Custom Products

Custom products developed by JKH Electronics; only available here.

Please add $10 shipping/handling to each order.

Gottlieb System 1 Mutli-ROM PCB (replaces original PROM/Personality IC).

For use with original Gottlieb System 1 MPU PCB. All 16 System 1 games

are selectable through on-board dip switch settings. Test program is accessed

through use of an on-board test switch. Blank EPROM is supplied with the PCB

due to lack of licenses to sell Gottlieb ROMs. Download the build_sys_multirom.wish

script below to create the needed binary file for the EPROM; the individual game personality

PROM codes will need to be fetched separately. Note that tcl/tk must be installed

on your computer in order to run the build script. $50. These PCBs are

currently available, but are UNTESTED!!! Will need to test in an original System 1

pinball with original MPU PCB.

M51516L Audio Amplifier Substitution PCB. Uses a TDA2003 to replace the M51516L.

This project is underway; no PCBs available yet. This project was started due to

having purchased imitation/fake devices that did not function. When completed, these PCBs will

work on Stern and Konami games like Scramble, Super Cobra, and Frogger that are

configured to use the M51516L amplifier. Price will be around $25 assembled, or $15

as a kit. This solutions should outlast the original amplifier as they are crap.

82S16/82S17 replacement PCB. This project is currently underway with no PCBs available yet.

This project was strarted becasue I'm having problems finding 82S16 and 82S17 256x1 SRAMs

for use in older video games. The PCB will use D2115 or D2125 SRAMs to replace the 82S17

or 82S16 SRAM respectively. Price will be about $25 assembled, or $15 as a kit. The solution

should outlast the original SRAM as they are prone to failure.

Atari Liberator ROM replacement PCB. This project will use a PCB to replace the 7 program

ROMs on the Atari Liberator PCB. This project was started because a PCB I purchased

had all of the ROMs in such bad physical condition that none could be used. The PCB will

use a single 27C256 EPROM to replace the seven 2732 program EPROMs. The PCB will

install in the 6502A processor socket, and will require that the CPU chip be removed from

the motherboard and installed into the PCB. Price will be $65 when they become available.

Midway 8080 RAM replacement PCB. This PCB will replace all 16 of the 2107 DRAMs

with a modern day SRAM. These are currently available in limited quantities, but will

build more if they become popular. $65. Installation requires installation of 9 jumper wires

to the installed PCB, so some soldering is required; but it is highly unlikely a RAM

error will occur on that PCB in your lifetime!!!

New and improved Game Plan MPU PCB. This project is currently underway. I have a

prototype built and have been testing on the bench. The PCB seems to be working,

but I currently do not have a pinball machine to install it in for final validation. The PCB

will allow game selection through a dipswitch. The initial PCBs have layout errors.