poissant J, Knight TW, Ferguson MM (2005) Nonequilibrium following landscape rearrangement: the relative contribution of past and current hydrological landscapes on the genetic structure of a stream-dwelling fish. Molecular Ecology 14:1321-1331.