Publications since 2005
Sun, Chen, and Jan Potters (2021), Magnitude effect in intertemporal allocation tasks, Experimental Economics, forthcoming.
König-Kersting , Christian , Monique Pollmann, Jan Potters, and Stefan Trautmann (2021), Good decision vs. good results: Outcome bias in the evaluation of financial agents. Theory and Decision 90, 31-61.
Xu, Xue, Jan Potters, and Sigrid Suetens (2020), Cooperative versus competitive interactions and in-group bias, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 179, 69-79.
Potters, Jan, and Xilong Xu (2020), Social information and selfishness, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 177, 327-340.
Potters, Jan, and Sigrid Suetens (2020), Optimization incentives in dilemma games with strategic complementarity, European Economic Review 127.
Mol, Jantsje , Eline van der Heijden, and Jan Potters (2020), (Not) alone in the world: Cheating in the presence of a virtual observer, Experimental Economics 23, 961-978.
Dillingh, Rik, Peter Kooreman, and Jan Potters (2020), Tattoos, Lifestyle, and the Labor Market, Labour 34(2), 191-214.
Bigoni, Maria, Jan Potters, and Giancarlo Spagnolo (2019), Frequency of Interaction, Communication, and Collusion: an Experiment, Economic Theory 68, 827-844.
Brouwer, Thijs, and Jan Potters (2019), Friends for (almost) a Day - Studying Breakaways in Cycling Races, Journal of Economic Psychology 75
Spadoni, Lorenzo, and Jan Potters (2018), The Effect of Competition on Risk Taking in Contests, Games 9(3), 72.
Brandts, Jordi, and Jan Potters (2018), Chapter 17. Experimental industrial organization, Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization, Vol II. Louis Corchon and Marco Marini (eds.), Edward Elgar.
Xu, Xue, and Jan Potters (2018), An experiment on cooperation in ongoing organizations, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 147, 28-40.
Ismayilov, Huseyn and Jan Potters (2017), Elicited vs. voluntary promises, Journal of Economic Psychology 62, 295-312.
Potters, Jan, and Jan Stoop (2016), Do cheaters in the lab also cheat in the field?, European Economic Review 87, 26-33.
Ismayilov, Huseyn, and Jan Potters (2016), Why do promises affect trustworthiness, or do they?, Experimental Economics 19(2), 382-393.
Jiang, Ting, Jan Potters, and Yuki Funaki (2016), Eye tracking social preferences, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29, 157-168.
Dillingh, Rik, Peter Kooreman, and Jan Potters (2016), Probability Numeracy and Health Insurance Purchase, De Economist 164, 19-39.
Tausch, Franziska, Jan Potters, and Arno Riedl (2014), An experimental investigation of risk sharing and adverse selection, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 48(2), 167-186
Pollmann, Monique, Jan Potters, and Stefan Trautmann (2014), Risk taking by agents: The role of ex-ante and ex-post accountability, Economics Letters 123 (3), 387-390.
Serra Garcia, Marta, Eric van Damme and Jan Potters (2013), Lying About What You Know or About What You Do?, Journal of the European Economic Association 11(5), 1204-1229
Ismayilov, Huseyn and Jan Potters (2013), Disclosing Advisor's Interests Neither Hurts Nor Helps, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 93, 314-320.
Potters, Jan and Sigrid Suetens (2013), Oligopoly Experiments in the Current Millennium, Journal of Economic Surveys 27, 439-460.
Tausch, Franziska, Jan Potters, and Arno Riedl (2013), Preferences for redistribution and pensions. What can we learn from experiments?, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 12(3), 298-325.
Dogan, Gonul, Marcel van Assen, and Jan Potters (2013), The effect of links costs on simple buyer-seller networks, Games and Economic Behavior 77 (1), 229-246.
van der Heijden, Eline, Tobias Klein, Jan Potters, and Wieland Müller (2012), Framing effects and impatience: Evidence from a large scale experiment. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 84 (2), 701-711.
Serra Garcia, Marta, Eric van Damme and Jan Potters (2011), Hiding an inconvenient truth: Lies and vagueness, Games and Economic Behavior 73(1), 244-261.
Kalayci, Kenan, and Jan Potters (2011), Buyer Confusion and Market Prices, International Journal of Industrial Organization 29(1), 14-22.
Potters, Jan, and Sigrid Suetens (2009), Cooperation in Experimental Games of Strategic Complements and Substitutes, Review of Economic Studies 76(3), 1125-1147.
Aalbers, Rob, Eline van der Heijden, Jan Potters, Daan van Soest, and Herman Vollebergh, (2009), Technology Adoption Subsidies: An Experiment with Managers, Energy Economics 31(3), 431-442.
van der Heijden, Eline, Jan Potters, and Martin Sefton (2009), Hierarchy and Opportunism in Teams, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 69(1), 39-50.
Potters, Jan (2009), Transparency about past, present and future conduct. Experimental evidence on the impact on competitiveness , Experiments and Competition Policy Jeroen Hinloopen and Hans-Theo Normann (eds.), Cambridge University Press.
Potters, Jan, Martin Sefton, and Lise Vesterlund (2007), Leading-by-example and signaling in voluntary contribution games: An experimental study, Economic Theory, 33(1), 169-182.
Suetens, Sigrid and Jan Potters, (2007), Bertrand colludes more than Cournot, Experimental Economics, 10(1), 71-77.
van der Heijden, Eline, Jan Nelissen and Jan Potters (2007), Opinions on the tax deductibility of mortgages and the consensus effect, De Economist, 155(2), 141-159.
Boone, Jan and Jan Potters, (2006), Transparency and prices with imperfect substitutes, Economics Letters 93(3), 398-404, also see the Erratum.
Güth, Werner, Jan Potters and Wieland Müller (2006), Endogenous preemption on both sides of a market, Economics Letters 93 (1), 126-131.
Offerman, Theo, and Jan Potters (2006), Does auctioning of entry licenses induce collusion? An experimental study, Review of Economic Studies, 73(3), 769-791.
Kirchsteiger, Georg, Muriel Niederle, Jan Potters (2005), Endogenizing market institutions. An experimental approach, European Economic Review, 49(7), 1827-1853.
Potters, Jan, Martin Sefton and Lise Vesterlund (2005), After You - Endogenous Sequencing in Voluntary Contribution Games, Journal of Public Economics 89 (8), 1399-1419.
Selected publications before 2005
Gneezy, Uri, Arie Kapteyn, and Jan Potters (2003), Evaluation periods and asset prices in a market experiment, Journal of Finance 58 (2), 821-837.
Offerman, Theo, Jan Potters and Joep Sonnemans (2002), Imitation and belief learning in an oligopoly experiment, Review of Economics Studies, 69 (4), 973-997.
Gneezy, Uri, and Jan Potters (1997), An experiment on risk taking and evaluation periods, Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 (2), 631-646.
Potters, Jan, and Frans van Winden (1992), Lobbying and asymmetric information, Public Choice 74 (3), 269-292.
For an overview of all publications see: