
Main Research Interests:

- Industrial Organization: network effects; two-sided markets; information

- Advertising and Pricing strategies

- Regulation

- Energy markets and environmental economics


[1] Laussel, D. & Resende, J. (2021). “When is Product Personalization Profit-enhancing? A Behavior Based Discrimination Model”, accepted for publication Management Science

[2] Garella, P., Laussel, D. & Resende, J. (2021) “Behavior based price personalization under vertical product differentiation.” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 76, 102717.

[3] Laussel, D., Long, N. V., & Resende, J. (2021). “Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination”, Dynamic Games and Applications,

[4] Amir, R.; Resende, J. & Sinclair-Desgagné, B. "Introduction to the thematic issue on “Regulation in health, environmental and innovation sectors”". Journal of Public Economic Theory, 22(6), 1740-1745.

[5] Laussel, D., Long, N. V., & Resende, J. (2020). “The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits.” The RAND Journal of Economics, 51(3), 650-675.

[6] Laussel, D. & Resende, J. (2020). “Complementary monopolies with Asymmetric Information”, Economic Theory, 70:943–981

[7] Laussel, D., Long, N. & Resende, J. (2020) “Quality and Price Personalization under Customer Recognition: a Dynamic Monopoly Model with Contrasting Equilibria”, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol. 114, 103869

[8] Belhadj, N., Laussel, D., & Resende, J. (2019). “Marketplace or reselling? A signalling model”, Information Economics and Policy, Vol. 50, 100834

[9] Amir, R., Liu, H., Machowska, D. & Resende, J. (2019). “Spillovers, subsidies and second-best socially optimal R&D”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21 (6), pp. 1200-1220.

[10] Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2019). “Personalized pricing and advertising: Who are the winners?”. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 63, 239-282.

[11] Pinho, J., Resende, J. & Soares, I. (2018). “Capacity Investment in Electricity Markets under Supply and Demand Uncertainty”. Energy, 150: 1006-1017.

[12] Esteves, R. B., & Resende, J. (2016). “Competitive Targeted Advertising with Price Discrimination”. Marketing Science, 35(4): 576-587.

[13] Ribeiro, V. M., Correia-da-Silva, J. & Resende, J. (2016). “Nesting Vertical and Horizontal Differentiation in Two-Sided Markets”. Bulletin of Economic Research, 68(S1): 133-145.

[14] Garcia, F. & Resende, J. (2016). “Conformity-Based Behavior and the Dynamics of Price Competition: A New Rationale for Fashion Shifts”. Journal of Dynamics and Games, 3 (2): 153 – 167, Special issue UECE Lisbon Meetings in Game Theory.

[15] Brandão, A., Pinho, J., Resende, J., Sarmento, P. & Soares, I. (2016). “Welfare Effects of Unbundling under Different Regulatory Regimes in Natural Gas Markets”. Portuguese Economic Journal, 15(2): 99-127, Special issue on Energy Economics: Demand, Prices, and Welfare.

[16] Laussel, D., Ngo V. L. & Resende, J. (2015). “Network Effects, Aftermarkets and the Coase Conjecture: A Dynamic Markovian Approach”. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 41: 84-96.

[17] Laussel, D. & Resende, J. (2014). “Dynamic Price Competition in Aftermarkets with Network Effects”. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 50: 106-118.

[18] Amir, R., Gabszewicz, J. & Resende, J. (2014). “Thematic Cubs and the Supremacy of Network Externalities”. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 16(5): 706-729.

[19] Brandão, A., Soares, I., Sarmento, P., Resende, J. & Pinho, J. (2014). “Regulating International Gas Transport: Welfare Effects of Postage Stamp and Entry-Exit Systems”. Energy, 69:86-95.

[20] de Feo, G., Resende,J. & Sanin, M. E. (2013). “Emission Permits Trading and Downstream Strategic Market Interaction”. The Manchester School, 81(5): 780-802.

[21] Correia-da-Silva, J. & Resende, J. (2013). “Free daily newspapers: too strong incentives to print”. Portuguese Economic Journal,12 (2): 113-130.

[22] Gabszewicz, J. & Resende, J. (2012). “Differentiated Credence Goods and Price Competition”. Information, Economics and Policy, 24 (3): 277-287.

[23] de Feo, G., Resende,J. & Sanin, M.E. (2012). “Optimal Allocation of Tradable Emission Permits under Upstream-Downstream Strategic Interaction”. International Game Theory Review, 14(04): 1240003 (23 pages).

[24] Gabszewicz, J., Garcia, F., Pais, J. & Resende, J. (2012). “On Gale and Shapley College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage”. Theoretical Economics Letters, 2(3), pp. 291-293.

[25] Resende, J. (2008). “The economic advantage of being the voice of the majority", Journal of Media Economics, 21(3): 158-190.

I.2.3. Capítulos de Livros

[1] Resende, J. & T. Aquino (2017). “New Business Models with Diffusion of Distributed Generation”, Distributed Generation: International Experiences and Comparative Analyses, editado por Nivalde de Castro & Guilherme Dantas, GESEL-UFRJ; KAS – EKLA, Publit.

[2] Gabszewicz, J., Resende, J. & Sonnac, N. (2015). “Media as multisided platforms”, in Handbook on the Economics of the Media, editado por Robert Picard & Steve Wildman, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.3-35.

[3] Garcia, F. & Resende, J. (2011). “Dynamic Games of Network Effects" in Dynamics, Games and Science II editado por Peixoto, M.M.; Pinto, A. A.; Rand, D. A., Springer, Vol. 2, pp 323-342.

Conference Proceedings

[1] Gouveia, P., Resende, J, & Campos, P. (2019). “Comparative assessment of electricity procurement alternatives: the case of oporto's light rail”, Book of Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Energy and Environment – Bringing Economics & Engineering Together (Universidade do Minho, Centro Algoritmi, Universidade do Porto e cef-up).

[2] Resende, J., Aquino, T., Castro, N. & Aguiar, J. (2017). “Competition in electricity markets versus competition for electricity supply: a comparative study of the Portuguese and the Brazilian regulatory models”, Book of Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environment – Bringing Economics and Engineering Together (Universidade do Porto).