Paramus Day Care In New Jersey

(201) 500-2951

Our mission should be to infuse our youngsters with an interest for learning in a secure, nurturing and educationally enriched early childhood environment. We believe students learn best when they're actively engaged. Through on the work activities, students receive opportunities to create sense of and develop an understanding of the growing world around them. JJ Paramus Day Care's open-door policy supports open communication between parents and faculty. We genuinely genuinely believe that constant collaboration and communication relating to the staff and parents is an important section of a student's academic and emotional growth.

At JJ Paramus Day Care we use Creative Curriculum, an investigation based curriculum that provides specific goals and objectives in the cognitive, speech and language, social-emotional, and gross and fine motor domains of child development. The JJ Paramus Day Care uses probably the most current, academically endorsed methods to ensure children have some fun while learning the skills they might need for long-term success in school and in life. Our talented teachers also collaborate with parents to nurture children into respectful, confident and joyful learners.

Whenever your child is all over the place, they're discovering their world. Toddlers learn best in safe, loving places where they have the ability to explore, in their very own way. The activities because of this generation are designed around toddlers'limitless curiosity and their natural wish to push boundaries. Our time with your child will include learning and social opportunities like simple addition and subtraction and science, movement and imaginative play with props and dress-up clothes. A lot of this can include group play where your child probably will make friends and learn cooperation and taking turns. With improved coordination and thinking the planet begins to open for preschoolers. Our program introduces language, math, science, and social skills in an natural sequence to nourish learning one step and an occasion, with individual attention suitable for your child's unique needs.

Contact Us:

JJ Paramus Day Care

Address: 600 Winters Avenue, Suite B Paramus, NJ 07652

Phone #: (201) 500-2951


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