Joaquín Rodrigues Jacinto

joaquin.rodrigues-jacinto at


I am a Maître de Conférences at the Université Aix-Marseille. My main research areas are Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry. I am interested in the construction of p-adic L-functions, and in their connection to the p-adic Langlands correspondence. I also work in the study of special values of L-function framed in the setting of Deligne-Beilinson and Tate conjectures. Lately, I have been working on the applications of condensed mathematics to p-adic representation theory.

Articles and preprints


2023-2024 :

2022-2023 :

During 2023, I will be in charge for the problem sessions of a Master 1 course on linear representations of finite groups at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord.

TD1, TD2, TD3, TD4, TD5.

In 2022 I was in charge for the problem sessions of a Master 2 course on cryptography  at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Below you can find the problem sets (in french):

TD1., TD2, TD3, TD4, TD5, TD6.

Other writings