
Does the Nuclear Engineering Field Perform Worse in Utilizing Women? Evidence from South Korea (with  Sungyeol Choi & Soohyung Lee), Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 56(7), 2676-2682.

Female Representation in Academia: Are Women Underrepresented among Faculty at Public Colleges and Universities? (with  Soohyung Lee), International Economic Journal, 38(2), 185-211.  

Do Single-Sex Schools Make Girls Less  Interested in Predominantly Male  Majors? (with  Yuseob Lee), Seoul Journal of Economics, 36(4), 389-424.

 African American Males’ Attitudes Toward the Scientific Workforce: Implications for Educational and Occupational Decision Making Toward STEM (with Jerlando F. L. Jackson, & LaVar J. Charleston, & Ryan Adserias), Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 29(5), 23-46.

Academic Restructuring Proposals for At-Risk Colleges, Journal of Public Policy Studies, 40(2), 75-92.

Gender Disparity in Engineering: Who Chose an Engineering Major and Why Regret It?, Journal of Engineering Education Research, 26(4), 3-10.

Gender-Conscious Teacher Transfer Policies and Student Academic Achievement, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 31(2), 4-29 .

Teacher Education Reform and Student Satisfaction with Teacher Preparation Program, Legislation and Policy Studies. 15(1), 91-126.

Early Decision Matters: Academic Achievement and Satisfaction, Journal of Higher Educational Research, 5(2), 1-38.

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Economic Education in China, Korean Journal of Economic Education, 28(3), 59-88.

Hot Stove Economics: Teaching Economics Using Episodes of Stove League, Korean Journal of Economic Education, 28(2), 57-83.

Efficient Supply of Human Capital: Role of College Major (with Sungin Cho & Soohyung Lee), Singapore Economic Review, 63(5), 1319-1343.

Book Chapter                                           

Chapter 6. College Major and Female Labor Supply (with Soohyung Lee)

   In Joon Nak Choi, Yong Suk Lee, and Gi-Wook Shin (Eds.), Strategic, Policy and Social Innovation for a Post-Industrial Korea: Beyond the Miracle. Routledge.

Education Report                                                                                                    

School District of the City of Saginaw’s Centric Program: External Evaluation Report. Saginaw, MI: School District of the City of Saginaw  (with Jerlando F. L. Jackson,  LaVar J. Charleston & Yanzhuo Niu), MI: School District of the City of Saginaw.

Time is Everything: Temporal Variation & Measures of School Quality (with Peter T. Goff & Jacek Kraszewski), ERIC Number ED577053.

RAPID: Understanding the Impact of the Alliance for the Advancement of African-American Researchers in Computing (A4RC) (with Jerlando F. L. Jackson LaVar J. Charleston), WI:  Wisconsin's Equity & Inclusion Laboratory,  Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison.