Scientific activities

Editor for

  • IEEE Transactions on Communications

  • IEEE Communications Letters

  • IEEE Access

  • IET Communications

  • Journal of Communications and Information Networks


IEEE/CIC ICCC 2020: Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: A New Next-Generation Paradigm

IEEE ICASSP 2020: Signal Processing for MIMO Communications Beyond 5G with Prof. Emil Björnson

Technical Program Committee (TPC) activities

  • 2016-2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GlobeCom)

  • 2016-2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)

Review for

  • IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications;

  • IEEE Transcations on Wireless Communications;

  • IEEE Transcations on Communications (Exemplary Reviewer 2016-2019);

  • IEEE Transcations on Vehicular Technology;

  • IEEE Communications Letters (Exemplary Reviewer 2015 & 2016);

  • IEEE Wireless Communications Letters