I am Jianqiang Li, a Ph.D. candidate at the theoretical computer science group of Pennsylvania State University under the supervision of  Sean Hallgren.  

My research focuses on identifying problems for which quantum algorithms can achieve superpolynomial speedups. I have explored two such problems.  One is to find a root of a multivariate polynomial system, the other is to find an s-t path in exponentially large graphs.

Previously, I worked with Sevag Gharibian at Virginia Commonwealth University on approximation algorithms for quantum mechanical problems. Before that, I did my master's at the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, and my undergraduate at Yunnan University, China.  


The authors of the following papers are listed in alphabetical order unless mentioned explicitly otherwise.

Publications and preprints:

      1. Exponential speedups of quantum algorithms for finding an s-t path in mild expander graphs.

         Joint work with Yu Tong, 2024. (Online soon)

      2. Multidimensional Electrical Networks and their Application to Exponential Speedups for Graph Problems.

         Joint work with Sebastian Zur, 2023. https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.07372.

      3. Exponential speedup of quantum algorithms for the pathfinding problem, 2023.  https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12492

      4. Quantum algorithms for the pathfinding problem via the quantum electrical flow. 

          Joint work with Sean Hallgren, 2023. (Online soon)


      5. Limitations of the Macaulay matrix approach for using the HHL algorithm to solve multivariate polynomial systems. Quantum, 7:1069, 2023.               Joint work with Jintai Ding, Vlad Gheorghiu, András Gilyén, Sean Hallgren https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.00405 

          QIP 2021 talk and Slides (Jianqiang Li)


       6. Quantum state representation based on combinatorial Laplacian matrix of star-relevant graph. Quantum Information Processing,14(12), 4 691-4713.  Joint work with Xiubo Chen, Yixian Yang (By contribution)  https://arxiv.org/abs/1507.05491. 


Email: jxl1842[at]psu.edu