Teaching & Responsabilities

Current courses

BUT GACO (Université Lyon 3)

Principles in Economics I (Lecturer) - 1st year BUT GACO - in English if foreign students present 

Principles in Economics II (Lecturer) -  1st year BUT GACO - in English if foreign students present

General Economics (Lecturer) - 1st year BUT Info-Comm

Saé intervention (economic dimension and territorial diagnosis)

IEJ (Université Lyon 3)

Economics (Lecturer)

Faculty of law, Economics and Management (Le Mans Université)

Introduction to SAS - M1 Health Economics

Introduction to VBA - M1 Health Economics and M1 Banking, Finance, Insurance

Data mining in R - M1 Health Economics

Health Economics 1 - M1 Health Economics 

SAS programming and SQL - M2 Health Economics

Creation of human/machine interfaces using VBA - M2 Health Economics and M2 Banking, Finance, Insurance

Current responsabilities (Université Lyon 3)

Chief of GACO department - BUT GACO Lyon 

In charge of work-study programs in BUT 2 and 3 (MdFS cursus)

Coordinator of international relations - BUT GACO 

Organizer of 3 "Learning and Assessment Opportunities" 

Old courses

Faculty of law, Economics and Management (Le Mans Université)

- Teaching assistant in Principles in Macroeconomics- Licence 1 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Probability - Licence 1 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Statistics - Licence 1 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Quantitative analysis - Licence 1 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Principles in Economics - Licence 1 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Macroeconomics - Licence 2 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Software Programming 1  - Licence 2 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Software Programming 2  - Licence 2 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Applied Econometrics  - Licence 3 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in General Equilibrium  - Licence 3 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Labour Economics - Licence 3 (undergraduate)

- Teaching assistant in Monetary Economics - Licence 3 (undergraduate)

Faculty of Law, Economics and Management (Université de Paris)

IUT (Université Lyon 3)

IUT GACO (Université Lyon 3)

Old responsabilities (Université Lyon 3)