Jeremiah Green
Published Papers
“Market uncertainty and the importance of media coverage at earnings announcements,” with Sam Bonsall and Karl Muller. Journal of Accounting and Economics 69(1) 101-264 (February 2020).
“Are Credit Ratings More Rigorous for Widely Covered Firms?,” with Sam Bonsall and Karl Muller. The Accounting Review 93:6, 61-94 (November 2018).
"Hedge fund voluntary disclosure" with Gavin Cassar, Joseph Gerakos, John Hand, and Matthew Neal. The Accounting Review 93:2, 117-135 (March 2018).
“The Characteristics that Provide Independent Information about Average U.S. Monthly Stock Returns,” with John Hand and Frank Zhang. Review of Financial Studies 30:12, 4389-4436 (December 2017).
“Analysts' Influence on Managers' Guidance” with Kimball Chapman. The Accounting Review 93:1, 45-69 (January 2018).
“The use of residual income valuation methods by U.S. sell-side equity analysts,” with Joshua Coyne, John Hand, and Frank Zhang. Journal of Financial Reporting Spring 2017, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-29.
“Errors and Questionable Judgments in Analysts' DCF Models,” with John Hand and Frank Zhang. Review of Accounting Studies 21:2, 596-632 (June 2016).
“The Supraview of Return Predictive Signals” with John Hand and Frank Zhang. Review of Accounting Studies 18:3, 692-730 (September 2013).
Supplementary reference list for RPS papers
“Are Hedge Funds Systemically Important?” with Greg Brown and John Hand, Journal of Derivatives 20:2, 8-25 (2012).
“Going, going, gone? The apparent demise of the accruals anomaly” with John Hand and Mark Soliman, Management Science 55:5, 797-816 (May 2011).
“The importance of accounting information in portfolio optimization” with John Hand, Journal of Auditing, Accounting, and Finance, 26:1, 1-34 (January 2011).