
Jing Wang  (Principle Investigator, CV)

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

4138 BRL building, 617 Bissell Rd., Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 50011

515-294-5927, jwang1@iastate.edugoogle scholar

Postdoc   Duke University,   University of Michigan

Ph.D.   Chinese Academy of Sciences

B.S.  Peking University, China

Abdulhakim Tofik (Ph.D. Student)

Abdulhakim Tofik is a graduate student at Iowa State University studying chemical engineering. Before coming to ISU, he studied Chemistry/Physics as an undergraduate at Wayne State College. His research interests include nano-based drug delivery for disease treatment and computational protein design. Outside the lab, he enjoys playing sports, cooking, and learning new languages.

Yuwei Zhang (Ph.D. Student)

Yuwei Zhang is a graduate student at Iowa State University in molecular biology. She completed BSc Pharmacy (Pharmacology and Biochemistry) at China Pharmaceutical University and the University of Strathclyde, and MSc Precision Oncology at the University of Glasgow. She is interested in cancer biology, especially bioinformatics and cancer immunology. Apart from cancer biology, she also loves painting and cats.

Join us!

We are looking for highly-motivated undergraduate students to join the lab. We especially encourage students who are interested in nanotechnology, drug delivery, protein engineering, and studying diseases (e.g., cancer, infection, inflammatory diseases) to apply! 

If you are interested in joining Jing's lab, please send an email to and attach your CV.


1/2023 Yuwei Zhang (Ph.D. student) joined Jing's lab@ISU. Welcome!

10/2022 Abdulhakim Tofik (Ph.D. student) joined Jing's Lab@ISU. Welcome!

8/2022      Dr. Jing Wang joined the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Iowa State University as an assistant professor.