Principal Investigator

Jiwon Kim / 김지원

Associate Professor, Yonsei University / 부교수, 연세대학교

Integrated Science and Engineering Division, Underwood International College

  융합과학공학부, 언더우드국제대학

School of Integrated Technology, College of Computing

  IT융합공학, 인공지능융합대학

Integrative Biotechnology and Translational Medicine, Graduate School

  바이오융합협동과정, 일반대학원

Posco TJ Science Fellow (2017)

Assistant Professor, Yonsei University (2015.09-2021.02)

  Integrated Science and Engineering Division, Underwood International College

  School of Integrated Technology, College of Engineering

Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University (2013.08-2015.07)

  Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology

  Advisor: Prof. Hongkun Park

Ph.D., Northwestern University (2007.07-2013.06)

  Department of Chemistry

  Advisor: Prof. Bartosz A. Grzybowski

M.S. Course, Seoul National University (2006.03-2007.06)

  Department of Chemistry

  Advisor: Prof. Byeong Moon Kim

B.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2002.03-2006.02)

  Summa Cum Laude

  Department of Chemistry

  Advisor: Prof. Hee Yoon Lee