


1.  Outsourcing Mutual Fund Management: Firm Boundaries, Incentives, and Performance (with Joseph Chen, Harrison Hong, and Jeffrey Kubik), The Journal of Finance, 68.2 (2013): 523-558. Online Appendix  Data

2.  Trading for Status (with Harrison Hong, Na Wang, and Bin Zhao), Review of Financial Studies, 27.11 (2014): 3171-3212.

3.  Daily Price Limits and Destructive Market Behavior (with Ting Chen, Zhenyu Gao, Jibao He, and Wei Xiong), Journal of Econometrics,  208.1 (2019): 249-264.

4.  Attention to Global Warming (with Darwin Choi and Zhenyu Gao), Review of Financial Studies, 33.3 (2020): 1112–1145, Online Appendix, Data

5The Whack-A-Mole Game: Tobin Taxes and Trading Frenzy (with Jinghan Cai, Jibao He, and Wei Xiong), Review of Financial Studies, 34.12 (2021): 5723–5755, Online Appendix 

6Leveraged Speculators and Asset Prices, Review of Finance, 28.3 (2024): 769–804, Online Appendix, Data
      - Editor's choice and lead article


7. Investment Funds in China, 2020, in Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun and Wei Xiong (Eds): The Handbook of China's Financial System (Chapter 14), Princeton University Press, ISBN 9780691205731

8. Measuring the Carbon Exposure of Institutional Investors (Darwin Choi and Zhenyu Gao), 2020,  Journal of Alternative Investment, DOI: 10.3905/jai.2020.1.095

9.  A Response to “Diseconomies of Scale in the Actively-Managed Mutual Fund Industry: What Do the Outliers in the Data Tell Us?” by Adams, Hayunga, and Mansi (with Harrison Hong), 2018, Critial Finance Review , Vol. 7: No. 2, pp 373-377.

Papers under revision

1Effects of Credit Expansions on Stock Market Booms and Busts (with Christopher Hansman, Harrison Hong, Jane Liu, Juanjuan Meng), 2024, Revise and Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies

2. Does Liquidity Management Induce Fragility in Treasury Prices? Evidence from Bond Mutual Funds (with Shiyang Huang, Xiaoxi Liu, and Xin Liu), 2024, Revise and Resubmit, Review of Financial Studies

3The Economics of Mutual Fund Marketing (with Jane Chen and Mindy Xiaolan), 2023, Revise and Resubmit, Journal of Financial Economics

Working papers 

1. Daily Momentum and New Investors in an Emerging Stock Market (with Zhenyu Gao, Wei A. Xiong, and Wei Xiong), 2023

2. Carbon Firm Devaluation and Green Actions (with Darwin Choi, Zhenyu Gao, and Hulai Zhang), 2024

3. How Index Funds Reshape Intraday Market Dynamics (with Siyuan Wu and Chen Yao), 2024

4. Alpha Go Everywhere: Machine Learning and International Stock Returns (with Darwin Choi and Chao Zhang), 2024

5.  A Four-Trillion-Dollar Question: Why Trade ETFs Instead of Their Underlying Stocks? (with Ruikun Wang and Hongjun Yan), 2024

Permanent working papers 

1A Liquidity-Based Stock Network (with Zhenyu Gao and Da Tian), 2020 

2.  Growing Beyond Performance (with Mindy Xiaolan), 2017
    - subsumed by the new paper "The Economics of Mutual Fund Marketing" (with Jane Chan and Mindy Xiaolan) 

3.  When Some Investors Head for the Exit (with Harrison Hong), 2012

Seminar, conference presentation, and discussion 











2010 - 2014

* by coauthor