
Jiro Kokuryo

  • Kokuryo, J., Maracke, C., Walsh,T., “AI for Everyone - benefitting from and building trust in the technology –“, AI Acess、Jan. 28, 2020.

  • Sakurai, M., & Kokuryo, J. (2018). Fujisawa sustainable smart town: Panasonic’s challenge in building a sustainable society [Article]. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 42(1), 508-525, Article 19.

  • Kokuryo, J., & Kaya, A. (2017). The Human-AI Ecosystem: A Nonhuman-Centric Approach. Kindai Management Review, 5.

  • Ryo Onozuka, Tomohito Yamazaki, and Jiro Kokuryo, "A Bayesian Detection Method for Conceptual Changes in Scientific Knowledge", ICIS 2016 (International Conference on Information Systems), Dublin, Ireland. December 12, 2016.

  • Goi, Hoe Chin, Jiro Kokuryo, “Design of a University-Based Venture Generation Program (UVGP)”, Journal of Enterprising Culture (JEC), Volume No.24, Issue No.01, pp.1-35、2016 March

  • Sakurai, M., Watson, R. T., & Kokuryo, J. (2016). How do organizational processes recover following a disaster? a capital resiliency model for disaster preparedness. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,

  • Sakurai, M., & Kokuryo, J. (2016). Data backup dilemma: Case studies from the Great East Japan Earthquake. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,

  • Mihoko Sakurai, Jiro Kokuryo, "Design of Resilient Information System for Disaster Response" , ICIS 2014 (International Conference on Information Systems), Auckland, New Zealand. December 15, 2014

  • Sakurai, M., Watson, R.T., Abraham, C. and Kokuryo, J. "Sustaining Life During the Early Stages of Disaster Relief with a Frugal Information System: Learning from the Great East Japan Earth9quake," IEEE Communications Magazine (52:1), 2014, pp.176-185.

  • SAKURAI, Mihoko and Jiro KOKURYO, "Preparing for Creative Responses to Beyond Assumed Level Disasters: Lessons from the ICT Management in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake Crisis", Corporate Ownership & Control, Vol.10, issue 2 (Continued - 1), 2013. pp.195-206

  • Mihoko Sakurai, Jiro Kokuryo; Richard Watson; Chon Abraham, "Sustaining life during the early stages of disaster relief with a Frugal Information System: Learning from the Great East Japan Earthquake." ITU Kaleidoscope Conference, Kyoto, Japan. April 22, 2013

  • Kokuryo Jiro. “Business strategy in an Onymous Economy.” Nikkei Publishing Inc., 2013.

  • Sakurai, Mihoko, and J. Kokuryo. “Municipal Government ICT in 3.11 crisis: Lessons from the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Crisis.” Berkman Center Research Publication, 2012.14 (2012).

  • Inaba, T., Kokuryo, J., & Mitsugi, J. (2012). Innovative financing scheme by RFID. 2012 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technologies and Applications, RFID-TA 2012,

  • Sakurai, Mihoko, and J. Kokuryo. “Municipal Government ICT Networking.” Keio University Press, 2012. (In Japanese)

  • Goi, Hoe Chin, Takeru Ohe and Jiro Kokuryo "Impact and Effects of the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem of Universities Based on Consulting Based Learning for Asean Small and Medium Enterprise-Coblas Program,"Beyond Technology, Stanford Technology Ventures Program's Roundtable on Entrepreneurship Education Asia 2011, pp.141-163.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro, and Platform Design Lab. “Sohatsu Keiei no Platform.” Nikkei Publishing, Inc., 2011. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. “Sohatsu no Platform.” Joho Shakaigaku Gairon. (Kumon, Shunpei ed.) NTT Publishing Inc., 2011: 211-237. (In Japanese)

  • Inaba, T., Nakamura, O., Kokuryo, J., & Murai, J. (2010). Inventory redistribution process with fine granular real space information - Proposal and evaluation using a specialty store's supply chain [Article]. Journal of Japan Industrial Management Association, 61(3), 180-190.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Organization and Information Strategy in IT Era.” ‘Business Study in future.’ Nikkei Publishing, 2010: 188-204. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. “Part 3, Technique for Change." 'Designing Private and Public Interest.' Keio University Publishing, 2010: 69-87. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. “Organization and Chaos.” 'Organizational Science.' Vol.42, No.1, 2009: 29-42. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. “Five Years of Policy Innovation Center of Excellence.” Keio SFC Journal, Vol.8, No.1, 2008: 7-19. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. “Network Technology as Context of Society and as Methodology of Social Research.” Keio SFC Journal, Vol.8, No.1, 2008: 47-54.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro “Designing and Evaluating Platforms for the Information Society.” The Journal of the Infosocionomics Society, Vol.1, No.1, 2006: 41-49

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Designing Open Solution Society." Nihon Keizai Shimbunsya, 2004. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro, et al. “Silent Members (SM): Their Communication Behaviour and Influence on Purchases of Others.” PACIS 2003 Proceedings Paper 8. 2003.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro, Mikako Ogawa, Yuichi Sasaki, Hiroshi Tsuda and Tetsuro Yoshimatsu, 'Silent Members (SM): Their Communication Behaviour and Infuluence on Purchases of Others' (2003), co-authored with 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems

  • Kokuryo, Jiro, and M. Hattori. “Finding Right Revenue Models for Digital Goods in Various Market Segments - An Analysis of the Japanese Digital Music Market-.” Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information, 2002.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Revenue Models for Information Value." in Masahiro Okuno and Nobuo Ikeda ed. Johoka to Keizai System no Tenkan. Toyo Keizai, 2001. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Open Architecture Strategy." Diamond, Inc. 1999. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Development of IT in Japan amid financial difficulties." Journal of Strategic Information System 8.1, Mar. 1999: 7-12

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "The Role of 'Customer-to-Customer' Interaction on Computer Networks." Journal of the Japan Society for Management Information, Vol.7, No.3, Dec. 1998: 19-33

  • Kokuryo, Jiro, 'Information Technologies and the Transformation of Japanese Industry,' (1997), Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, pp 7-17.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "The Role of Intermediaries in Electronic Commerce." paper presented at the OECD Workshop No.2 on the Economics of Information Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 14-15 December 1995.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Open Network Keiei." Japan Economic Journal, 1995. (In Japanese)

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "The Impact of EDI-based Quick Response Systems on Logistics Systems." in G.Pogorel ed. Global Telecommunications Strategies and Technological Changes. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1994.

  • Kokuryo, Jiro. "Platform Business.", Infocom Research, Inc., 1994. (In Japanese)

Vice-President, Keio University

Professor, Faculty of Policy Management /

Graduate school of Media and Governance, Keio University, JAPAN

Working Experience