Prof. João M L Moreira
Programa de Pós-graduação em Energia
Universidade Federal do ABC
Av. dos Estados 5001 bloco L sala 401
09210-580 Santo André - SP
Tel: +55 11 99132 3537
João M L Moreira
Areas of interest
Nuclear engineering (micro reactors, decommissioning of nuclear power plants, reactor physics, thermal hydraulics and radioactive waste)
Licensing of nuclear power plants and other facilities (nuclear and environmental)
Sustainability of energy sources; environmental impacts
Energy planning
Prof. João Moreira graduated in Physics at the Universidade de Brasília, (1977), obtained the Specialist Degree in nuclear energy at the Instituto Militar de Engenharia, IME, Rio de Janeiro, RJ (1979), Master and PhD degrees in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (1982 and 1984, respectively).
(2022 - ) TERMINUS PESQUISA E DESENVOLVIMENTO EM ENERGIA LTDA, TERMINUS, Brasil. Prestação de serviço de consultoria técnica e científica na área de geração núcleo-elétrica; micro reatores nucleares para geração de potência na faixa de 10 kW a 5 MW elétricos; planejamento energético.
Desenvolvimento de proposta de projeto para submissão à FINEP em conjunto com as empresas Diamante Geração de Energia (proponente) e Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil - INB e Terminus Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Energia (coexecutoras).
(2020 - 2022) Consultor Técnico e Científico em Geração Núcleo-Elétrica. Prestação de serviço de consultoria técnica e científica na área de geração núcleo-elétrica; micro reatores nucleares para geração de potência na faixa de 10 kW a 5 MW elétricos; formação de recursos humanos para o setor nuclear.
(2020 - ) Professor at the Gradutate Program in Energy of the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Currently his areas of interest are nuclear engineering, energy planning, and use of methane from landfills for energy generation.
(2006 - 2019) Full Professor in energy at the Universidade Federal do ABC. He was vice-director of the Center for Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences (2007-2008), Coordinator of the graduate program of energy (2007-2010), and member of the Conselho Universitário (ConsUni) (2015-2016).
(1990 - 2006) Senior researcher at the Navy's Technological Center in São Paulo (CTMSP). He worked in the project of the land prototype of a nuclear submarine. He was responsible for the experimental program of the reactor core design performing several experiments in the zero-power reactor IPEN/MB-01. He was head of the nuclear reactor physics division (1991-2002) and manager of the fuel element project (2002-2006).
(1984 - 1989) Researcher at the Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (IPEN). Developed measurement methods for startup tests of nuclear reactors: reactivity meter, control rod worth, temperature coefficients of temperature, power density distribution and beta effective through noise analysis.
(1981 - 1982) Invited researcher in the Institut fuer Reaktorentwicklung at the Kernforschungsanlage Juelich, Germany. He worked in the problem of spatial effects on rod worth measurements.
Prof. João Moreira acted as a specialist at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and at the Brazilian-Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC), and was director of the Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (ABEN). Currently he is ad hoc consultant to CNPq, Fapesp, and Capes, and reviewer for several journals.
Voluntary work
He is a voluntary of the ONG Casa da Amizade which provides better basic conditions for families in the Grotão de Paraisópolis community through social and educational activities.