WELCOME TO Information Communications
& Security lab@Yonsei Univ.
We are actively researching on future wireless communications techniques and security technologies.
Please contact Prof. Lee (with your CV and transcript) if you want to be a ICS lab member!
*** 정보통신 및 보안 연구실 - 박사과정, 석박사과정, 석사과정 및 학부연구생 모집 ***
current research areas
[02/2025] Our alumni, Dr. Donghyun Yu, will be an Assistant Professor at School of Artificial Intelligence, Chonnam National University (전남대 인공지능학부 조교수). Congratulations!
[02/2025] Our new alumni, Dr. Seongjun Kim, Dr. Sinwoong Yun, and Dr. Mingun Kim, will join ETRI(한국전자통신연구원) as a senior researcher. Congratulations!
[12/2024] Yong and Mingun received the Excellent Research Award at the 16th Electronic Times ICT Paper Competition Awards (제16회 전자신문 ICT논문 공모대제전 우수상) [Link]. Congratulations!
[11/2024] Lingyan received the Best Presentation Award at the A3 Foresight Program 2024, Beijing, China. Congratulations!
[09/2024] Jemin is now serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
[03/2024] Yong won the 3rd prize for 2023 SKKU Research Matters (대학원 연구성과 경진대회). Congratulations!
[09/2023] We moved to Yonsei University.
[06/2023] Junhyeong won the Outstanding Paper Award of 2023 KICS Conference. Congratulations!
[02/2023] Sinwoong won the Bronze Prize from Samsung Humantech Paper Award (삼성 휴먼테크 논문 대상 동상). Congratulations!
[08/2022] Jemin is now serving as an Area Editor for IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking (TMLCN) and an Associate Editor for IEEE Communications Magazine.
[07/2022] We moved to Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).
[06/2021] Chanwon and Hewon become the awardees of 2021 Research Program for Cultivating Follow-up Generation of Science and Engineering (연구재단 박사과정생 연구장려금 지원 사업) by NSF. Congratulations!
[04/2021] Jemin is recognized as AI 2000 Most Influential Scholars Honorable Mention in Internet of Things (IoT).
[03/2021] Jemin is elected to a Chair of IEEE ComSoc Radio Communications Technical Committee (RCC) for the term of 2021-2022.
[12/2020] Dongsun won 2020 Outstanding Researcher Award of DGIST. Congratulations!
[12/2020] Jemin won 2020 Haedong Young Engineering Researcher Award (해동젊은공학인상) by KICS. Congratulations!
[06/2020] Our new book "Ultra-dense Networks: Principles and Applications," by Cambridge Univ. Press will be published in Sep. 2020.
[05/2020] Our paper won the 2020 IEEE Communication Society Young Author Best Paper Award. Congratulations!
[05/2020] Jemin is serving as a Symposium Co-Chair of 2020 IEEE Global Communication Conference (GLOBECOM).
[05/2020] Jemin is serving as a Publication Chair of 2020 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC).
[01/2020] Sudarshan (our Postdoc researcher) joined Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati as an Assistant Professor. Congratulations!
[09/2019] Jemin gave an invited talk at the Northeast Asia Symposium on IoT with Intelligence (2019), titled "IoT Intelligence by Edge Computing"
[02/2019] Sinwoong becomes the awardee of 2019 DGIST Presidential Fellowship (DGIST 총장 장학생). Congratulations!
[12/2018] Jemin is elected to a Vice-chair of IEEE ComSoc Radio Communications Technical Committee (RCC) for the term of 2019-2020.
[10/2018] Jemin is serving as a Track Co-Chair of 2019 IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
[09/2018] Dongsun becomes the awardee of 2018 DGIST Presidential Fellowship (DGIST 총장 장학생). Congratulations!
[04/2018] Jemin is serving as a Symposium Co-Chair of 2018 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Process (WCSP).
[02/2018] Jemin will serve as a Secretary for IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Board (APB) for the term of 2018-2019.
[01/2018] Minsu (master student) won the Outstanding Paper Award of 2017 KICS Conference.
[10/2017] Our paper won the 2017 IEEE Communication Society (ComSoc) AP Outstanding Paper Award.
[10/2017] Jemin gave an invited talk at the 2017 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), titled "Computing at the Edge for 5G and IoT"
[10/2017] Jemin is serving as a Track Co-Chair of 2017 IEEE Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
[07/2017] Jemin organized a special session on `Security and Trust' at 2017 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC).
[12/2016] Jemin is elected to a Secretary of IEEE ComSoc Radio Communications Technical Committee (RCC) for 2017-2018.
[07/2016] Jemin organized a special session on '5G technologies for D2D, M2M and V2V communications' at 2016 IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC).
[06/2016] Jemin joined DGIST.
[05/2016] Jemin organized 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Workshop on Wireless Physical Layer Security.
[07/2015] Jemin and Jue organized the 6th Brainstorming Workshop on 5G Wireless, Sep. 2015.
[03/2015] Jemin gave a talk at the seminar for LTE 4G + Technologies, organized by Rohde & Schwarz, titled "Toward 5G Cellular"
[10/2014] Jemin won the 2014 IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Asia-Pacific (AP) Outstanding Young Researcher Award.
[10/2014] Jemin received the Best Paper Award (with H. Yang and T. Q.S. Quek) at 2014 IEEE Int. Conf. Wireless Commun. and Signal Processing (WCSP).
[12/2013] Jemin gave an invited talk at Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), Daejeon, Korea, titled "Wireless Security at the Physical Layer"
[11/2013] Jemin becomes the awardee of 2013 Temasek Research Fellowship. [Photo]
Address: Rm. C615, 50 Yonsei-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
주소: (03722) 서울특별시 서대문구 연세로 50 연세대학교 제3공학관 C615호(교수실), 제2공학관 B727호(연구실)