Books and Editorship


J. Sanchez-Soriano, Reflexiones de Francisco J. Quintana sobre la Estadística y la Investigación Operativa. Edita SEIO, 170 pp, 2012.

F. Borrás Rocher, F. Botella Beviá, M. Pulido Cayuela, A. Sánchez Barbié, J. Sánchez Soriano, L. Santamaría Arana, J.V. Segura Heras. Matemáticas aplicadas a las Ciencias Sociales: Una aproximación con Microsoft Excel. Editorial Universidad Miguel Hernández, Elche, 235 páginas, 2000.

J. Sánchez Soriano. El problema del transporte. Una aproximación desde la teoría de juegos. Editorial Club Universitario, Alicante, 220 pp, 1998.

J. Sánchez Soriano, I. Manteca Ramos. Cuestiones y Problemas Resueltos de Estadística. Editorial Gamma (Ahora ECU), Alicante, 163 páginas, 1995.


E. Algaba, V. Fragnelli, J. Sánchez-Soriano (Editors). Handbook of the Shapley Value. Series in Operations Research. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group), A Chapman & Hall Book, 576 pp, 2019.

Editorial Board. Journal of Dynamics and Games (AIMS). 2017-present

Editorial Board. TOP (Springer). 2015-present

Editorial Board. ISRN Operations Research (Hindawi). 2013-2017

C. Bertini, V. Fragnelli, N. Llorca, J. Sanchez-Soriano, I. Stach (Guest editors). Operations Research and Decisions vol. 26 issue 2, 2016.

A. Alonso-Ayuso and J. Sánchez-Soriano (Guest Editors). Special Issue on IWOR. TOP vol. 17 issue 1, 2009.

F., J. Sanchez-Soriano and A. Dinar (Guest Editors) Special Issue on Game Theoretic Analysis in Natural Resources and the Environment. International Game Theory Review vol. 10 issue 3, 2008.

A. Dinar, J. Albiac, J. Sánchez-Soriano (Editors). Game Theory and Policymaking in Natural Resources and the Environment. Routledge Explorations in Environmental Economics. Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 365 pp, 2008.

P. Borm, F. Patrone, J. Sánchez-Soriano (Guest Editors). Game Theory, Applications and Practice. Annals of Operations Research vol. 158, 2008.

J. Sánchez-Soriano, N. Llorca, A. Meca, E. Molina, M. Pulido (Editors) Abstracts of the sixth Spanish meeting on game theory and practice. Editoral Club Universitario (ECU), 231 pp, 2004.


Annals of Operations Research,

Discrete Applied Mathematics,

European Journal of Operational Research,

Game Theory,

Games and Economic Behavior,

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,

International Game Theory Review,

International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks,

International Journal of Game Theory,

International Journal of Computer Mathematics,

International Journal of Production Economics,

Journal of Transport Geography,

Knowledge and Information Systems,

Mathematical Methods of Operations Research,

Mathematical Reviews,

Mathematical Social Sciences,

Natural Resource Modelling,


Operational Research: An International Journal,

Operations Research and Decisions,


Revista Matemática Complutense,

Systems Engineering,


Water Resource Research,
