


[1"Growing Beyond Administrative Borders: The Economic Impacts and Mechanisms of the County-to-District Reform," (突破城市发展的边界:撤县设区与城市内部协同发展in Chinese), with Fanghao Chen, China Economic Quarterly (《经济学(季刊)》in Chinese)forthcoming. 

[2]  "Combined Collection, Information Acquisition and Corporate Tax Burden: Evidence from China ," (合并征管、信息获取与企业实际税负》in Chinese), with Binbin Tian, Baixue Yu, and Jianpeng Yang, World Economy (《世界经济》in Chinese), 2022(12). 

[3] "Equalized Access to Education: The Effect of Guangzhou Rental Reform on Housing Prices and Rents" (租售同权政策与住房租购市场联动:理论与实证》in Chinese), with Xieshang, Jianyu Yu, and Huoyuan Pu, World Economy (《世界经济》in Chinese), 2022(3).

[4] "From Public R&D to Private-sector Patenting: The Role of Public-private Collaboration in Innovation," (基础研究投入的创新转化: 基于国家自然科学基金资助的证据》in Chinese), with Xiaoyao Zhou and Shi Chen, China Economic Quarterly (《经济学(季刊)》in Chinese), 2021(11).

[5] "Third-Party Information Acquisition and Tax Collection Efficiency: Evidence from a Lottery Experiment on Invoices in China ," (第三方信息获取与税收征管效率—来自有奖发票推行的证据in Chinese), with Binbin Tian, Jianpeng Yang and Dan Wang, World Economy (《世界经济》in Chinese), 2021(9). 

[6]  "Housing Market Responses to Transaction Taxes: Evidence from China ," (交易环节税负、传导机制与住房市场反应》in Chinese), with Baixue Yu and Jianyu Yu, World Economy (《世界经济》in Chinese), 2021(5).

[7] "Tax Incentive, R&D Investment and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China," with Binbin Tian, Baixue Yu, and Shi Chen, Journal of Asian Economics, 2020, Volume 71 101245.

[8]  "Will Individual Income Tax Cut Increase Labor Supply?," (《个人所得税减免会增加劳动供给吗?来自准自然实验的证据in Chinese), with Yan Wu, Fanghao Chen and Yuqing Wang, Management World (《管理世界》in Chinese), 2017(12).

[9] "Adapt by Adopting Cleaner Vehicles? Evidence from a Low-emission Zone Policy in Nanchang, China," with Zhilong Qin and Xiaoguang Chen, China Economic Review, 2021, 201598.

[10] "Better Safe than Sorry? Evidence from Lanzhou's Driving Restriction Policy," China Economic Review, 2017, 45, 1-21.


[1] "Local Education Expenditures and Educational Inequality in China," with Jianyong Fan, Jian Huang and John G. Sessions, The Manchester School, 2023, 1– 23.

[2] "The Rising Child Penalty in China," with Xiaoyao Zhou, Hao Li and Hongyan Yu, China Economic Review, 2022, 101869.

[3] "Housing Wealth and Household Consumption in Urban China," with Zekai He and Xiuzhen Shi, Urban Studies, 2020, 57(8),1714-1732 .

[4] "Health Risks of Exposure to Waste Pollution: Evidence from Beijing," with Hao Li, Huanxiu Guo, and Naqun Huang, China Economic Review, 2020(63). 

[5] "Environmental Regulation and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from China's outward FDI," with Yan Dong and Jinhuan Tian, Finance Research Letters, 2020, 101611. 

[6] "Banking Reform and Industry Structure: Evidence from China," with Yan Dong, Aoyang Zhang, Journal of Banking and Finance, 2019, 104, 70–84.

[7] "Does Foreign Degree Pay? The Return to Foreign Education in China," with Mengmeng Guo, Yaxin Zhang, Review of Development Economics, 2019, Volume 23, 415-434.

[8] "When the Wind Blows: Spatial Spillover Effects of Urban Air Pollution," with Xiaoguang Chen, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2018. 11, 1359-1376.

[9] "How and Why do Chinese Urban Primary School Students Outperform their Rural Counterparts?," with Guochang Zhao, Zhengyang Li, and Sen Xue, China Economic Review, 2017, 45, 103-123.

[10] "Migrate to Skilled Cities: Human Capital Agglomeration and Urban-to-urban Migration in China," with Xiaokai Wu and Jijun Tan, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2016, 52:8, 1762-1774.

[11] "Location Preference in Migration Decision: Evidence from 2013 China Household Finance Survey," with Xiaokai Wu, The Chinese Economy, 2016, 49:5, 359-373.

Working Papers

[1]  "Tax Compliance in the Housing Market" 

[2]  "The Power of Public R&D" 

[3]  "Perceived Child Costs and Fertility Plans: Evidence from Two Incentivized Survey Experiments"

[4]  "State Capacity with Rapid Urbanization"