Expert Work

I regularly speak to attorneys, forensic scientists, police, and judges about psycholegal issues, especially cognitive bias in forensic contexts. See my CV for a full list of CLEs and invited talks.

Sample Presentations:

To Err is Human: Cognitive Bias in Forensic Science

Building a Better Black Box: Common Criticisms of Forensic Validation Studies

The Psychology of Interrogations and False Confessions

Becoming Geppetto: The Science and Nonsense of Lie Detection

A User's Guide to Forensic Science

Please e-mail me directly if you are interested in having me speak to your organization.

I also provide expert consultation and/or testimony, particularly in criminal cases or post-conviction appeals where the reliability of forensic or medicolegal evidence is at issue.

Attorneys seeking expert assistance should e-mail me directly. While I typically receive more requests than I can accommodate, I will gladly assist to the best of my ability.

Since 2022, I have served as Vice Chair of the Human Factors Task Group of the NIST Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) for Forensic Science.

See here for more information about OSAC's mission to strengthen forensic science by developing and promoting best practices and standards.