이 왕 진

Technical Lead
Language AI Service Research, Development, and Quality Management
NAVER Corp., South Korea


update: 2024-04


20.0226 I graduated from the grad school today. I wish that things will get better than from now on!

19.0805 My original web CV page had been accidently removed.

19.0705 My current stage: ABD ("All but dissertation")!

Professional Experience

Technical Lead
Apr. 2024 ~ Present.

Jan. 2020 ~ Mar. 2024
Generated queries of interest to search engine users from documents and extracted snippets


Dr. Wangjin Lee's current area of interest lies in developing AI services that enable people to quickly find information using natural language generation models. He believes that by obtaining the desired information faster through technology, people will be able to make better decisions, ultimately leading to humanity creating more value from information.

- He had been studying sequence models in clinical natural language processing (NLP) for his Ph.D study. He had had interest in clinical named entity recognition (NER). Focusing on modifying the conditional random field (CRF) model’s architecture, for his thesis, he developed a model named 'precursor-induced CRF': more expressive for identification of separated entities than the first-order CRF, and more efficient than the second-order CRF, especially in the clinical NER.

he_likes = [self-enrichment, Grit, solving challenging problems in simple solutions, sharing idea and news with companions, writing my idea, talking about life, taking a picture, life filled with humors]



-  Ph.D. in Bioengineering (Biomedical Engineering),  College of Engineering, Seoul National University, South Korea

   Mar. 2011 - Feb. 2020

   Advisor: Prof. Jinwook Choi

   G.P.A. 4.06/4.3

- B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering, Chonbuk National University, South Korea

   Mar. 2006 - Feb. 2011

   Graduated summa cum laude (first class honor)

Education - MOOC certification

- Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation Program, Udacity (Aug. 2017 - Dec. 2017)

- Natural Language Processing Nanodegree Foundation Program, Udacity (Apr. 2018 - Jul. 2018)

- Natural Language Processing Specialization , Coursera (Jul. - Sep. 2020)



-  Precursor-induced conditional random fields: connecting separate entities by induction for improved clinical named entity recognition.

BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2019 Jul;19(1). (SCI; 2021 IF 2.317)

W Lee and J Choi.

- Temporal segmentation for capturing snapshots of patient histories in Korean clinical narratives.

Healthcare Informatics Research. 2018 Jul;24(3):179-186. (ESCI)

W Lee and J Choi.

- Conditional random fields for clinical named entity recognition: A comparative study using Korean clinical texts.

Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2018 Oct; 101:7-14. (SCI; 2021 IF 3.434)

W Lee, K Kim, E Y Lee, and J Choi.

- Causality patterns and machine learning for the extraction of problem-action relations in discharge summaries. 

International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2016.11. (SCI; 2021 IF 3.025)

J-W Seol, W Yi, J Choi, and K-S Lee.

- Seasonal Variation in Hemoglobin A1c in Korean Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

J Korean Med Sci. 2014 Apr;29(4):550-555 [PMID:24753703] (SCI; 2021 IF 1.705)

Y J Kim, S Park, W Yi, K-S Yu, T H Kim, T J Oh, J Choi, Y M Cho.

Conference (selected)

- Clinical text generation using Sequence-to-Sequence and UMLS.

The Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2019/07, Seoul. Korea.

W Lee†, H Park†, J Yoon, K Kim, and J Choi.

- Connecting Distant Entities with Induction through Conditional Random Fields for Named Entity Recognition: Precursor-Induced CRF.

In the 7th Named Entities Workshop (co-located with ACL 2018). 2018/07, Melbourne, Australia.

W Lee, J Choi. (Short paper, oral presentation)

- On the use of higher-order transition dependency in first-order conditional random fields for clinical named entity recognition.

The Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2018/06, Seoul. Korea.

W Lee, J Choi. (Oral, best paper award)

- On the use of conditional random fields for sentence boundary prediction from Korean clinical narratives.

Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2016/06, Suwon. Korea

W Yi, K Kim, J Choi. (Oral, presenter; best paper award)

- Anchor time extraction for building timeline from Korean clinical narratives.

AMIA 2015 Annual Symposium. 2015/11, San Francisco, USA.

W Yi, S Park, J Choi. (Poster)

- Screening of family history of premature heart disease from clinical notes

Spring Symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics, 2015/08, Seoul. Korea 

W Yi, J Choi. (Poster; best poster award)

- Rule-based text annotation for identifying risk factors of heart disease over time.

i2b2/UT Heatlth Shared-Task and Workshop on Challenges in NLP for clinical data, Track 2: Identifying risk factors for heart disease over time. co-location workshop in AMIA 2014 Annual Symposium. 2014/11, San Francisco, USA.

B Ryu, W Yi, E Yoon, B C Han, J Choi. (Poster)

- A Problem-Action Relation Based on Causality Patterns of Clinical Events in Discharge Summaries.

ACM CIKM 2014, 2014/08, Shanghai, China

J-W Seol, S-H Jo, W Yi, J Choi, K-S Lee. (Short paper; Poster)

- Leveraging Wikipedia and Context Features for Clinical Event Extraction from Mixed-Language Discharge Summary.

AIRS (Asia Information Retrieval Society), 2014/12, Sarawak, Malaysia.

K-Y Jeong, W Yi, J-W Seol, J Choi, K-S Lee. (Oral, presenter)


- Clinical Text Generation through Leverating Medical Concept and Relations 

W Lee†, H Park†, et al.


- 초대형 언어모델을 이용한 문서 요약 방법 및 시스템
출원인: 네이버 주식회사
발명인:  서대룡 외 8인
출원/등록 번호:  10-2021-0131209 (대한민국: 출원)   7246458 (일본: 등록)



- Best oral presentation (2018, the 10th Bioengineering Symposium; intramural conference)

- Best paper (2018 Spring symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics)

- Best paper (2016 Spring symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics)

- Best poster (2015 Spring symposium of the Korean Society of Medical Informatics)

- Scholar honor award - 1st class (at graduation, president of Chonbuk National University, 2011)

- Scholar honor award - 1st class (president of Chonbuk National University, 2008)

- Academic excellence scholarships (higher distinction; 2006.03-2008.08, 2009.09-2010.02)

Extracurricular Activities

- Best Volunteer Award, Jeonju-si Mayor (10th Jeonju International Film Festival, 2009)

- Best Volunteer Award, Jeonju-si Mayor (Jeonju-si Volunteering Festival, 2004)


Professional service

- Student contributor, PAIP2019 challenge @ MICCAI 2019 (2018-2019)

- Member of Program Committee, 14th Annual International conference of uHealthcare (uHealth 2017). 2017.12.5-7

Military service

- Doctoral research agent, Republic of Korea Army (2014.09-2017.08)


- 10th Jeonju International Film Festival, Festival & City Information Team (2009.01-2009.05); Won Best Volunteer Award, Jeonju-si Mayor

- Leader of the volunteers' union of high schools in Jeonju, 2004; Won Best volunteer prize, Jeonju-si Mayor

- Mentor in the education program for scientific talents, Chonbuk National University (2010.09-2010.12)


- Basic Medical Science Research Program, Seoul National University College of Medicine (2018, 2019)


2023-10  NAVER ENGINEERING DAY October 2023, NAVER Corp.

2021 "Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Medicine and Language Model", in Future Medicine and Medical Informatics, Konyang University Graduate School