Curriculum vitae

Curriculum vitae

Chair Professor at City University of Hong Kong

Membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France

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Jean-Michel Morel, professor of Mathematics at City University of Hong Kong , leads a researchers team on the mathematical image analysis methods. In the past decades, his team has co-designed with the French Space Agency several Earth observation satellites (SPOT5, Pleiades,, CSO, currently SMOS-HR). His team has introduced in image processing the use of Partial Differential Equations in Image processing, invented the nonlocal methods and the a contrario detection theory. Algorithms co-invented by JMM were implemented in more than 700 million cameraphones by DxO Labs, a world leader in software and hardware for cameras. JMM has cofounded in 2011 Image Processing on Line (, the first journal publishing reproducible algorithms, software and online executable articles. IPOL has published 200  reproducible articles, has collaborators in 15 universities and its public archives contain 350000 online experiments. JMM has advised 53 PhD students and is currently advising 12. His former PhD students have all become academics or have taken research positions in the industry. 


1980 PhD University P. et M. Curie. Adviser : Haïm Brezis

1985 Thèse d'Etat at University P. et M. Curie. Adviser : Haïm Brezis


1978-84 : Assistant Professor, University of Marseille-Luminy

1984-90 Assistant Professor, University Paris-Dauphine 

1989-2001 Associate Professor at Ecole Polytechnique (cumulative of the professor positions at Dauphine and Paris-Saclay)

1991-97 Professor at University Paris Dauphine

1992-2014 Associated foreign professor, Universitat de les Illes Balears  (cumulative of the professor positions at Dauphine and Paris-Saclay)

1997-2024  Professor at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan


1991: Prix de mathématiques Philip Morris

1992: Prix CISI de mathématiques appliquées

1996: Prix Science et Défense 

2008 : Plenary invited Conference at SIAM Annual Conf., San Diego

2010: Clay Senior Scholar at PCMI, Clay Mathematics Institute

2010: Senior Member of Institut Universitaire de France

2012: Tenth Anniversary of the Symposium on Geometry Processing one of three best papers

2012: Chinese-French competition for entrepreneurship and innovation award

2013: Grand Prix INRIA given by French Academy of Science

2014: Invited conference to the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM)

2015: Médaille de l'Innovation du CNRS (Innovation medal)

2015: Longuet Higgins prize (Computer vision IEEE prize)

2018: Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo

Commissions of trust

2000-present: Lectures Notes in Mathematics (LNM Springer).

1997-present: Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision

2007-2020: SIIMS (SIAM journal on Imaging Science)

2007-present: IPI (Inverse Problems and Imaging)

2009-present : IJCV (International Journal of Computer Vision)

2010-present: IPOL (Image Processing On Line): Founder and chairman

Main industrial collaboration and research funding projects

CNES Iimage processing line for the Earth Observation satellites SPOT5, Pléiades, and currently SMOS-Next.

DxO, French company specialized in image processing

Office of Naval Research (US Navy) (1994-present). Various developments of mathematical image analysis.

ERC (advanced grant): for the \Twelve labours in image processing" project". (2010-2015). Foundation of Image Processing On Line (

FUI-IdF New generation video surveillance and mobile phone cameras with high dynamic range. (2010-2015)

DEFALS ANR-DGA project (2017-2020). Its goal is to detect automatically still image falsi.cations.

Filmer la Terre, ANR-DGA ASTRID project (2018-2020). Automatic 3D reconstruction and change detection in earth satellite images.

Tarkett texture synthesis (2016-)

SURYS image watermarking (2017-).

Thalès (2017-) Aerial to satellite image registration

Kayrros (2017-) Automatic measurements of oil production and storage based on recurrent satellite imaging.

nam.r (2018-)  Automatic aerial image segmentation by transfer learning

Huawei (Video denoising)

Schlumberger (dip-picking)

Visionairy (image based fault detection in production chains)

Agence France Presse (detection of tampered news photographs)


Former PhD students (54)  and their current position

(Pr= professor, RD= research director, AP=associate professor, R= researcher, RE=Research Engineer, RD=Senior Researcher (Research Director)), PD= postdoc

France : Jacques Froment (Pr), Francoise Dibos (Pr), Georges Koepfler (AP), Antonin Chambolle (RD), Christian Lopez (RD), Frederic Guichard (RD), ThierryCohignac (RE), Lionel Moisan (Pr), Fr´ed´eric Cao (RD), Yann Gousseau (Pr), Simon Masnou (Pr), Denis Pasquignon (AP), Agn`es Desolneux (RD), FrancoisMalgouyres (Pr), Pascal Monasse (RD), Andr`es Almansa (R), Pablo Mus´e (Pr), Fr´ed´eric Sur (AP), Julie Delon (Pr), Sa¨ıd Ladjal (AP), Giuseppe Devillanova (AP),Marc Bernot (RE), Jérémie Jakubowicz (R), Jean-Pascal Jacob (RE), Bruno Galerne (AP), Rafael Grompone (R), Neus Sabater (RE), Julie Digne (R), AdinaCiomaga (PD), Zhongwei Tang (PD), Nicolas Limare (PD), Yohann Tendero (PD), Mauricio Delbracio (PD), Franc¸ois Alter (Counsellor, French Ministry ofFinance), Miguel Colom (PD), Marc Lebrun (R), Yiqing Wang (PD), José Lezama (PD), Samy  Blusseau (PD), Ives Rey Otero (PD), Carlo De Franchis (PD), Lara Raad (PD), Martin Rais (RE), Nicola Pierazzo (RE),  Charles Hessel (RE), Thibaud Briand (Pr highschool), Tristan Dagobert (PD), Axel Davy (RE), Thibaud Ehret (PD), Mariano Rodriguez (PD),  Jeremy Anger (RE), Marie de Masson d'Autume (PD), Marina Gardella (R), Tina Nikoukhah (PD), Quentin Bammey (PD), Max Dunitz (RE). Elyes Ouerghi (R), Adrien Courtois (RE), Roland Akiki (RE), Aitor Artola (PD).

Spain, Universitat lles Balears: Manolo Gonzalez (Pr), Catalina Sbert (Pr), Coloma Ballester (Pr), Jos´e Luis Lisani (Pr), Julio Esclarin (Pr), Toni Buad`es Capo (R),Ana Belen Petro (AP).

Other senior researchers that trained with me on image processing : Luis Alvarez (Pr), Tomeu Coll (Pr), Vicent Caselles (Pr).

Former coadvised foreing PhDs with UCLA (Andrea Bertozzi): Alex Chen (PD), Yifei Lou (AP). With UPC Barcelona (Ph. Salembier): Mariella Dimicoli (PD). 

Current PhD students :    Aitor Artola (coadvised with Thibaud Ehret), Max Dunitz (coadvised with Miguel Colom), Yanhao Li (coadvised with Rafael Grompone and MIguel Colom), Xavi Bou (informal coadviser), Franco Marchesoni (informal coadviser), Yujin Cho (informal coadviser), Kangning Cui (coadvised with Raymond Chan), Ruoning Li (coadvised with Raymond Chan), Wei Tang (coadvised with Raymond Chan).

Coadvising  for one year with Sung Ha: Yuchen He



Information Theory, Partial Differential equations for Image Processing, Functional and Fourier Analysis, Probability (agrégation de mathématiques),  Mathematical theories of image processing,  Image denoising: the human-machine contest,  Detection theory and its industrial applications

Main administrative duties 

I have been Lab. chairman for four years. I currently coordinate the bachelor research internships of  the mathematics department. In 2009, I reorganised the ENS Cachan’s teaching curriculum to include a 5-month research internship every year from Bachelor 3 to Master 5. I also chaired during four years the very successful master of mathematics Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage (MVA) (180 students/year). I am currently member of the selecting and promotion committees of CityU's maths department and member of CityU"s Senate.