
Jeevant Rampal                                                                                                

Welcome to my website. I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. I have a PhD in Economics from the Ohio State University. My Email is: jeevantr@iima.ac.in.

My research, teaching, and consulting interests are Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Game Theory, Mechanism Design, Gender Economics, Industrial Organization, Development Economics, and Agricultural Economics.

This website contains drafts of my working papers and online appendices, and links to my published papers (see the 'Research' page). The 'More' page contains some poetry, and the other pages are self explanatory. My CV and contact details are given below.

Curriculum Vitae: Link to CV. 

Openings for research assistant  positions with me: Link to ad. Deadline: 4th June, 2023.

Contact details:

Email: jeevantr@iima.ac.in, or jeevantrampal@gmail.com.

Phone: +91-79-7152-4939 (direct) / 7938 (secretary).

KLMDC Room 60, IIM Ahmedabad Old Campus

Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380015.