
Refereed Journal Articles

J. Gilbert, O. Koska and R. Oladi (2023) "Building and Using Nonlinear Excel Simulations with an Application to the Specific Factors Model" Southern Economic Journal 89(4): 1242-65.

J. Gilbert, O. Koska and R. Oladi (2023) "International Trade, Upstream Market Power, and Endogenous Mode of Downstream Competition" Review of International Economics  31: 341-62.

J. Gilbert, O. Koska and R. Oladi (2022) "Labor-Eliminating Technical Progress and Wage Inequality" Journal of Public Economic Theory  24: 1249-65.

R. Oladi and J. Gilbert (2022) "Electoral Rivalry and Financial Campaign Contributions: The Case of US Congressional Elections" International Review of Economics and Finance 80: 822-34.

J. Gilbert, O. Koska and R. Oladi (2022) "The Scope for Strategic Asymmetry Under International Rivalry" International Review of Economics and Finance 80: 464-8.

J. Gilbert, O. Koska and R. Oladi (2022) "International Trade, Differentiated Goods and Strategic Asymmetry" Southern Economic Journal 88(3): 1178-98.

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2021) "Labor-Eliminating Technical Change in a Developing Economy" International Journal of Economic Theory 17(1):88-100.

Q. Nguyen and J. Gilbert (2019) "Models of Strategic Interaction in Quantities vs. Prices with Differentiated Goods" International Review of Economics Education 30(1):100146.

J. Gilbert, T. Furusawa and R. Scollay (2018) "The Economic Impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: What Have We Learned from CGE Simulation?" World Economy 41(3): 831-65.

R. Oladi, A. Caplan and J. Gilbert (2018) "Sequestration and the Engagement of Developing Economies in a Global Carbon Market" Resource and Energy Economics 52: 50-63.

J. Gilbert and E. Muchova (2018) "Export Competitiveness of Central and Eastern Europe Since the Enlargement of the EU" International Review of Economics and Finance 55: 78-85.

J. Gilbert, H. Beladi and R. Oladi (2015) "North-South Trade Liberalization and Economic Welfare" Review of Development Economics 19(4):1006-17.

R. Oladi and J. Gilbert (2015) "International Narcotics Trade, Foreign Aid, and Enforcement" Economic Inquiry 53(3):1630-46.

D. Gorry and J. Gilbert (2015) "Numerical Simulations of Competition in Quantities" International Review of Economics Education 18:49-61.

N. Guo and J. Gilbert (2014) "Demystifying Financial Markets for Saving and Insurance with Numerical Models" Journal of Economic Education 45(1):78.

R. Oladi, H. Beladi and J. Gilbert (2014) "Strategic International Outsourcing" Economics and Politics 26(1):1-12.

J. Gilbert (2013) "The Economic Impact of New Regional Trading Developments in the ESCAP Region" Asia-Pacific Development Journal 20(1):1-32.

A. Caplan, J. Gilbert and D. Chatterjee (2013) "Using Field-Level Characteristics as Proxy Measures to Test for the Presence of Economies of Scale in Nonpoint Pollution Control" Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 42(2):365-85.

R. Oladi and J. Gilbert (2012) "Buyer and Seller Concentration in Global Commodity Markets" Review of Development Economics 16(2):359-67.

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2012) "Net Campaign Contributions, Agricultural Interests, and Votes on Liberalizing Trade with China" Public Choice 150(3-4):745-69.

R. Oladi and J. Gilbert (2011) "Monopolistic Competition and North-South Trade" Review of International Economics 19(2):459-74.

J. Gilbert, K. Tanigawata, K. Linananda, E. Tower, and A. Tuncharoenlarp (2011) "The Deadweight Cost of War: An Illustrative CGE" Economics of Peace and Security Journal 6(2):34-40.

R. Oladi, J. Gilbert and H. Beladi (2011) "Foreign Direct Investment, Non-traded Goods and Real Wages" Pacific Economic Review 16(1):36-41.

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2011) "Excel Models for International Trade Theory and Policy" Journal of Economic Education 42(1):95.

A. Caplan and J. Gilbert (2010) "Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line?" Applied Economics Letters 17(17):1663-7.

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2009) "Capital Specificity, Imperfect Labor Mobility and Growth in Developing Economies" International Review of Economics and Finance 18(1):113-22.

R. Scollay and J. Gilbert (2009) "Trade Arrangements and Evolving East Asian and Asia Pacific Economic Architectures" International Economic Studies 34(1): 79-98.

J. Gilbert (2008) "Agricultural Trade Reform and Poverty in the Asia-Pacific: A Survey and Some New Results" Asia-Pacific Development Journal 15(1):1-34.

S. Sarker, J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2008) "Adjustment Costs and Immiserizing Growth in LDCs" Review of Development Economics 12(4):779-91.

 A. Caplan and J. Gilbert (2008) "D is for Dilly-Dally" Applied Economics Letters 15(14):1085-8.

 J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2008) "A Geometric Comparison of the Transformation Loci with Specific and Mobile Capital" Journal of Economic Education 39(2):145-52. (Accompanying Excel sheet)

J. Gilbert (2008) "Numerical Simulation and the Neoclassical Theory of Commercial Policy" Perspectives on Economic Education Research 4(1):65-84. (Accompanying Excel sheet)

J. Gilbert (2007) "On Functionally Distributed Quotas" Review of International Economics 15(5):977-88.

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2007) "Simulating Tariffs vs Quotas with Domestic Monopoly" Journal of Industrial Organization Education 2(1). (Accompanying Excel sheet)

A. Caplan and J. Gilbert (2006) "Interactive Scenario Analysis of Exhaustible Resource Problems" Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (now International Review of Economics Education) 18:4-9.

R. Oladi and J. Gilbert (2006) "A Simulation Experiment of a Customs Union" Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (now International Review of Economics Education) 18:29-33. (Accompanying Excel sheet)

N. Banik and J. Gilbert (2006) "Reciprocal Dumping Under Antidumping Enforcement" Journal of International Logistics and Trade 4(1):1-16.

J. Gilbert (2005) "A Trade War Simulation/Experiment in Excel" Computers in Higher Education Economics Review (now International Review of Economics Education) 17:4-8. (Accompanying Excel sheet)

N. Saha and J. Gilbert (2004) "Immiserizing Growth in a Developing Economy Export Enclave" International Journal of Business and Economics 3(3):217-224.

J. Gilbert (2004) "Using Nonlinear Programming in International Trade Theory: The Factor-Proportions Model" Journal of Economic Education 35(4):343-59. (Accompanying Excel sheet 1 and 2)

J. Gilbert (2003) "Trade Liberalization and Employment in Developing Economies of the Americas" Economie Internationale 95(3):155-174 and Integration and Trade 18:1-19 (joint issue).

J. Gilbert and T. Wahl (2003) "Labor Market Distortions and China's WTO Accession Package: An Applied General Equilibrium Assessment" Journal of Comparative Economics 31(4):773-793.

 F. Felloni, J. Gilbert, T. Wahl and P. Wandschneider (2003) "Trade Policy, Biotechnology and Grain Self-sufficiency in China" Agricultural Economics 28(3):173-86.

 J. Gilbert and E. Tower (2002) "Protectionism, Labor Mobility, and Immiserizing Growth in Developing Economies" Economics Letters 75(1):135-40.

J. Gilbert and T. Wahl (2002) "Applied General Equilibrium Assessments of Trade Liberalization in China" World Economy 25(5):697-731.

J. Gilbert and T. Wahl (2002) "Foreign Capital, Processing Incentives and Urban Unemployment" Journal of Economic Integration 17(2):262-72.

D. Holland, E. Figueroa and J. Gilbert (2001) "The Role of Agriculture and Food Processing in the Chilean Economy: Results from an Input-Output Analysis" Estudios de Economia 28(2):293-308.

J. Gilbert and T. Wahl (2001) "Export Restrictions, Urban Unemployment, and the Location of Processing Activities" Economics Letters 71(1):105-10.

J. Gilbert, R. Scollay and T. Wahl (2001) "Agricultural Trade Reform and Labor Adjustment in APEC" International Trade Journal 15(2):157-85.

J. Gilbert, R. Scollay and T. Wahl (2000) "The APEC Food System: Implications for Agricultural and Rural Development Policy" Developing Economies 38(3):308-29.

E. Tower and J. Gilbert (2000) "A Golden Jubilee Note on Graaff's Optimum Tariff Structures" History of Political Economy 32(3):421-36.

R. Scollay and J. Gilbert (2000) "Measuring the Gains from APEC Trade Liberalization: An Overview of CGE Assessments" World Economy 23(2):175-93.

J. Gilbert and E. Tower (1998) "Import Quotas, Foreign Capital and Income Distribution: Comment" American Economist 42(2):90-3.

R. Scollay and J. Gilbert (1998) "Free Trade Among Forum Island Countries" Pacific Economic Bulletin 13(2):118-25.

J. Gilbert and M. Mikic (1998) "Imperfect Labor Mobility and Unemployment in LDCs: Comment" Southern Economic Journal 65(1):178-81. 


 J. Gilbert (2017) Analytical Approaches to Evaluating Preferential Trade Agreements with Appplications, United Nations ESCAP.

J. Gilbert and E. Tower (2013) Introduction to Numerical Simulation for Trade Theory and Policy, World Scientific.

J. Gilbert (ed) (2010) New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy, Volume 7 in Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Emerald.

M. Mikic and J. Gilbert (2009) Trade Statistics in Policymaking: A Handbook of Commonly Used Trade Indices and Indicators (Revised Edition), United Nations, New York, 136p.

M. Mikic and J. Gilbert (2007) Trade Statistics in Policymaking: A Handbook of Commonly Used Trade Indices and Indicators, United Nations ESCAP, New York, 124p.

R. Scollay and J. Gilbert (2001) New Subregional Trading Arrangements in the Asia-Pacific, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC, 169p.

J. Gilbert (2000) Trade Policy, Processing and New Zealand Forestry, Ashgate, Aldershot, 256p.


Book Chapters

J. Gilbert (2015) "The Potential Effects of Recent WTO Ministerial Decisions Related to Agriculture on Trade Flows" in D. Bhattacharya and M. Mikic (eds) Least Developed Countries and Trade: Challenges of Implementing the Bali Package, ESCAP.

J. Gilbert (2013) "International Trade, Growth, and Structural Changes in Employment in Developing Asia'' in N. Khor and D. Mitra (eds) Trade, Labor and Inclusive Growth: Sustaining a Dynamic Asia, ADB.

J. Gilbert and N. Banik (2012) "Socioeconomic Impacts of Cross-Border Transport Infrastructure Development in South Asia" in B. Biswanath, M. Kawai, and R.M. Nag (eds) Infrastructure for Asian Connectivity, Edward Elgar, Northampton.

J. Gilbert (2011) "Trade Reforms Under Doha and Income Distribution in South Asia" in S.J. Evenett, M. Mikic and R. Ratnayake (eds) Trade-led Growth: A Sound Strategy for Asia, United Nations, New York. 

J. Gilbert and R. Oladi (2010) "Regional Trade Reform Under SAFTA and Income Distribution in South Asia" in J. Gilbert (ed)  New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy, Volume 7 in Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Emerald.

R. Scollay and J. Gilbert (2010) "China's Growing Participation in Preferential Trade Agreements: Implications for China and its Trading Partners" in J. Gilbert (ed)  New Developments in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy, Volume 7 in Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Emerald. 

J. Gilbert (forthcoming) "BIMSTEC-Japan Cooperation and Poverty in Asia" in CSIRD Building a New BIMSTEC – Japan Comprehensive Economic Cooperation, World Scientific Press, Singapore.*

N. Banik and J. Gilbert (2010) "Trade Costs and Trade Patterns in South Asia'' in D. Brooks (ed) Trade Facilitation and Regional Cooperation in Asia, Edward Elgar, Northampton.

J. Gilbert (2008) "Trade Policy, Poverty, and Income Distribution in CGE Models: An Application to SAFTA" in M. Mikic (ed) Emerging Trade Issues for Policymakers in Developing Countries in Asia and the Pacific,  United Nations ESCAP, New York.*

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2007) "Estimates from Gravity and Computable General Equilibrium Models" in G. Hufbauer and S. Rahardja Toward a US-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement: Issues and Opportunities, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2007) "Technical Aspects of the Gravity and Computable General Equilibrium Models" in G. Hufbauer and S. Rahardja Toward a US-Indonesia Free Trade Agreement: Issues and Opportunities, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Predicting Trade Expansion Under FTAs and Multilateral Agreements" in Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Papers Vol. 1, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.*

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Estimates from Gravity and CGE Models" in G. Hufbauer and S.J. Burki Sustaining Reform with a US-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Technical Aspects of the Gravity and CGE Models" in G. Hufbauer and S.J. Burki Sustaining Reform with a US-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Potential Benefits of a Colombia-US Free Trade Agreement" in J. Schott Trade Relations between Colombia and the United States, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

 J. Gilbert (2006) "Applied General Equilibrium Simulation of the Proposed US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement" in J. Schott Trade Relations between Colombia and the United States, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

 D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Estimates from Gravity and CGE Models" in G. Hufbauer and R. Baldwin The Shape of a US-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

 D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2006) "Technical Aspects of the Gravity and CGE Models" in G. Hufbauer and R. Baldwin The Shape of a US-Switzerland Free Trade Agreement, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

A. Caplan and J. Gilbert (2005) "Excel Based Resource Extraction Simulations" online supplement to T. Tietenberg Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (7th Edition) Addison-Wesley.

D. Holland, E. Figueroa, R. Alvarez and J. Gilbert (2005) "The Removal of Agricultural Price Bands in Chile: A General Equilibrium Analysis" in R. Chumacero and K. Schmidt-Hebbel (eds) General Equilibrium Models for the Chilean Economy, Central Bank of Chile, Santiago.

J. Gilbert, R. Scollay and B. Bora (2004) "New Regional Trading Developments in the Asia-Pacific" in S. Yusuf, M. Altaf and K. Nabeshima (eds) Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives, Oxford University Press, New York.

D. DeRosa and J. Gilbert (2004) "Quantitative Estimates of the Economic Impacts of US Bilateral Free Trade Agreements" in J. Schott (ed) Free Trade Agreements: US Strategies and Priorities, Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

J. Gilbert and T. Wahl (2002) "Agricultural Liberalization Beyond Uruguay: US Options and Interests" in P.L. Kennedy and W.W. Koo (eds) Agricultural Trade Policies in the New Millennium, Haworth Press, Binghamton, New York.

 J. Gilbert (2001) "Simulating the Effect of a Korea-US FTA Using Computable General Equilibrium Techniques" in I. Choi and J. Schott Free Trade between Korea and the United States? Institute for International Economics, Washington DC.

 J. Gilbert, R. Scollay and T. Wahl (2001) "APEC and Agriculture: Integrating Liberalization and Capacity Building Policies" in H.J. Michelmann, J. Rude, J. Stabler and G. Storey (eds) Globalization and Agricultural Trade Policy, Lynne Reinner Publishers, Boulder.

J. Gilbert (1999) "Forestry Export Restrictions and Carbon Emissions in New Zealand" in R. Ratnayake (ed) Trade and the Environment: A New Zealand Perspective, Ashgate, Aldershot.

J. Gilbert (1996) "Forestry Products" Chapter 4 in I. Yamazawa and S. Okuda (eds) Impediments to Trade in APEC: The Case of Japan, Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo. 



* Link is to a working paper version of the article/chapter, which may differ slightly from the final published version.