Journal Publications
Joseph J. Rencis
BSIndicates BS student as co-author.
MSIndicates MS student as co-author.
PhDIndicates PhD student as co-author.
PDocIndicates Post-Doc as co-author.
Brown, A.O., Jensen, D.A., Rencis, J.J., Wood, K.L., Wood, J.J., PhDWhite, C., MSKaufman, K., and MSCoffman, J., "Finite Element Learning Modules as Active Learning Tools," Advances in Engineering Education, Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2012.
BSDowns, R., BSScrivener, D., PhDTerdalkar, S.S., and Rencis, J.J., "Molecular Dynamic Simulation to Determine Temperature Dependent Young’s Modulus of Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene Sheet," ASME Early Career Technical Journal, 9, 1, October 2010.
PhDTedalkar, S.S., PhDHuang, S., PhDYuan, H., Rencis, J.J., Zhu, T., and Zhang, S.L., "Nanoscale Fracture in Graphene," Chemical Physics Letters, 218-222, July 2010.
BSDowns, R., PhDTerdalkar, S.S., and Rencis, J.J., "Nano-indentation of Monolayer Graphene Sheet using Molecular Dynamic Simulation," ASME Early Career Technical Journal, 8, 1, October 2009.
PhDTedalkar, S., Zhang, S., Rencis, J.J. and Hsia, K.J., "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Ion-Irradiation Induced Deflections of 2D Graphene Films," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 13, 3908-3917, June 2008.
Pan, C.H.T., Kim, T.H. and Rencis, J.J., "Rolling Stream Trials-An Alternative Cavitation Analysis," American Society of Mechanical Engineering Journal of Tribology, 130, April 2008.
Rencis, J.J., BSJolley, W.O. and Grandin, H.T., "Teaching Fundamentals of Finite Element Theory and Applications Using Sophomore Level Mechanics of Materials," The International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, 32, 2, 114-137, April 2007.
PhDTerdalkar, S.. and Rencis, J.J., "Graphically Driven Interactive Finite Element Stress Reanalysis for Machine Elements in the Early Design Stage," Finite Element in Analysis and Design, 42, 884-899, 2006.
MSAmaral, N., Rencis, J.J. and Rong, Y., "Finite Element Analysis and Optimization in Fixture Design," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25, 409-419, 2005.
MSBenz, U. and Rencis, J.J., "Coupling Two-dimensional and Axisymmetric Boundary Element Zones for Transient Heat Transfer Applications," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 26, 5, 455-467, 2002.
MSBenz, U. and Rencis, J.J., "Simplified Multidimensional Zone Boundary Element Formulation for Transient Heat Transfer Applications," Electronic Journal of Boundary Elements, Vol. BETEQ 2001, No. 1, pp. 77-84, 2002.
MSFratantonio, M. and Rencis, J.J., "Exact Boundary Element Integrations for Two-Dimensional Laplace Equation," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 24, 4, 325-342, 2000.
MSPisani, S.R. and Rencis, J.J., "Investigating CURVIC Coupling Behavior by Utilizing Two- and Three-Dimensional Boundary and Finite Element Methods," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 24, 3, 271-275, 2000.
BSClayton, J.D. and Rencis, J.J., "Investigation of Singular and Nearly Singular Integrands in Axisymmetric Elasticity Finite Element Formulations," Short Communication, Advances in Engineering Software and Workstations, 31, 2, 137-141, February 2000.
Rencis, J.J., BSKwok, P., BSFlory, E. and Alam, J., "Learning Modules for Finite Element Method On The World-Wide Web,"ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol. IX, No. 4, 22-28, October-December, 1999.
Rencis, J.J. and PDocHuang, Q., "Fundamental Functions for a Two-Dimensional Microelastic Body," Research Note,Engineering Analysis in Boundary Elements, 23, 9, 787-790, October 1999.
MSAli, I.A. and Rencis, J.J., "A New Multidimensional Zone BEM Formulation for Heat Transfer Analysis," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 22, 103-110, 1998.
Alam, J. and Rencis, J.J., "Use of Internet in Information Content Creation and Delivery for Promoting Active Cooperative Learning," ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol. VIII, No. 1, January-March, 1998.
Rencis, J.J. and MSMann, K., "The Effects of Essential Boundary Conditions on the Convergence of Iterative Equation Solvers in BEM," The International Journal of Boundary Elements Methods Communications, 8, 1, 11-13, 1997.
BSCabell, B.Q., Rencis, J.J., Alam, J. and Grandin, H.T., "Using Java to Develop Interactive Learning Material for the World-Wide Web," The International Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 13, No. 6, 1997.
Rencis, J.J. and Grandin, H.T., "Design Experiences in Stress Analysis Using TK Solver," ASEE Computers in Education Journal, Vol. VI, No. 3, July-September 1996.
PhDUrekew, T.J. and Rencis, J., "An Iterative Solution Strategy for Boundary Element Equations from Mixed Boundary Value Problems," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 118, 13-28, 1994.
MSAntkowiak, J.H. and Rencis, J.J., "Geometric Nonlinearities in the Design of Force Transducers," Advances to Engineering Software and Workstations, 21, 11-16, 1994.
MSPothier, A. and Rencis, J.J., "Three-Dimensional Finite Element Formulation for Microelastic Solids," Computers and Structures, 51, 1, 1-21, 1994.
PhDUrekew, T.J. and Rencis, J.J., "The Importance of Diagonal Dominance in Iterative Equation Solving for Boundary Element Systems of Equations," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36, 3509-3527, 1993.
Rencis, J.J. and PDocHuang, Q., "Boundary Element Formulation for Generalized Plane Strain," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 9, 263-271, 1992.
Rencis, J.J. and PDocHuang, Q., "Boundary Element Formulation for Constant Curvature Generalized Plane Strain Problem,"MECHANICS: Research Communications, 19, 2, 101-116, March-April 1992.
Rencis, J.J., Hopkins, D.A. and Chamis, C.C., "Local and Global Accuracy Estimates for Boundary Element Method," Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 9, 229-245, 1991.
Rencis, J.J., MSUrekew, T.J., PhDJong, K-Y., MSKirk, R. and MSFederico, P., "A Posteriori Error Estimates for Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods," Computers and Structures, 37, 1, 103-117, 1990.
Rencis, J.J., PhDJong, K-Y. and Saigal, S., "A Dynamic Viscoelastic Beam Model using the Finite Element Method," ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 3, 1, 19-29, 1990.
Rencis, J.J. and PhDJong, K-Y., "A Self-Adaptive h-Refinement Technique for the Boundary Element Method," Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 73, 295-316, 1989.
MSGoksel, B., Rencis, J.J. and Noori, M.N., "Stress Analyses of a Butterfly Valve Assembly," ASME Journal of Pressure Vessels and Technology, 111, 2, 197-202, 1989.
Rencis, J.J. and PhDJong, K-Y., "An Error Estimator for Boundary Element Computations," ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 115, 9, 1993-2010, 1989.
Rencis, J.J. and Mullen, R.L., "Self-Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Boundary Element Solutions of Laplace Equation,"Computational Mechanics, 3, 309-319, 1988.
Mullen, R.L. and Rencis, J.J., "Iterative Methods for Solving Boundary Element Equations," Computers and Structures, 25, 5, 713- 723, 1987.
Rencis, J.J. and Mullen, R.L., "Solution of Elasticity Problems by a Self-Adaptive Mesh Refinement Technique for Boundary Element Computation," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 23, 1509-1527, 1986.