
2019 - GdR ISIS meeting "New tensor methods and applications"

Délégation CNRS Villejuif, Paris

Title: "Low-rank infinite-memory tensor approximation of Volterra kernels of bilinear systems"

Joint work with Phillip M. S. Burt

June 17 2019

Event website

GdR ISIS is the (French) CNRS research group on Informatics, Signal, Image and Vision.


2018 - Structured Matrix Days Workshop

ENS Lyon, France

Title: "On minimal ranks and the approximate block-term tensor decomposition"

Joint work with Pierre Comon

May 14-15 2018

Event website

Click here to see the full paper related to that talk.


2017 - 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO)

Special session "Advanced Tensor Methods for Big Data Processing"

Kos Island, Greece

Title: "A novel non-iterative algorithm for low-multilinear-rank tensor approximation"

Joint work with Pierre Comon

August 28-September 2 2017

Event website

Click here to see the full paper.


2016 - 20th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS)

Mini-symposium on Tensor for Signals and Systems

KU Leuven, Belgium

Title: "Iterative hard thresholding based algorithms for low-rank tensor recovery"

Joint work with Gérard Favier

July 13-15 2016

Event website

Click here and here to see my papers on this subject.
