Taejin Kim:


I am a software engineer at Meta a.k.a. Facebook (2022.05~), developing distributed file metadata system for warm storage. Before that, I worked at Automated Profitability Management team, Amazon (2019.11~2022.03), developing system for negotiators to make better profit from vendors, and also worked at Kakao Corp. (2016.08~2019.11), developing web caching server, distributed data storage server, and engaging in organizing Kakao programming interview. Now, I am interested in overall computer science fields, especially focus on backend infrastructure or platforms having unique technical challenges, and would like to work on a team that works on long-term projects that give impacts over time.

Interest fields: Distributed Data Storage, Resource Orchestration, Serverless Service, and Software Engineering (Automated Software Testing, Static Analysis).

I received Master of Science (M.S.) at KAIST, School of Computing (2016.08), and researched on Software Testing & Verification Group (SWTV). My main research topics were Automated Software Testing and Static Program Analysis. Also, I was a MS student representative on SoC. I got B.S. at Chung-Ang University, CSE dept. (2014.08, Summa Cum Laude). I was an undergraduate research student of RTSE Lab on CAU, and was a member of ZeroPage.

- Vancouver, BC, Canada

- Language : Korean (native), English

- Contact: taejin _at_ taejin.me