Expertise: Neurophysiology (high-density recordings), Neuro-ethology (humand and non-human primates), and Neuro-computation (machine and reinforcement learning).


Professional Experience

2018 to present. Associate Research Scientist at the Paris Brain Institute (France).

2017.               Invited Research Scientist at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris, France).

2015-2017.          Associate Research Scientist, Dept. of Neuroscience, Columbia University, New York, USA

2010-2015.          Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Salzman Lab, Columbia University, New York, USA

2004-2010.          PhD Candidate at the Centre de Neurosciences Cognitives (CNC, Bron, France).

2003-2004.          Rotation in Dr. Pelisson Team (‘Action and Space’ lab, INSERM, Bron, France).

2003-2004.    Research assistant in Pr. Proteau Team (‘Human Movement Control Lab’, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada).



2010-2015.      Postdoctoral Research Scholar, Salzman Lab, Columbia University, New York, USA

2004-2010.    PhD, Cognitive Neuroscience, Lyon 1, France. “With honours”. Supervisor: Dr. Duhamel (CNC, Bron, France), co-advisor: Dr. Deneve (ENS, Paris, France).

2003-2004.      MSc (2nd year), Neuroscience, Claude Bernard University Lyon 1. “With honours”.

2002-2003.      MSc (1st year), Physical Science, University of Montreal, Canada. “With honours”.


Other Diploma

2006.                 Level I/A (European) Certification of Biological Experimentation

2019.   Experimental Surgery Certification


Grants, Fellowships and Awards:

2020-2025 Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (CIRCLE, PRC ANR-19-CE37-0014-01)  (542000€)

2020-2021 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship (VINCI, H2020-MSCA-IF-2018#84517)  (197000€)

2012-2014         Philippe Foundation Fellowship (11000€)

2010-2012         Fyssen Foundation Fellowship (60000€)

2010                  'Motivational and Cognitive Control' symposium travel grant (Oxford, UK) 

2007                   FRM doctoral fellowship (Medical research foundation, France) (24000€)

2007                   European Science Foundation travel grant (San Feliu, Spain) 

2006                   'Cortical control of higher motor cognition' travel grant (Lubeck, Germany)

2005                   European Science Foundation travel grant (San Feliu, Spain)

2003-2004         Merit fellowship awarded by the French minister of education (M.Sc.)

2002-2003         Fellowship for the international mobility (Rhone-Alpes region, France)

Reviewer (2020):

Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Scientific Reports.