

I am a PhD student in the department of Linguistics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and a member of the computational neurolinguistics lab and Contact, Cognition, and Change lab

My primary interests are neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, second language acquisition, and bilingual processing. 

As an L2 learner myself, learning a new language has always been a both fascinating and challenging task. Hence, my major research goal is explore the cognitive mechanisms in processing multiple languages using psycholinguistic, neurolinguistic, and computational tools.

Another interest I have is the role of memory resources in processing various syntactic structures and semantic cues, e.g. aspect, long distance dependencies, anaphora resolution.   

When I am not studying, I listen to music, read novels, and watch movies. I also love travel.

contact: jeonghwa at umich dot edu



[2024.05.01] I will be presenting on prediction during sentence comprehension at HSP 2024 and on speech adaptation at HSP 2024 and LABPHON 19!