
News & announcements

[19/10/2020] - We are offering a Master 2 Internship position at IRIT (Team SC) starting on Spring 2021. Here are some details about this offer:

  • The intern will work on the estimation of large-dimensional tensor models from noisy observations, an exciting subject which has received a lot of attention recently.

  • He or she will be supervised by myself at the ENSEEIHT site of IRIT, in remote collaboration with Romain Couillet and Pierre Comon, both from Gipsa-lab in Grenoble.

  • The internship duration shall be of 5 to 6 months.

  • It will be funded by the Artificial and Natural Intelligence Toulouse Institute (3IA ANITI, http://aniti.univ-toulouse.fr), as part of the AI Research Chair lead by N.~Dobigeon (thanks Nicolas!).

Please refer to this document for more details.

About me

I am an Assistant Professor at ENSEEIHT (INP Toulouse) and researcher at the SC Team of IRIT, working at the intersection of computer science, signal processing, applied math and statistics.

My research interests comprise tensors, signal processing, machine learning, data science, large-dimensional statistic models and nonlinear system modeling/identification.

Link to Google Scholar profile