Jeremiah Green


Published Papers

“The Asymmetric Mispricing Information in Analysts' Target Prices,” with John Hand and Anywhere Sikochi. Accepted at Review of Accounting Studies​. 

“Forecasting earnings and returns: A review of recent advancements” with Wanjia Zhao. Journal of Finance and Data Science 8, 120-137 (November 2022). 

Intangible Investments, Scaling, and the Trend in the Accrual–Cash Flow Association,” with Henock Louis and Jalal Vafi Sani. Forthcoming at Journal of Accounting Research.

Market uncertainty and the importance of media coverage at earnings announcements,” with Sam Bonsall and Karl Muller. Journal of Accounting and Economics 69(1) 101-264 (February 2020). 

 “Are Credit Ratings More Rigorous for Widely Covered Firms?,” with Sam Bonsall and Karl Muller. The Accounting Review 93:6, 61-94 (November 2018).

"Hedge fund voluntary disclosure" with Gavin Cassar, Joseph Gerakos, John Hand, and Matthew Neal. The Accounting Review 93:2, 117-135 (March 2018).

 “The Characteristics that Provide Independent Information about Average U.S. Monthly Stock Returns,” with John Hand and Frank Zhang. Review of Financial Studies 30:12, 4389-4436 (December 2017). 

             SAS file for code to create firm characteristics and returns pulling from Compustat, CRSP, and IBES through WRDS

 “Analysts' Influence on Managers' Guidance” with Kimball Chapman. The Accounting Review 93:1, 45-69 (January 2018).

                        Online appendix

The use of residual income valuation methods by U.S. sell-side equity analysts,” with Joshua Coyne, John Hand, and Frank Zhang. Journal of Financial Reporting Spring 2017, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1-29.

Errors and Questionable Judgments in Analysts' DCF Models,” with John Hand and Frank Zhang.  Review of Accounting Studies 21:2, 596-632 (June 2016).

 “The Supraview of Return Predictive Signals” with John Hand and Frank Zhang. Review of Accounting Studies 18:3, 692-730 (September 2013).

                Supplementary reference list for RPS papers

 “Are Hedge Funds Systemically Important?” with Greg Brown and John Hand, Journal of Derivatives 20:2, 8-25 (2012).

 “Going, going, gone? The apparent demise of the accruals anomaly” with John Hand and Mark Soliman, Management Science 55:5, 797-816 (May 2011).

The importance of accounting information in portfolio optimization” with John Hand, Journal of Auditing, Accounting, and Finance, 26:1, 1-34 (January 2011).