Private consultation hours: Office H42, Mondays 2PM-3PM, under the requirement of contacting me by e-mail first.
Thesis supervision: You can find the list of dissertation thesis topics (in Hungarian) here. Contact me for further details.
Previous/current students:
So Murata - Ekeland's variational principle and the Mountain Pass theorem, BSc disseration thesis, 2024.
2022-2023 ; 2023-2024 ; 2024-2025 (fall)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics:
Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control ("Variációszámítás és optimális irányítás"), BSc 3rd year Mathematics, course and exercise seminar, in Hungarian.
Official course data and requirements
Control Theory ("Irányításelmélet"), MSc 1st year Mathematics, course and exercise seminar, in Hungarian and in English (alternating by year).
Official course data and requirements
Calculus, BSc 1st year Civil Engineering, course and exercise seminar, in English.
Exercises: Vectors and geometry ; Complex numbers ; Sequences ; Continuous Functions ; Differentiation ; L'Hospital rule ; Implicit differentiation and optimization ; Taylor-polynomials ; Indefinite Integrals ; Integrals and areas ; Integration tricks ; Definite Integrals ; Improper Integrals
Differential Equations, BSc 2nd year Mathematics, course and exercise seminar, in English.
Exercises ; Midterm 1 ; Midterm 1 Retake ; Midterm 2 ; Midterm 2 Retake
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest:
Lectures on the h-principle for fluid mechanics, Master's course, exercise seminar, course given by László Székelyhidi Jr.
Paris Dauphine University:
Differential Calculus ("Calcul Différentiel"), L2, exercise seminar ("TD" in French), in French, course given by Nejla Nouaili.
Paris Dauphine University:
Linear Models and their Generalizations + SAS ("Modèles Linéaires et ses généralisations + SAS"), M1, exercise seminar ("TD" in French), in French, course given by Katia Meziani.
Mathematical Modelling ("Modélisation et applications des mathématiques"), L1, exercise seminar ("TD" in French), in French, course given by Anne-Marie Boussion.
Differential Calculus ("Calcul Différentiel"), L2, exercise seminar ("TD" in French), in French, course given by François Huveneers.
Paris Dauphine University:
Differential Equations, 3rd year, exercise seminar ("TD" in French), in English, course given by Yannick Viossat.
"UE Recherche" (Introduction to Research), 3rd year, course, seminar and lab, in English.