Symplectic cohomology learning seminar

In Fall 2020, the seminar is to understand symplectic cohomology and its relation to loop homology.

In Spring 2021, we explore more applications and constructions related to symplectic cohomology.

Seminar is online via Zoom. If you are interested in attending the seminar, please send your request to minxx127[at]umn[dot]edu

Spring 2021, Further topics:

SH seminar


  • [SS] Seidel-Solomon, q-intersection numbers

  • [M] McLean, Lefschetz fibration and symplectic homology

  • [M1] McLean, Growth rate of symplectic homology and affine varieties

  • [M2] McLean, Affine Varieties, Singularities and the Growth Rate of Wrapped Floer Cohomology

  • McLean-Ritter, McKay correspondence via floer theory

  • [GP1] Ganatra-Pomerleano, log PSS and applications to Lagrangian embeddings

  • [GP2] Ganatra-Pomerleano, Symplectic cohomology rings of affine varieties in the topological limit

  • [GH] Gutt-Hutchings, Symplectic capacities from positive S^1-equivariant symplectic homology

  • [Si1] Siegel, Higher symplectic capacity

  • [Si2] Siegel, Squared Dehn twists and deformed symplectic invariants

  • [Zh] Zhou, ADC manifolds I, II

  • Lazarev, flexible filling

  • Li, Exact CY categories

  • [GU] Gutt-Usher, Codimension 0 embedding

  • [DS] Diogo-Lisi, SH of complement of smooth divisor

  • Ganatra-Siegel, embedding complexity of Liouville

  • [AS] Abouzaid-Seidel, Altering symplectic manifolds by homologous recombinations

  • [BEE] Bourgeois-Ekholm-Eliashberg, Effects of Legendrian surgery

Fall 2020, SH and loop homology:


  • [A] Abouzaid, Symplectic cohomology and Viterbo's theorem

  • [Sal] Salamon, Lectures on Floer homology

  • [S] Seidel, A biased view of symplectic cohomology

  • [O] Oancea, A survey of Floer homology for manifolds with contact type boundary or Symplectic homology

  • [W] Wendl, A beginner's overview of symplectic homology

  • [AD] Audin-Damian, Morse Theory and Floer homology

  • [BC] Barraud-Cornea, Lagrangian intersection and Serre spectral sequence

  • [FH] Floer-Hofer, Coherent orientations for periodic orbit problems in symplectic geometry

  • [loop] Free Loop Spaces in Geometry and Topology