
Six Quantum Pieces, A First Course in Quantum Mechanics

In a project initiated by Prof. Valerio Scarani, I was invited to be the illustrator and the cover designer for a textbook that aims to make the subject of Quantum Physics accessible not only to undergraduates but also to high school students. Cartoons were inserted in each chapter to introduce the main/important concept. The book cover with six puzzles symbolized six main themes in the book, ranging from Quantum Cloning to Bell Inequalities.

News about the book on The Straits Times of Singapore is available here and more details about the book are available on World Scientific and Ebay.

Scientific Articles Illustrations

"A picture speaks a thousand words". Illustrations are often useful in conveying the main message behind scientific articles. Below are two examples of illustrations that I have contributed:

A new physical principle behind quantum physics


Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle sets limits on Einstein's "spooky action at a distance".
