JFL Research

Je rêve d'un jour où l'égoïsme ne régnera plus dans les sciences, où on s'associera pour étudier, au lieu d'envoyer aux académiciens des plis cachetés, on s'empressera de publier ses moindres observations pour peu qu'elles soient nouvelles, et on ajoutera " je ne sais pas le reste". Évariste Galois (1811-1832)

(I dream that one day selfishness will no longer reign on Sciences, and that we will get together to study, instead of sending academicians sealed envelopes, we will hasten to publish in details all of our observations hoping they are new ones, and we will add "I do not know what follows".)

I now put my research papers on the hal archives. Older ones are availlable on this page. If there is no link, or the link does not work, just send me an e-mail and I will send the requested paper.

In English, experiments

  • Designing preference voting (2021) Electoral Studies 69: 102262. Philipp Harfst, Damien Bol and Jean-François Laslier.

  • The 2017 French presidential election. Were voters happy with their first-round vote? (2018) French Politics 16(4), 439452 with Sébastien Courtin and Isabelle Lebon.

  • Democracy for polarized commitees: The tale of Blottos’s lieutenants (2017) with Alessandra Casella and Antonin Macé. Final version published in Games and Economic Behavior 106: 239–259.

  • How voters use grades in evaluative voting (2017) with Antoinette Baujard, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim, and Isabelle Lebon. Final version in the European Journal of Political Economy.

  • Addressing Europe's democratic deficit: An experimental evaluation of the pan-European district proposal (2016). D. Bol, Ph Harfst, et al. Final version published in European Union Politics, 2016, vol 17, pages 525-545.

  • Electoral systems and support for female candidates (2015) with Sona Golder, Laura Stephenson, Karine Van der Straeten, André Blais, Damien Bol and Philipp Harfst. Final version published in Politics & Gender 13 (1): 107–131 (2017).

  • Citizens' preferences about voting rules: self-sinterest, sincerity and ideology (2015) Published in Public Choice. 164: 423-442. With André Blais, François Poinas and Karine Van der Straeten.

  • Individual behavior under evaluative voting: a comparison between laboratory and In Situ experiments (2015) with Antoinette Baujard, Frederic Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim, and Isabelle Lebon . Final version published in the book Voting Experiments edited by by Blais, Laslier and Van der Straeten and published by Springer.

  • Measuring perceptions of candidate viability in voting experiments (2015) with Simon Labbé St-Vincent, André Blais, Martial Foucault, Nicolas Sauger and Karine Van der Straeten.

  • The EuroVotePlus experiment (2014) with André Blais, Damien Bol, Sona Golder, Philipp Harfst, Laura Stephenson and Karine Van der Straeten. Final version in the journal European Union Politics (2015)

  • To vote or to abstain? An experimental test of rational calculus in FPTP and PR elections (2014) with André Blais, Jean-Benoit Pilet, Maxime Heroux-Legault and Karine Van der Straeten. Final version published in Electoral Studies 36: 39–50.

  • About political polarization in Africa: an experiment on Approval Voting in Benin (2013) with Alda Kabre, Karine Van der Straeten and Léonard Wantchekon.

  • Patterns of strategic voting in run-off elections (2013) with Karine Van der Straeten and André Blais. Forthcoming as a chapterof the book Strategic Voting eidyed by Aldrich, Blais, and Stephenson.

  • Who is favored by evaluative voting: an experiment conducted during the 2012 French presidential election (2012) with Antoinette Baujard, Frederic Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim, and Isabelle Lebon . Final version published as: “Evaluative voting: an experiment during the 2012 French presidential election” Electoral Studies 34: 131–145 (2014).

  • Vote Au Pluriel: How do people vote under different voting rules (2012) with Karine Van der Straeten and André Blais. Published in PS: Political Science and Politics.

  • And the loser is... Plurality Voting " (2011) The final version is published in the book Electoral Systems edited by Dan Felsenthal and Moshé Machover (Springer, 2012).

  • Laboratory experiments about approval voting (2010) Published in the Handbook of Approval Voting (Laslier and Sanver, eds.) Springer.

  • Interpersonal comparisons of utility in bargaining: evidence from a trans-continental ultimatum game (2009) with Romina Boarini and Stéphane Robin. Published in Theory and Decision 64(4): 341-373.

  • Lessons from In Situ experiments during French elections (2009) Published in the book: In Situ and Laboratory Experiments on Electoral Law Reform (B. Dolez, B. Grofman, and A. Laurent, eds.) Springer, pp. 90–104 (2011).

  • Sincere, strategic, and heuristic voting under four election rules: an experimental study with André Blais, Nicolas Sauger and Karine Van der Straeten. Published in Social Choice and Welfare 35: 435-472 (2009).

  • Vote choice in one-ound and two-round elections with André Blais, Simon Labbé-Saint Vincent, Nicolas Sauger and Karine Van der Straeten (2009). Published in Political Research Quarterly.

  • A live experiment on approval voting with Karine Van der Straeten. Final version published in the journal Experimental Economics 11: 97-105 (2008).

  • One-round versus two-round elections: an experimental study with André Blais, Annie Laurent, Nicolas Sauger and Karine Van der Straeten. Final version published in the journal French Politics 5: 278-286 (2007).

In English, theory and other topics

  • Universalization and altruism (2021) A theoretical point in Ethics and Evolutionary Game theory.

  • Homo moralis goes to the voting booth: coordination and information aggregation (2020) with Ingela Alger.

  • Do Kantians drive others to extinction ? (2019) This is about a point in John Roemer's book How we cooperate on the evolutionary theory of morality, published in the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 13(2) winter 2020 pp. 98-108.

  • A solution to the two-person implementation problem (2019) with Matias Nunez and Remzi Sanver.

  • Fixing match-fixing (2018) Marco Chater, Luc Arrondel, Jean-Pascal Gayant, and Jean-François Laslier.

  • Party preference representation (2020) Party Politics André Blais, Eric Guntermann, Vincent Arel-Bundock, Ruth Dassonneville, Jean-François Laslier, and Gabrielle Péloquin-Skulski

  • A mixed-utility theory of vote choice regret (2018) Public Choice 176 (3-4): 461–478. With André Blais and Damien Bol.

  • Messi, Ronaldo, and the Politics of Celebrity Elections: Voting For the Best Soccer Player in the World” (2019) Perspectives on Politics 18(1): 91–110. Chris Anderson, Luc Arrondel, André Blais, Jean-François Daoust, Jean-François Laslier, and Karine Van der Straeten.

  • The strange "Majority Judgment" (2018). This paper exposes the principle of the "best median" choice and its consequences in the case of a vote. The final version is published in the Revue Economique (2019).

  • Decision under psychological pressure: the shooter's anxiety at the penalty kick (2018) with Luc Arrondel and Richard Duhautois.

  • What do multiwinner voting rules do: an experiment over the two-dimensional Euclidean domain (2017) with Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron, Arkadii Slinko, and Nimrod Talmon. AAAI2017.

  • Multiwinner Approval Rules as Apportionment Methods (2016) AAAI-2017, with Markus Brill and Piotr Skowron. Final version published in the Journal of Theoretical Politics in 2018.

  • A multiwinner election: the 2016 Social Choice and Welfare Council election (2016) with Tobias Rachidi.

  • Modeling representation of minorities under multiwinner voting rules (2016) Piotr Faliszewski, Jean-François Laslier, Robert Scheafer, Piotr Skowron, Arkadii Slinko, and Nimrod Talmon. ArXiv:1604.02364v1

  • Strategic voting in multi-winner elections with approval balloting: a theory for large electorates (2016) with Karine Van der Straeten. Published in Social Choice and Welfare 47: 559-587.

  • The consequences of internationalization on the research topics in Economics (2016) Final version published in European Political Science.

  • Reaching consensus through simultaneous bargaining (2015) with Matias Nunez and Carlos Pimienta.

  • Opportunist politicians and the evolution of electoral competition (2015) with Bilge Ozturk. Final version published in the Journal of Evolutionary Economics (2016) 26: 381-406.

  • Bargaining Through Approval (2015) with Matias Nunez. Final version published in the Journal of Mathematical Economics (2016).

  • Stubborn Learning (2013) with Bernard Walliser. Final version published in Theory and Decision (2015).

  • Reinforcement learning from comparisons: Three is enough, two is not (2012) with Benoît Laslier. Final version published in the Annals of Applied Probability (2017).

  • Optimal apportionment With Yukio Koriyama, Antonin Macé and Rafael Treibich. Published in the Journal of Political Economy in 2013.

  • Heuristic voting under the Alternative Vote (2011)

  • Preference intensity representation: Strategic overstating in large elections (2012) with Matias Nunez. (The title of previous versions was: Overstating, a tale of two cities.) Final version published in Social Choice and Welfare in 2014.

  • Why not proportional? (2011) Published in a special issue of Mathematical Social Sciences on the "Cambridge Compromise".

  • The allocation between the EU member states of the seats in the Europen Parliament: The Cambridge Compromise (2011) by G. Grimmet, in collaboration with JF. Laslier, F. Pukelsheim, V. Ramirez, R. Rose, W. Slomczynski, M. Zachariasen, and K. Zyczkowski, European Parliament, Constitutional Affairs. (link to the versions in English, French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish, )

  • Costless honesty in voting (2010) with Bhaskar Dutta. (Slides of a presentation in Moscow.)

  • On comparing median evaluations in single-peaked domains (2009) Early version of the article "On chosing the alternative with best median evaluation" Public Choice. 153(3): 269–277 (2012).

  • An incentive-compatible Condorcet jury theorem with Jörgen Weibull. Previous titles : "Commitee decision: optimality and equilibrium" and "Incentives for informative voting." Published in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics.

  • - In Silico voting experiments Published in the Handbook of Approval Voting (Laslier and Sanver, eds.) Springer.

  • The Leader Rule: a model of strategic approval voting in a large electorate Published in the Journal of Theoretical Politics (2009)

  • Euclidean preferences (2008) with Anna Bogomolnaia. Final version published in the Journal of Mathematical Economics.

  • Spatial approval voting. Final version published in the journal Political Analysis 14: 160-185 (2006).

  • Approval voting: three examples with Francesco De Sinopoli and Bhaskar Dutta. Final version published in the International Journal of Game Theory 35: 27-38 (2006).

  • Ambiguity in electoral competition. Published in the journal Economics of Governance 7: 185-210 (2006).

  • Euclidean dissimilarities (2005) An unpublished note devoted to the question: What are the qualitative properties of the binary relation "these two points are closer one to the other than these two other points are" ?

  • " Party objectives in the "divide a dollar" electoral competition" The final version of this paper is published in a book in the honor of Jeff Banks : Social Choice and Strategic Decisions, edited by David Austen-Smith and John Duggan, Springer (2005).

  • The evolutionary analysis of signal games. The final version of this paper is published in : Cognitive Economics, edited by Paul Bourgine and Jean-Pierre Nadal, Springer (2003).

  • Voting under ignorance of job skills of unemployed: the overtaxation bias with Alain Trannoy and Karine Van der Straeten. Published in the Journal of Public Economics 87: 595-626 (2003).

  • " How two-party competition treats minorities" The final version of this paper is published in the Review of Economic Design 7: 297-307 (2002).

  • " Distributive poltics and electoral competition" with Nathalie Picard. The final version of this paper is published in the Journal of Economic Theory 103: 106-130 (2002).

En Francais

  • Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat : Les citoyens de la Convention comparés à un échantillon représentatif de la population française (2020) Adrien Fabre, Bénédicte Apouey, Thomas Douenne, Louis-Gaëtan Giraudet, Jean-François Laslier et Antonin Macé.

  • Existe-t-il un avantage à commencer la séance de tirs au but au football ? (2020) Statistique et Société, vol 8, n°2, pages 49–59. Avec Luc Arondel et Richard Duhautois.

  • Voter Autrement: Le recours à l'évaluation (2019) publié aux Presses de l'ENS, dans la collection des opuscules du CEPREMAP.

  • Le référendum d'initiative citoyenne délibératif (2019) Rapport Terra Nova, écrit avec L. Blondiaux, M.-A. Cohendet, M. Fleury, B. François, J. Lang, T. Pech, Q. Sauzay et F. Sawicki.

  • Une dose de proportionnelle: pourquoi, comment, laquelle ? (2018) Rapport Terra Nova, écrit avec Marie-Anne Cohendet, Jerôme Lang, Thierry Pech et Frédéric Sawicki.

  • Notes sur les élections des députés à l'Assemblée Nationale (2017) Une reflexion, et une proposition, pour réformer les élection législatives françaises.

  • L'étrange "Jugement Majoritaire" (2017) Ce texte expose le principe de la meilleure médiane et ses conséquences dans le cas du vote. La version finale est parue dans la Revue Economique (2019).

  • La démocratie représentative ? Comprendre les modes de scrutin (2017) Un article de vulgarisation paru dans la lettre de l'INSHS en mars 2017.

  • Ce que le vote par approbation révèle des préférences des électeurs français (2016). Revue Economique. Isabelle Lebon, Antoinette Baujard, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim et Jean-François Laslier.

  • The allocation between the EU member states of the seats in the Europen Parliament: The Cambridge Compromise (2011) by G. Grimmet, in collaboration with JF. Laslier, F. Pukelsheim, V. Ramirez, R. Rose, W. Slomczynski, M. Zachariasen, and K. Zyczkowski, European Parliament, Constitutional Affairs. (version française)

  • Pivots et élections (2016) Paru dansla revue l'Actualité Economique. Avec Matias Nunez.

  • Systèmes électoraux, qualité de la représentation : qu’apporte la science économique à la science politique ? (2016) Article écrit avec André Blais et paru dans la revue "Regards croisés sur l'économie"

  • La question du vote: expérimentations en laboratoire et in situ (2012) Paru dans l'Actualité Economique. Avec Antoinette Baujard et Herrade Igersheim.

  • Vote par approbation, vote par note: Une expérimentation lors de l'élection présidentielle du 22 avril 2012 avec Antoinette Baujard, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim et Isabelle Lebon. Article paru dans la Revue Economique 64: 345-356 (2013). Lire aussi le commentaire de Nicolas Brisset et François Allisson, du Centre d'études interdisciplinaires Walras-Pareto de Lausanne, ainsi que notre réaction à ce commentaire..

  • VoteAuPluriel Compte-rendu factuel de l'opération "Vote Au Pluriel" réalisée en ligne à l'occasion de l'élection présidentielle française de Mai 2012.

  • "Compte-rendu de l’expérimentation des votes par approbation et par note lors des élections présidentielles françaises le 22 avril 2012 à Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg et Louvigny le 22 avril 2012" avec Antoinette Baujard, Frédéric Gavrel, Herrade Igersheim et Isabelle Lebon (2012)

  • "La perception de la pauvreté et des inégalités. I: Enquêtes d'opinion ; II: Economie expérimentale" avec Karine Van der Straeten. Deux chapitres du tome IV des Leçons de philosophie économique: La pauvreté dans les pays riches, édité par Alain Leroux et Pierre Livet, éditions Economica, 2009.

  • " L'apprentissage dans les jeux" La version finale de cet article est publié dans L'Economie Cognitive, édité par Bernard Walliser, éditions Ofrys, 2008.

  • Election présidentielle: une expérience pour un autre mode de scrutin with Karine Van der Straeten. Version finale publiée: Revue Française de Science Politique 54: 99-130 (2004).

  • Richard McKelvey et la théorie politique Version finale publiée: Economie Publique, revue de l'IDEP (2005)

  • Analyse d'un scrutin d'assentiment. With Karine Van der Straeten. Version finale publiée: Quadrature 46: 5-12 (2002).