JIhye hwang
B.S. student of Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. March 2007 ~ Feb. 2011.
M.S. student of Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea. March 2011 ~ Feb. 2013.
Ph.D. student of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. September 2015 ~ Feb. 2021.
Work Experience
July 2019. ~ January 2020. Naver Clova AI, Video team, Intern researcher.
March 2015. ~ August 2015. Intern researcher. machine intelligence & pattern analysis laboratory(MIPAL), Seoul National university(SNU).
May 2013. ~ 2015 Intern researcher. Imaging media research center (IMRC). Korea Institute of science and technology (KIST).
Publication - international paper
Jihye Hwang, John Yang and Nojun Kwak, "Exploring Rare Pose in Human Pose Estimation," in IEEE Access, 2020.
Jihye Hwang, Jieun Lee, Sungheon Park and Nojun Kwak. "Pose estimator and tracker using temporal flow maps for limbs", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. 2019 (IJCNN2019).
Jihye Hwang, Sungheon Park and Nojun Kwak. "Athlete pose estimation by a global-local network". CVPR 2017 Workshop (Computer vision in sports).
Sungheon Park, Jihye Hwang and Nojun Kwak. "3D Human Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks with 2D Pose Information". ECCV 2016 Workshop (Geometry Meets Deep Learning).
Jihye Hwang, Yeounggwang Ji, Nojun Kwak and Eun Yi Kim. " Outdoor context awareness device that enable mobile phone users to walk safely threough urban intersection", ICPRAM 2016.
Jihye Hwang, Kyung-tai Kim, Eun Yi Kim. "Outdoor situation recognition using Support Vector Machine (SVM) for the blind and the visually impaired." PRICAI 2012
Publication - domestic paper
원혜민, 황지혜, 김지수, 곽노준, " 환경 정보와 인간의 얼굴 정보에 기반한 이미지 추천 시스템", 제 31회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵, 2019년 2월 14일.
정지수, 박효진, 황지혜, 박규태, 곽노준, "객체 사이의 관계를 고려한 객체검출 알고리즘", 제 30회 영상처리 및 이해에 관한 워크샵. 2018년 2월 8일.
박선우, 황지혜, 지영광, 김은이. "컬러 및 텍스쳐를 이용한 시각 장애인용 실외상황인식기", 한국정보과학회, 학국정보과학회 학술발표 논문집. 2013.
Won the Honorable Mention Award in POSETRACK CHALLENGE at ECCV workshop 2018( https://posetrack.net/workshops/eccv2018/posetrack_eccv_2018_results.html ). 2018.
Best presentation, Workshop of Imaging media research center, Korea institute science and technology. 2013.
Best presentated paper, The Korean Institute of information scientists and engineers. 2012.
Best paper and project. The graduation project of Internet media engineering, Konkuk University. 2011.
A blind guidance system using camera and tactile interface. 09.July.2014. (KR)
Feb. 2016. Information Technology Research CenterInformation(ITRC). 기업가 정신 해외 교육 (실리콘밸리, CES)