Former - PhD STUDENTS 

DAVID NOS (2024)The potential of carboxylesterase activity in the biomonitoring of marine pollution. ICATMAR-Generalitat de Catalunya contract. Supervised with Montse Solé. 

MARIA VIGO (2023) No-take fishery reserves for restoring overexploited deepsea habitats: the case of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus in the northwestern Mediterranean. FPU-Fellowship. Supervised with J. Batista Company.

ELENA LLORET-LLORET (2023) The importance of seasonality at different levels of ecological organization in the marine ecosystem of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. FPU-Fellowship. Supervised with Marta Coll. 

MARTA ALBO-PUIGSERVER (2019) Ecological and functional role of small and medium-sized pelagic fish in the North-western Mediterranean Sea ecosystem. FPI-Fellowship (Spanish Government). Supervised with Marta Coll. 

CLAUDIO BARRÍA (2017) Trophic ecology of sharks and rays in exploited ecosystems of northwestern Mediterranean.  CONICYT(Chilean Government). Supervised with Marta Coll.  

Former - Postdoctoral Researchers

VICTOR MARTÍN-VÉLEZ (2022-2023) Application of movement ecology to understand the ecological and functional role of opportunistic marine predators in highly humanized environments. Margarita Salas Fellowship, Ministerio de Universidades, Gobierno de España.

IVAN MASMITJA (2020-2023) Artificial Intelligence methods for Underwater target Tracking (AIforUTracking).  H2020-MSCA-IF-2019. Also working with Kakani Katija (MBARI). 

Former - M.Sc STUDENTS

LAURA SANZ( 2023) Creels as a low-impact alternative to trawling to fish deep-sea Norway lobster. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Nixon Bahamon.

ANA BAEZA (2023) Urban gulls as sentinels of Hg pollution in urban marine environments. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Francisco J. Ramirez.

ANGELA LORING (2023) Analysing the unusual razorbill die-off in the Mediterranean Sea: and ecopathologic approach. Master in Terrestrial Ecology and Management of Biodiversity - Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Supervised with Joan Gimenez.

JOANA DOMINGO (2023) Distribution and selection of nesting sites of an opportunistic predator present in urban ecosystems . Master in Ecology, Environmental Management and Restoration -  Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Victor Martín-Vélez.

MARC VEZ (2022) Effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on the foraging ecology of an opportunistic predator inhabiting urban environments. Master in Biodiversity - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Joan Giménez. Suported by a JAE-Intro grant

ANA FERNÁNDEZ (2022) Spatial variability of Hg values in a demersal mesopredator along the western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Ecology, Environmental Management and Restoration -  Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Carola Sanpera and Joan Giménez.

LUCA FRANCOTTE (2022) Long-term changes in the feeding habits of swordfish in the western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Ecology, Environmental Management and Restoration -  Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Joan Giménez.

ANTONI SÁNCHEZ-MARQUÉZ (2021) Interspecific differences in the beak shapes in sympatric cephalopods: evolutionary or ecological pressures? Master in Biodiversity - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marc Farré and Fernando Ángel Fernández-Hernández. Suported by a JAE-Intro grant. Extraordinary Master's Award  

ELENA FERNÁNDEZ (2021) Extinction risk analysis of elasmobranchs inhabiting the Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management  - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Coll. Extraordinary Master's Award

ALBA VIDAL (2021) Geographic differences in the trophic niche of a pelagic predator. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Laura Cardador 

LOLA RIESGO (2021) Environmental spatial variability affects the presence og Hg in a pelagic predator. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Carola Sanpera 

NÚRIA ANDÓN  (2020) Molecular and isotopic markers as tools to evaluate the importance of iconic fishing resources in the diet of marine predators. JAE-Intro CSIC

MARIA VIGO (2019) Structure and diversity of demersal communities in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Joan Baptista Company and Marta Carretón

ADRIÁN MÉNDEZ (2019) Foraging strategies of an opportunistic seabird living in urban environments. Master in Biodiversity- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Tomas Montalvo. 

SILVIA PUIGARNAU (2019) Long-term changes in the diet of little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea: combining stomach content and isotopic markers. Master in Biodiversity - Universtitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Coll and Joan Giménez. 

MIGUEL NUÑEZ (2019) Trophic pathways of invasive species. Master in Biodiversity and Conservation - Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Supervised with Martina Carrete

YAIZA PARRA-TORRES (2019) Scheduled behaviour by an opportunistic predator as a response to human activities. Master in Biodiversity- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Francisco J. Ramírez and Isabel Afán. 

ERIC MORAN (2019) Geographic differences in the diet of a predatory pelagic fish, the little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus): combining stomach content and isotopic markers. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Coll and Joan Giménez.

PAU ENRIC SERRA (2018) Temporal differences in the trophic strategies between three predatory pelagic fish in the western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Albo-Puigserver.

ETHAN COLL (2018) Feeding strategies of batoids in the western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Claudio Barría.

MÓNICA TAMAYO (2018) Trophic ecology of an endangered holocephalan in the Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Claudio Barría and Marta Coll

PAULA LOPEZOSA (2017) Individual specialization in trophi niche in an opportunistic marine predator. Master in Biodiversity- Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Supervised by Francisco Ramírez.  

LUCÍA TRALLERO (2017) Sexual dimorphism in bill and its relationships with other features in four planktivorous seabirds. Master in Biodiversity- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised by Marc Farré.

DAVID NOS (2016) Interspecific differences in carboxylesterase activity in small- and medium-size pelagic fishes. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised by Montserrat Solé and Claudio Barría. 

FRANCISCO MARÍNEZ (2014) Trophic ecology of the short-finned squid Illex coindetii in the western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona Supervised with Rigoberto Rosas-Luis. 

ELISENDA VALLS (2014) Ecophysiology of free-living small sharks. Master in Biodiversity- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Jaume Fernández. 

NIEVES LÓPEZ (2014) Feeding ecology of a demersal predator, the black anglerfish (Lophius budegassa), in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Master in Aquaculture- Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Supervised by Isabel Palomera. 

ANA MUÑOZ (2014) Energy density in small- and medium-size pelagic fishes. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona.  Supervised by Isabel Palomera. 

CLAUDIO BARRÍA (2013) Importancia ecológica de tiburones y rayas en ecosistemas explotados del Mediterráneo Noroccidental. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Coll.

LOURDES LÓPEZ (2013) Trophic strategies and basic morphology of the rare demersal kitefin Dalatias licha in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management- Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Marta Coll. 

MARTA ALBO-PUIGSERVER (2012) Trophic segregation between sympatric chondrichtyes. Master in Marine Sciences: Oceanography and Marine Environment Management - Universitat de Barcelona. Year: 2012. 

Former - B. Sc STUDENTS

ELOI IGLESIAS (2023) Urban ecology of the grey heron. Bachellor in Biology- Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. Supervised with Joan Gimenez.

PAULA POZO (2022) Investigating the distribution of the small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula) using unmanned vehicles (ROVs) in different deep-sea habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. Bachelor in Biology - Universitat de Barcelona. Supervised with Maria Vigo.

GEMMA FREIXAS (2022) MPA as management action to recover overexploited resources. Bachelor in Biology - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona.

VICTOR GORDILLO (2021) Breeding biology of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) inhabiting the Zoo of Barcelona. TFG project. Bachelor in Veterinary. Universitat de Lleida (Spain) 

MIRIAM GIMENO (2021) Fishing activity patterns and movement of marine scanvengers. TFG project. Bachelor in Marine Sciences. Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) 

NURIA ANDON (2019) Using DNA-markers to examine the presence of Norway lobster in stomach contents. TFG project. Bachelor in Marine Sciences. Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

MARIA CARMONA (2019) Population structure and distribution of the yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in Barcelona. TFG project. Bachelor in Biology. Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)

HEURA CARDONA (2014) Seasonal changes in the spatial distribution and isotopic values of plankton and small pelagic larvae in the NW Mediterranean Sea. TFG project. Bachelor in Biology. Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)


ILARIA MARTINO (2022) Ecology of megafauna. Erasmus Internship. Italy

MARIA INES LARANJEIRO (2019) Ecology of marine predators. ERASMUS+. Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal)

EVAN BURDETT (2019) Spatial Distribution Models in animal ecology studies. Erasmus + VET Learning

TIZIANO VENTURI (2019) Fish behavioral response to anthropogenic stressors. ERASMUS+. Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Italy)