Professional Experience 

Since 2024 Head of the research group "Microstructure of Taxes and Transfers" at RWI

2023 Acting deputy head of the department "Macroeconomics and Public Finance" at RWI

Since 2018             RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, researcher at the Department of Macroeconomics and Public Finance 

2016 – 2018           DIW Econ, research associate / consultant 

2014 – 2017           Free University of Berlin, research associate at the Chair of Empirical Public Economics (Prof. Viktor Steiner)


2013 – 2017            Dr. rer. Pol. in Economics, Free University of Berlin

Thesis: „Labor Supply, Taxation, and the Distribution of Income“ (summa cum laude)


Viktor Steiner (first supervisor, FU Berlin)

 Richard Blundell (second supervisor, UCL)

 Giacomo Corneo (FU Berlin)

 Peter Haan (FU Berlin, DIW Berlin)

2010 – 2012           Master in Public Economics, Free University of Berlin

2006– 2010           Bachelor in Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Free University of Bolzano