성별에 따른 노동공급의 장기 추세, 1981-2022 (Gender Differences in Labor Supply in South Korea, 1981-2022), 2023, 응용경제, 25(1), 65-116.
"Mental Health Consequences of Working from Home during the Pandemic" (with Jun Hyung Kim and Yu Kyung Koh), 2023, Global Economic Review, 18-50.
“Do In-Kind Grants Stick? The Department of Defense 1033 Program and Local Government Spending” (with Donald J. Bruce, Celeste K. Carruthers, Matthew C. Harris, and Matthew N. Murray), 2019, Journal of Urban Economics, 112, 111-121.
“Peacekeeping Force: Effects of Providing Tactical Equipment to Local Law Enforcement” (with Matthew C. Harris, Donald J. Bruce, and Matthew N. Murray), 2017, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(3): 291-313.
Media Coverage: The Economist, The Wall Street Journal
Equal Education, Unequal Outcomes? (with Bin Xie) (submitted)
Taxing Homeowners in China: Who are the Winners and Losers? (with Yunho Cho and Sisi Zhang) (submitted)
“Parental Housing Wealth, Job Search, and Labor Market Outcomes”
“Do Expenditure Cascades Exist? Evidence from the Bush Administration Tax Reforms”
The Effects of Workforce Aging on Firm Performance
Leaving Someone Behind: Coal Phase-Out in South Korea (with Sehoon Kim, Yeong Jae Kim, Changkeun Lee, and Sun Joo Park)
In and Out: How Do Food Delivery Riders Work? (with Jungmin Lee and Minwoo Yoo)
Heterogeneous Peers and Academic Achievement (with Hyuncheol Bryant Kim)
The Effects of College Entrance Exam Retake on Adult Outcomes (with Trinh Pham)